Mona Baie
Dr. med. , M.A.
PhD Student SNSF
Medicine Section
- 2012 to 2019: Medical degree, University of Heidelberg; Fellowship, German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
- 2015 to 2020: MD Dissertation (Dr. med.), Institute of the History of Medicine and Ethics in Medicine, University of Heidelberg; title: “The healthiest way of being ill…”? Sprache und Krankheitsmetaphern in dem Nachrichtenmagazin DER SPIEGEL und autobiographischer Literatur über Krebserkrankungen 1973–2013 (Adviser: Prof. Dr. Maike Rotzoll)
- 10/2020 to 10/2021: M.A., Health Humanities, University College London (UK); Graduate Fellowship, German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
- 10/2021 to 02/2023: Affiliated lecturer at the Universities of Heidelberg, Fribourg, and Berne; freelance research associate at the Chair of Medical Humanities, Fribourg University
- Since 02/2023: PhD student in Comparative Literature at the University of Fribourg, doctoral coursework in General and Comparative Literature; PhD project: “The Hospital Narratives: Telling Clinical Spaces in German- and English-language Autopathographical Prose of the 20th and 21st Centuries”
- Since 06/2023: Research associate, SNSF project “Medical Spaces in Literary Prose of the Long 20th Century” (Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina King; 2023-2027)
Research interests: Medical humanities and spatial studies, German- and English-languge literature of the 20th- and 21st centuries, history of medicine and the hospital 19th-21st century, illness metaphors, medical didactics
Research and publications
10 publications
«Krankenhaus, ach Krankenhaus»: Zur Bedeutung des Klinikraums in David Wagners ‹Leben› und ‹Verkin› im Kontext neuerer architektonischer Raumtheorien (in Vorbereitung) , in Das Medikale im Werk David Wagners
Mona Baie (2025) | Book chapterZeit der Diagnose: Erzählstruktur und Endlichkeitsreflexion in Ruth Schweikerts Autopathographie ‹Tage wie Hunde› (im Druck) , in Figuren der Diagnostik
Mona Baie (2025) | Book chapter«A Featureless Landscape of Humiliation and Loss»: Clinical Spaces and the Politics of Disability in Hilary Mantel’s ‹Giving Up the Ghost› (im Druck) , in Literary and Cultural Disability Studies
Mona Baie (2025) | Book chapterKrankheit und Medizin (mit Martina King) , in Zauberberg-Handbuch
Mona Baie (2025) | Book chapter