A newly discovered natural compound protects against macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among seniors. Researchers from the University of Fribourg, part of a team led by Professor Patricia Boya, working with the Center…
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Refined methods for conducting cognitive tests on laboratory monkeys
Researchers at the Swiss Non-Human Primate Competence Center for Research at the University of Fribourg have developed a method that significantly improves the well-being of the macaques used in experiments.…
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Cancer and inflammation: end of a dangerous connection soon?
Researchers at the University of Fribourg have discovered a mechanism in the body that can have serious consequences for women with breast cancer. Granulocytes, a type of white blood cell that is active…
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Scientists at the University of Fribourg have revealed a mechanism that can reduce age-related neuroinflammation
The more we age, the less our cells are capable of "cleaning out" the waste they produce. The consequences of this degeneration are serious since it can cause inflammation and dysfunction throughout the…
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Successful step towards artificial vision
A group of researchers from the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, China and the USA has made a discovery which could form the basis of a new generation of visual prostheses. They have demonstrated…
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How Do We Perceive Our Own Movements?
Even with our eyes closed, we are able to lift a bottle of water to our mouth. This feat is made possible thanks to a kind of ?sixth sense? called proprioception that enables us to perceive the position…
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Is It Possible to Learn without a Brain?
Certain animals have no need of a brain for learning things. This is the surprising discovery that Prof. Simon Sprecher of the University of Fribourg has laid out in a recently published study. With his…
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A Better Model for Understanding Ovarian Cancer
Unfortunately ovarian and peritoneal cancers are often diagnosed at a stage that is already quite advanced. This greatly reduces the chances of survival for patients battling such cancers. To tackle this…
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Breast Cancer: Major Discovery for Treating Cerebral Complications
A late complication of breast cancer, brain metastases significantly reduce life expectancy of women suffering from the disease. Thanks to a new preclinical model, scientists at the University of Fribourg…
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