Conférence sur le travail de Master / Vortrag über die Masterarbeit / Presentation of the Master's thesis
Faculty Faculty of Science and Medicine Domain Mathematics Code UE-SMA.05802 Languages English , German, French Type of lesson Seminar
Level Master Semester AS-2022 Title
French Conférence sur le travail de Master German Vortrag über die Masterarbeit English Presentation of the Master's thesis Schedules and rooms
Struct. of the schedule 1h Teaching
Assessments methods
Assessments methods By success/failure Descriptions of Exams Acceptation de la conférence -
Valid for the following curricula: Additional Courses in Sciences
Version: ens_compl_sciences
Paquet indépendant des branches > Specialized courses in Mathematics (Master level)
Additional programme requirements for PhD studies [PRE-DOC]
Version: 2020_1/v_01
Additional programme requirements for PhD studies (Faculty of Science and Medicine) > Specialized courses in Mathematics (Master level)
MSc in Mathematics [MA] 90
Version: 2022_1/V_01
MSc in Mathematics, Master thesis > MSc-MA, Master thesis (from AS2018 on)
Mathematics [3e cycle]
Version: 2015_1/V_01
Continuing education > Specialized courses in Mathematics (Master level)
Mathematics [POST-DOC]
Version: 2015_1/V_01
Continuing education > Specialized courses in Mathematics (Master level)