Multisensory Perception and Plasticity

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Humanities
    Domain Psychology
    Code UE-L25.01398
    Languages English
    Type of lesson Seminar
    Level Master
    Semester SS-2025

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Monday 13:15 - 15:00, Hebdomadaire, RM 02, Room S-01.109 (Spring semester)


    • Vetter Petra
    • Vetter Petra

    This course will explore the interactions of the different senses, i.e. vision, audition, touch, proprioception, vestibular system, olfaction and gustation. We will read research articles on how the different senses influence each other in perception, behaviour and in the brain. We will also explore what happens to perception when a sense is lacking or is impaired, e.g. during blindness and deafness, and how the brain plastically rewires after sensory loss.

    The course will have the format of a journal club with in-depth discussions of multisensory research articles. Each student will present 1-2 research articles across the semester. The non-presenting students will have to submit questions on the discussed article in advance of the session. Regular attendance in the course is mandatory for successful completion. Assessment of this course will consist of a recorded presentation of a research article that hasn’t been discussed during the course, and that each student can choose (upon my approval). 

    Available seats 20
    Softskills No
    Off field No
    BeNeFri No
    Mobility No
    UniPop No
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    17.02.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    24.02.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    03.03.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    10.03.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    17.03.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    24.03.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    31.03.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    07.04.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    14.04.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    28.04.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    05.05.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    12.05.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    19.05.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
    26.05.2025 13:15 - 15:00 Cours RM 02, Room S-01.109
  • Assessments methods

    Exposé - SS-2025, Session d'été 2025

    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    recorded video presentation

    Exposé - SS-2025, Autumn Session 2025

    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    recorded video presentation

    Exposé - AS-2025, Session d'hiver 2026

    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    recorded video presentation

    Exposé - SS-2026, Session d'été 2026

    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    recorded video presentation

  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Digital Neuroscience (Specialised Master) 120 [MA]
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    sp-MSc in Digital Neuroscience, elective courses (practical courses, projects, seminars) > sp-MSc in Digital Neuroscience, elective courses (from AS2023 on)

    Psychology 30 [MA]
    Version: SA22_MA_PS_fr_de_bil_v01
    Option Developmental & School Psychology > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives
    Option Clinical Psychology & Health Psychology > 1 module à choix > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives
    Option Work & Organisational Psychology > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives
    Option Clinical Neuroscience > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives

    Psychology 30 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_PS_fr_de_bil_v01
    Option Clinical Psychology & Health Psychology > 1 module à choix > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives
    Option Developmental & School Psychology > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives
    Option Clinical Neuroscience > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives
    Option Work & Organisational Psychology > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives

    Psychology 90 [MA]
    Version: SA22_MA_PA_fr_de_bil_v01
    Options > Cognitive Neuroscience > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives

    Psychology 90 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_PA_fr_de_bil_v01
    Options > Cognitive Neuroscience > Méthodes en neurosciences cognitives

    sp-MSc-EBR, option Infection, Inflammation and Cancer [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp-MSc-EBR, option Infection, Inflammation and Cancer, courses and seminars (from AS2022 on) > sp-MSc-EBR, Common elective courses (from AS2022 on)

    sp-MSc-EBR, option Neuroscience [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp-MSc-EBR, option Neuroscience, courses and seminars (from AS2022 on) > sp-MSc-EBR, Common elective courses (from AS2022 on)

    sp-MSc-EBR, option Tissue Degeneration and Regeneration [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp-MSc-EBR, option Tissue Degeneration and Regeneration, courses and seminars (from AS2022 on) > sp-MSc-EBR, Common elective courses (from AS2022 on)