A brief overview01.07.2022

Marriage for all from 1 July - Different implementation by the religious communities recognised under public law

Since 1 July 2022, the marriage for all has been in force in Switzerland. At least at civil law level. This is due to the revision of the Civil Code that came into force. The religious communities recognised under public law in Switzerland have reacted differently to this change. For example, the Christian Catholic Church of Switzerland also decided to introduce marriage for all from 1 July 2022 at its National Synod on 11 June 2022.

The Protestant Reformed Church of Switzerland (EKS) already expressed its support for the ‘Marriage for All’ initiative in 2019 and confirmed its position in 2021. As implementation is the responsibility of the cantonal churches, it has progressed to varying degrees. In the cantonal churches of Bern-Jura-Solothurn, Solothurn, Uri and Vaud, for example, amendments to canon law are still necessary. In the remaining cantonal churches, however, same-sex couples have been able to marry in church since 1 July.

The Catholic Church will not allow same-sex couples to marry in church even beyond 1 July. The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG) also spoke out against marriage for all during the consultation on the amendment to the law in 2019. The media releases from the Swiss Bishops' Conference and the SIG explaining their position can be found in the links.

Press release of the Christian Catholic Church Switzerland (2022)

Press release from the Swiss Protestant Reformed Church (2021)

Press release of the Swiss Bishops' Conference (2021)

Press release of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG) (2019)