Maurizio Raselli

The most important aspects of my research are: 

History of industrial modernity
History of knowledge
Social and economic history

I always try to have as open an approach as possible to exchange with other people and disciplines useful for research and with innovative and enriching methods and approaches to the development of the subject studied. 


During my Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the University of Fribourg CH and Hartwick College NY-USA, I specialized in the history of knowledge, its development and reception. In addition, I had the opportunity to work on pedagogical research projects and obtain a teaching diploma. 

I'm interested in history in the broadest sense, also studying its mechanisms and social aspects, seeking to broaden horizons and trying to integrate seemingly distant aspects. 

I'm also a member of the Swiss Academy of Studies, with which I regularly organize events.

I am currently a doctoral student with Prof. Dr. Claude Hauser. With his team we are working on analyzing different aspects of the globalization of mountains and the role that Switzerland has played. In my research I am interested in how industrial modernity passed through mountaineering to reach other mountainous areas of the Earth.