Cold scree slopes, relict rock glaciers
Elevation: 1450-1800m - Massif: Chablais Prealps - Commune: Collombey-Muraz (VS)
This mid-altitude site has been explored since 2003. It includes a multitude of scree slopes distributed over various orientations. The presence of permafrost, whose existence is owed to a complex ventilation system, was assumed. Two drillings (5 et 15 m depth), carried out in November of 2004 in the mid- and lower sections of one scree slope located in Dreveneuse d’En Bas, confirmed the sporadic presence of permafrost. This permafrost occurrence is directly linked to the cooling in winter caused by the ventilation mechanism. The internal air flow direction inside the scree slopes is reversible. In Dreveneuse d’En Bas it flows downwards while air temperature remains above approximately +4 °C and upwards in the reverse case. As a result, lower sections stay constantly cold, thus allowing snow to persist longer. Conversely, the ground is never freezing in the upper sections of the scree slope and snow disappears very early. The vegetation is adapted to the different thermal regimes of the underground. The same applies to scree slopes and relict rock glaciers situated in higher sections of the valley, where the temperature threshold for the inversion decreases with altitude. This field site is part of the “Temperature” section of the Swiss permafrost monitoring network (PERMOS).
Measurements and observations
Thermal (ground surface temperature: GST, BTS; temperature in boreholes)
Geophysics (permanent electrical resistivity system installed in 2008, refraction seismic)
Weather station since 2014 -
Daily sub-surface temperature of the Dreveneuse d'En Bas talus slope. Dr-10 (1570 m a.s.l.) and Dr-11 (1575 m a.s.l.) are located in the lower section of the talus slope, Dr-14 in the uppermost part (1595 m a.s.l.).
Mean annual sub-surface temperature of the Dreveneuse d'En Bas talus slope. Dr-10 (1570 m a.s.l.) and Dr-11 (1575 m a.s.l.) are located in the lower section of the talus slope, Dr-14 in the uppermost part (1595 m a.s.l.).
Daily sub-surface temperature of the Dreveneuse d'En Haut talus slope. Dr-19 (1635 m a.s.l.) is located away from the talus slope at the front of a completely forested relict rock glacier, Dr-21 (1685 m a.s.l.) in the rooting zone of the relict rock glacier at the direct foot of the talus slope, Dr-27 in the uppermost section of the talus slope (1750 m a.s.l.).
Mean annual sub-surface temperature of the Dreveneuse d'En Haut talus slope. Dr-19 (1635 m a.s.l.) is located away from the talus slope at the front of a completely forested relict rock glacier, Dr-21 (1685 m a.s.l.) in the rooting zone of the relict rock glacier at the direct foot of the talus slope, Dr-27 in the uppermost section of the talus slope (1750 m a.s.l.).
Daily temperature in the borehole F1 located in the middle part (1580 m a.s.l.) of the Dreveneuse d'En Bas talus slope. Permafrost conditions have been episodically observed between 9 and 12 m depth.
Mean annual temperature in the borehole F1 located in the middle part (1580 m a.s.l.) of the Dreveneuse d'En Bas talus slope. Permafrost conditions have been episodically observed between 9 and 12 m depth.
Daily temperature in the borehole F2 located in the lower part (1570 m a.s.l.) of the Dreveneuse d'En Bas talus slope. Permafrost conditions have been episodically observed between 2 and 3 m depth.
Mean annual temperature in the borehole F2 located in the lower part (1570 m a.s.l.) of the Dreveneuse d'En Bas talus slope. Permafrost conditions have been episodically observed between 2 and 3 m depth.
Reference (2006-2011) and recent mean annual thermal profile in the boreholes F1 (mid-slope) and F2 (lower slope) in the the Dreveneuse d'En Bas talus slope. Permafrost conditions have been episodically observed between 2 and 3 m depth in F2 and between 9 and 12 m depth in F1.
University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (C. Lambiel)
Meteodat GmbH
SensAlpin GmbH
Waljag GmbH
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