Céline Mottaz, University of Bergen, Norway, autumn semester 2022
Share your experience
Feel free to let others know about your mobility exchange, whether during your stay abroad or on your return, through a blog, on social media, when meeting other students, etc. Your international experience is rich from the academic, personal and social point of view. Give others the benefit of it!
Don't forget to tag @unifr_international in your photos! Use hashtag #unifrinternational.
You have had the opportunity to go on an exchange abroad and have certainly had an incredible enriching experience! Now it's up to you to contribute in any way you can so that other students can have such an experience. We are counting on you!
You have finished your exchange semester at one of our partner universities, it is time to finalise your exchange semester by different steps:
Experience report
All students must complete the experience report, which will be an invaluable source of information for future outgoing students.
SEMP Final Report
Students who have completed a placement under the SEMP programme must also submit a final report for the Confederation.
Sending photos and information
The IRO has sent you an email asking you to share some photos of your experience and answer some questions. Your participation is also important to promote mobility.
International Fair - Share your experience to promote mobility
The IRO organises the International Fair every year on the last Tuesday in September in the Hall of Honour at Misericorde (from 16:00 to 18:30). Students will receive an email invitation towards the end of the summer to participate in this event by spending between 30 minutes and 2h30, depending on their availability. This is an opportunity to talk about their experience to visiting students who are planning to go on exchange. The IRO very much hopes to be able to count on your presence!