What is ORCiD
ORCiD iD is a 16-digit persistent identifier. It solves author’s name ambiguity, no matter how many people have the same (or similar) name, it identifies researchers and their publications irrespective of spelling, transliteration or name changes.
ORCiD is a non-for-profit initiative supported by universities, academies, research funders, publishing houses and libraries worldwide.
Creating your unique ORCiD is free (go to ORCiD.org), only takes one minute and you will always have the control over your ORCiD record.
Benefits of using ORCiD
Thanks to ORCiD the time spent by the researcher filling out forms and personal information is considerably reduced. The SNSF and other funding bodies already require that the applicants introduce their ORCiD.
The University of Fribourg recommends to create your ORCiD and link it to the University directory and the Research Information System (SIR) via MyUnifr. ORCiD’s interoperability with numerous Institutions and data providers will extend the visibility of your research activities.
Participate in the webinars to create or update your ORCiD profile