
Peer-reviewed Papers


Kummert, M., Braillard, L., Delaloye, R., Bodin, X. (2021). Pluri-decadal evolution of rock glaciers surface velocity and its impact on sediment export rates towards high alpine torrents. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(15), 3213-3227. DOI:10.1002/esp.5231

Pellet, C., Bodin, X., Delaloye, R., Kaufmann, V., Noetzli, J., Thibert E. and Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A. (2021). Rock glacier kinematics. In: Blunden, J. and T. Boyer, Eds., 2020: “State of the Climate in 2020”. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 102 (8), pp. 44-45, DOI: 10.1175/2021BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.

Rouyet, L., Lilleøren, K.S., Böhme M., Vick, L.M., Delaloye, R., Etzelmüller, B., Lauknes, T.R., Larsen, Y., Blikra, L.H. Regional Morpho-Kinematic Inventory of Slope Movements in Northern Norway. Front. Earth Sci. 9:681088. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.681088

Serra, E., Valla, P., Gribenski, N., Magrani, F., Carcaillet, J., Delaloye, R., Grobéty, B. & Braillard, L. (2021): Geomorphic response to the Lateglacial - Holocene transition in high Alpine regions (Sanetsch Pass, Swiss Alps). Boreas, 50/1, 242-261.DOI: 10.1111/bor.12480


Guillemot, A., Helmstettler, A., Larose, E., Baillet, L., Garambois, S., Mayoraz, R., Delaloye, R. (2020). Seismic monitoring in the Gugla rock glacier (Switzerland): ambient noise correlation, microseismicity and modelling. Geophysical Journal International, ggaa097. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa097

Hendrickx, H., De Sloover, L., Stal, C., Delaloye, R., Nyssen, J., and Frankl, A. (2020). Talus slope geomorphology investigated at multiple time scales from high-resolution topographic surveys and historical aerial photographs (Sanetsch Pass, Switzerland). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45/14, 3653-3669. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4989

Strozzi, T., Caduff, R., Jones, N., Barboux, C., Delaloye, R., Bodin X., Kääb, A., Mätzler, E., Schrott, L. (2020). Monitoring Rock Glacier Kinematics with Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar. Remote Sensing, 12, 559. DOI: 10.3390/rs12030559


Biskaborn, B.K., Smith, S.L., Noetzli, J., Matthes, H., Vieira, G., Streletskiy, D.A., Schoeneich, P., Romanovsky, V.E., Lewkowicz, A.G., Abramov, A., Allard, M., Boike, J., Cable, W.L., Christiansen, H.H., Delaloye, R., Diekmann, B., Drozdov, D., Etzelmüller, B., Grosse, G., Guglielmin, M., Ingeman-Nielsen, T., Isaksen, K., Ishikawa, M., Johansson, M., Johannsson, H., Joo, A., Kaverin, D., Kholodov, A., Konstantinov, P., Kröger, T., Lambiel, C., Lanckman, J.-P., Luo, D., Malkova, G., Meiklejohn, I., Moskalenko, N., Oliva, M., Phillips, M., Ramos, M., Sannel, A.B.K., Sergeev, D., Seybold, C., Skryabin, P., Vasiliev, A., Wu, Q., Yoshikawa, K., Zheleznyak, M., Lantuit, H., (2019). Permafrost is warming at a global scale. Nature Communications 10, 264, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-08240-4.

Hendrickx, H., Vivero,  S., De Cock, L., De Wit, B., De Maeyer, P.,  Lambiel, C., Delaloye, R., Nyssen, J. and Frankl, A. (2019). The reproducibility of SfM algorithms to produce detailed Digital Surface Models: example of PhotoScan applied to a high-alpine rock glacier. Remote Sensing Letters 10:1, 11-20. DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2018.1519641

Mollaret, C., Hilbich, C., Pellet, C., Flores-Orozco, A., Delaloye, R., Hauck, C. (2019). Mountain permafrost degradation documented through a network of permanent electrical resistivity tomography sites. The Cryosphere, 13, 2557–2578, DOI : 10.5194/tc-13-2557-2019.

Obu, J., Christiansen, H., Elberling, B., Kääb, A., Bartsch, A., Leibman, M., Kholodov, A., Romanovsky, V., Yamkin, J., Westergaard-Nielsen, A., Wu, T., Westermann, S., Berdnikov, N., Dashtseren, A., Way, R., Delaloye, R., Lewkowicz, A., Panda, S., Zou, D., Khomutov, A. (2019). Northern Hemisphere permafrost map based on TTOP modelling for 2000-2016 at 1 km scale. Earth-Science Reviews 193, 299-316, DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.04.023


Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2018). Regional-scale inventory of periglacial moving landforms connected to the torrential network system. Geographica Helvetica, 73, 357-371. DOI: 10.5194/gh-73-357-2018

Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2018). Mapping and quantifying sediment transfer between the front of rapidly moving rock glaciers and torrential gullies. Geomorphology 309, 60-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.02.021

Kummert, M., Delaloye, R. and Braillard, L. (2018). Erosion and sediment transfer processes at the front of rapidly moving rock glaciers: systematic observations with automatic cameras in the western Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 29, 21-33. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1960


Mewes, B., Hilbich, C., Delaloye, R., and Hauck, C. (2017). Resolution capacity of geophysical monitoring regarding permafrost degradation induced by hydrological processes, The Cryosphere, 11, 2957-2974. DOI: 10.5194/tc-11-2957-2017

Pellet, C. and Hauck, C. (2017). Monitoring of soil moisture from middle to high elevation in Switzerland: Set-up and first results from the SOMOMOUNT network. Hydrol. and Earth Syst. Sci., 2, 3199-3220, doi: 10.5194/hess-21-3199-2017

Staub, B. & Delaloye, R. (2017): Using Near-Surface Ground Temperature Data to Derive Snow Insulation and Melt Indices for Mountain Permafrost Applications. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 28/1, 237-248. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1890.

Staub, B., Hasler, A., Noetzli, J. and Delaloye, R. (2017). Gap-filling algorithm for ground surface temperature data measured in permafrost and periglacial environments. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 28/1, 275-285. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1913


Bär, B., Mauvilly, M., Vandorpe, P. & Braillard, L. (2016): Arconciel/Sous les Châteaux: neue Erkenntnisse zur menschlichen Nutzung von Felsschutzdächern an der Saane. Cahiers d'Archéologie Fribourgeoise 18, 66-121. ISSN 1423-8756. (pdf)

Fischer, M., Huss, M., Kummert, M. & Hoelzle, M. (2016). Application and validation of long-range terrestrial laser scanning to monitor the mass balance of very small glaciers in the Swiss Alps. The Cryosphere, 10, 1279-1295. DOI: 10.5194/tc-10-1279-2016

Kos, A., F. Amann, T. Strozzi, R. Delaloye, J. von Ruette, and S. Springman (2016). Contemporary glacier retreat triggers a rapid landslide response, Great Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071708.

Lambiel, C., Maillard B., Kummert, M.and Reynard, E. (2016) Geomorphology of the Hérens valley (Swiss Alps), Journal of Maps, 12:1, 160-172. DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2014.999135.

Marmy, A., Rajczak, J., Delaloye, R., Hilbich, C., Hoelzle, M., Kotlarski, S., Lambiel, C., Noetzli, J., Phillips, M., Salzmann, N., Staub, B., and Hauck, C. (2016): Semi-automated calibration method for modelling of mountain permafrost evolution in Switzerland, The Cryosphere, 10, 2693-2719, DOI: 10.5194/tc-10-2693-2016.

Oggier, N., Graf, C., Delaloye, R., Burkard, A. (2016). Integral protection concept "Bielzug" - Integrales Schutzkonzept Bielzug. INTERPRAEVENT 2016, Conference Proceedings, 525-534.

Pellet, C., Hilbich, C., Marmy, A. and Hauck, C. (2016). Soil moisture data for the validation of permafrost models using direct and indirect measurement approaches at three alpine sites, Front. Earth Sci., 3:91, doi:10.3389/feart.2015.00091

Vallat, R. & Braillard, L. (2016): Cartographie automatisée des dolines du plateau de Bure (Ajoie, Suisse) et mise en lien avec la fracturation tectonique. Actes de la Société jurassienne d’Émulation 119, 75-102. ISSN 1010-6308. (pdf)


Barboux, C., Strozzi, T., Delaloye, R., Wegmüller, U. and Collet, C. (2015). Mapping slope movements in Alpne environments using TerraSAR- interferometric methods. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol 109, Nov. 2015, p. 178-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.09.010

Braillard, L. (2015): Blatt 1226 Boltigen. Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz 1:25'000, Karte 143. Bundesamt für Landestopographie swisstopo. ISSN 1420-2905, ISBN 978-3-302-40075-4. 

Braillard, L. (2015): Blatt 1226 Boltigen. Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz 1:25'000, Erläuterungen 143, 126 pp. Bundesamt für Landestopographie swisstopo. ISSN 1420-2913, ISBN 978-3-302-40075-4. (pdf)

Braillard, L. (2015): Feuille 1226 Boltigen. Atlas géologique de la Suisse 1:25'000, Noticer explicative 143, 134 pp. Office fédéral de topographie swisstopo. ISSN 1420-2913, ISBN 978-3-302-40075-4. (pdf)

Mari, S. (2015). Studio e insegnamento dei movimenti di versante in ambiente periglaciale in Ticino e nella Regione Gottardo. GEA, paesaggi, territori, geografie, 31.

Mari, S. (2015). Implementazione didattica nel medio superiore della ricerca universitaria in geomorfologia. (Monitoraggio e descrizione dei ghiacciai rocciosi come esempio di metodologia scientifica messa in opera nei lavori di maturità). GEA, paesaggi, territori, geografie, 31.

Pogliotti, P., Guglielmin, M., Cremonese, E., Morra di Cella, U., Filippa, G., Pellet, C. and Hauck, C. (2015). Warming permafrost and active layer variability at Cime Bianche, Western European Alps, The Cryosphere, 9(2), 647-61, doi:10.5194/tc-9-647-2015

Staub, B., Marmy, A., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., and Delaloye, R. (2015): Ground temperature variations in a talus slope influenced by permafrost: a comparison of field observations and model simulations, Geogr. Helv., 70, 45-62, doi:10.5194/gh-70-45-2015.


Barboux, C., Delaloye R. and Lambiel, C. (2014). Inventorying slope movements in an Alpine environment using DInSAR. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39/15, p2087-2099. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3603

Kenner R., Bühler Y., Delaloye R., Ginzler C. and Phillips M. (2014). Monitoring of high alpine mass movements combining laser scanning with digital airborne photogrammetry. Geomorphology, vol. 206, p. 492-504. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.10.020

Scapozza, C., Mari, S., Antognini, M., Lepori, V. and Ambrosi, C. (2014). Il permafrost nelle Alpi Ticinesi (2011-2012 e 2012-2013) Rapporto no. 2 del Gruppo Permafrost Ticino. Bollettino della Società ticinese di scienze naturali, 102, 2014, p. 59-69 (ISSN 0379-1254). (pdf)

Scapozza, C., Lambiel, C., Bozzini, C., Mari, S. and Conedera, M. (2014). Assessing the rock glacier kinematics on three different timescales: a case study from the southern Swiss Alps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39/15, p. 2056-2069DOI: 10.1002/esp.3599.


Mari, S., Scapozza, C. and Delaloye, R. (2013). Prova di multitracciamento di ghiacciai rocciosi in ambienti periglaciali (Valle di Réchy, VS). GEA, paesaggi, territori, geografie, 29: 11-16.

Mari, S., Scapozza, C., Pera, S. and Delaloye, R. (2013). Prove di multitracciamento di ghiacciai rocciosi e ambienti periglaciali nel Vallon de Réchy (VS) e nella Valle di Sceru (TI). Bollettino della Società ticinese di scienze naturali, 101, 2013, pp. 13-20 (ISSN 0379-1254). (pdf)


Hauck, C., Collet, C., Delaloye, R., Hilbich, C., Hoelzle, M., Huss, M. and Salzmann, N. (2012). The potential of new measurement and modelling techniques in alpine cryosphere and geomorphology research. Geographica Helvetica, 1-2, 26-37. DOI: 10.5194/gh-67-26-2012

Mari, S., Scapozza, C., Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C. (2012). Il permafrost nelle Alpi Ticinesi (2006–2011). Rapporto no. 1 del Gruppo Permafrost Ticino. Bollettino della Società ticinese di scienze naturali, 100, 2012, pp. 135 - 139 (ISSN 0379-1254). (pdf)


Morard, S. & Delaloye R., (2011). Répétition de tomographies de résistivité électrique dans l’éboulis froid ventilé de Dreveneuse d’en Bas (Préalpes du Chablais valaisan, Suisse). Environnements Périglaciaires 17: 5-22.

Strozzi, T., Delaloye, R., Poffet, D., Hansmann, J. and Loew, S. (2011). Surface subsidence and uplift above a headrace tunnel in metamorphic basement rocks of the Swiss Alps as detected by satellite SAR interferometry. Remote Sensing of Environment 115, 1353–1360. DOI : 10.1016/j.rse.2011.02.001


Blant, M., Bocherens, H., Bochud, M., Braillard, L., Constandache, M. and Jutzet, J.-M. (2010). Le gisement à faune würmienne du Bärenloch (Préalpes fribourgeoises). Bull. Soc. Frib. Sc. Nat. 99, 149-170. (pdf)

Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C. and Gärtner-Roer, I. (2010). Overview of rock glacier kinematics research in the Swiss Alps. Seasonal rhythm, interannual variations and trends over several decades. Geographica Helvetica, 65/2, 135-145. DOI: 10.5194/gh-65-135-2010

Haeberli W., Nötzli J., Arenson L., Delaloye R., Gärtner Roer I., Gruber S., Isaksen K., Kneisel C., Krautblatter M. and Phillips M. (2010). Mountain permafrost: development and challenges of a young research field. Journal of Glaciology, 56/200, 1043-1058. DOI : 10.3189/002214311796406121

Mauvilly, M., Braillard, L. and Rentzel, P. (2010). Villeneuve/La Baume: un exemple de fréquentation des abris naturels fribourgeois. Cahiers d'Archéologie Fribourgeoise 12, 4-29. (pdf)

Morard S., Bochud M. and Delaloye R., (2010). Rapid changes of the ice mass configuration in the dynamic Diablotins ice cave – Fribourg Prealps, Switzerland. The Cryosphere, 4, 489-500, doi:10.5194/tc-4-489-2010. DOI: 10.5194/tc-4-489-2010.

Morard S., Delaloye R., Lambiel C., (2010. Pluriannual thermal behavior of low elevation cold talus slopes (western Switzerland). Geographica Helvetica, 65/2, 124-134. (pdf)

Scapozza, C. & Mari, S. (2010). Catasto, caratteristiche e dinamica dei rock glaciers delle Alpi Ticinesi. Bollettino della Società ticinese di Scienze naturali, 98: 15-29.

Strozzi, T., Delaloye, R., Kääb, A., Ambrosi, C., Perruchoud, E.and Wegmuller, U. (2010). Combined observations of rock mass movements using satellite SAR interferometry, differential GPS, airborne digital photogrammetry, and airborne photography interpretation. J. Geophys. Res., 115, F01014. DOI:10.1029/2009JF001311.


Braillard, L. (2009): Remplissages quaternaires et paléohydrologie des vallées sèches d'Ajoie (Jura tabulaire, Suisse). Geographica Helvetica 64/3, 148-156. (pdf)

Lambiel C., Bardou E., Delaloye R., Schuetz P. and Schoeneich P. (2009). Extension spatiale du pergélisol dans les Alpes vaudoises; implication pour la dynamique sédimentaire locale. Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles. 91.4, 407-424. ISSN 0037-9603. (pdf)

Mauvilly, M., Mc Cullough, F., Ruffieux, M., Braillard, L. and Dafflon, L. (2009). Deux nouveaux habitats de l’âge du Bronze final à La Tour-de-Trême. Cahiers d'Archéologie Fribourgeoise 11, 30-55. (pdf)


Braillard, L. & Guelat, M. (2008). Une nappe alluviale étagée du Pléistocène supérieur dans la vallée de Delémont (Jura suisse) : lithostratigraphie et datation. Quaternaire 19/3, 217-228. (pdf)

Braillard, L. & Mauvilly, M. (2008). Morphogenesis of the Sarine canyon in the Plateau Molasse, Switzerland: new data from an archaeological site. Geographica Helvetica 63/3, 181-187. (pdf)

Mauvilly, M., Dafflon, L., Mc Cullough, F., Braillard, L., Castel, J.-C., Chauviere, F-X., Jacomet, S., Jeunesse, C., Martinoli, D., Serneels, V. and Tettamanti, R. (2008). L'abri mésolithique d'Arconciel, La Souche: bilan des recherches 2003-2007. Cahiers d'Archéologie Fribourgeoise 10, 44-75. (pdf)


Marty, D., Ayer J., Becker D., Berger J.-P., Billon-Bruyat J.-P., Braillard L., Hug W. and Meyer C. (2007). Late Jurassic dinosaur tracksites of the Transjurane highway (Canton Jura, NW Switzerland): overview and measures for their protection and valorisation. Bulletin for Applied Geology 12/1, 75-89. (pdf)

Mauvilly, M., Blumer, R. and Braillard, L. (2007). La vie au bord de la Sarine au temps des derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs-pêcheurs préhistoriques (9'500 – 5'000 avant J.-C.). Archéologie suisse 30/2, 2-12. (pdf)

Mauvilly, M., Braillard, L. and Kramer, L. (2007). Le Petit Mont, une vallée-sanctuaire préhistorique au cœur des Préalpes fribourgeoises. Cahiers d'Archéologie Fribourgeoise 8, 112-145. (pdf)

November, V., Delaloye, R. and Penelas, M. (2007). Crisis management and warning procedures: actors and their roles in the case of flooding risks in Switzerland / Gérer et alerter : les acteurs et leurs pratiques dans le cas des risques d’inondation en Suisse. Revue de Géographie Alpine. Vol. 95/2, 73-93. (pdf)


Braillard, L. (2006). Rôles de la tectonique et de la stratigraphie dans la formation des vallées sèches de l'Ajoie (JU-Suisse). Actes de la Société jurassienne d'Emulation 2005, 33-65. (pdf)

Deslex Sheikh C., Saltel S., Braillard L. & Detrey J. (2006): Le Campaniforme des vallées sèches d'Ajoie (JU). Les sites de la combe En Vaillard et de la combe Varu à Chevenez. Annuaire d'Archéologie Suisse 89, 51-86. (pdf)


Aubry, D., Braillard, L., Guelat, M., Stalder L. and Stahl Gretsch, L.-I. (2005). L'homme et l'environnement. Archéologie suisse 28/2, 6-16. (pdf)

Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C. (2005). Evidence of winter ascending air circulation throughout talus slopes and rock glaciers situated in the lower belt of alpine discontinuous permafrost (Swiss Alps). Norwegian Journal of Geography. Vol. 59/2, 194-203. DOI: 10.1080/00291950510020673

Stoffel, M., Schneuwly, D., Bollschweiler, M., Lièvre, I., Delaloye, R., Myint, M. & Monbaron, M. (2005): Analyzing rockfall activity (1600-2002) in a protection forest – a case study using dendrogeomorphology. Geomorphology. 68 (3–4), 224–241. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2004.11.017


Bardou, E. & Delaloye, R. (2004). Effects of ground freezing and snow avalanche deposits on debris flows in alpine environments. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, Vol. 4, pp 519-530. DOI : 10.5194/nhess-4-519-2004

Blant, M., Bochud, M., Braillard, L. & Magnin, B. (2004): Bärenloch (Jaun, FR): le dernier repaire d'ours des cavernes dans les Alpes suisses? Stalactite 54/1, 39-47. (pdf)

Braillard, L., Guélat, M. & Rentzel, P. (2004): Effects of Bears on Rockshelter Sediments at Tanay Sur-les-Creux, Southwestern Switzerland. Geoarchaeology 19/4, 343-367. (pdf)

Lambiel, C. & Delaloye, R. (2004). Contribution of real-time kinematic GPS in the study of creeping mountain permafrost: examples from the Western Swiss Alps. Perm. Perigl. Proc. Vol. 15/3, 229-241. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.496

Lugon, R., Delaloye, R., Serrano, E., Reynard, E. and Lambiel, C. (2004). Permafrost and Little Ice Age Glaciers Relationships: a Case Study in the Posets Massif, Central Pyrenees, Spain. Perm. Perigl. Process. Vol 15/3, 207-220. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.494


Braillard, L., Menoud, S., Mauvilly, M., Boisaubert, J.-L. & Baeriswyl, J.-M. (2003): Préalpes et chasseurs-cueilleurs en terres fribourgeoises, une vieille et longue histoire. Cahiers d'Archéologie Fribourgeoise 5, 42-71. (pdf)

Marescot, L., Loke, M. H., Chapellier, D., Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C. and Reynard, E. (2003). Assessing reliability of 2D resistivity imaging in permafrost and rock glacier studies using the depth of investigation index method. Near Surface Geophysics, 1, 57-67. DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2002007(pdf)


Lugon, R. & Delaloye, R. (2001). Modelling alpine permafrost distribution, Val de Réchy, Valais Alps (Switzerland).Norwegian Journal of Geography. Vol. 55/4, 224-229.

Serrano, E., Agudo, C., Delaloye, R. and Gonzàlez-Trueba, J. J. (2001). Permafrost distribution in the Posets massif, Central Pyrenees. Norwegian Journal of Geography, 55, 245-252. DOI: 10.1080/00291950152746603


Braillard, L. (2000): La dynamique de mise en place et l'évolution du remplissage de l'abri sous roche "Sur-les-Creux" à Tanay (Vouvry, VS). Bull. Murithienne 118, 41-58. (pdf)


Conference Proceedings


Barboux, C., Winterberger, M., Delaloye, R., Strozzi, T., Caduff, R., Lambiel, C., Paillex, N., Hagin, C. (2018). Twenty years of rock glaciers and periglacial slope movements analysis in the Bas-Valais (Swiss Alps). Deline P., Bodin X. and Ravanel L. (Eds.) (2018): 5th European Conference On Permafrost – Book of Abstracts, 23 June - 1 July 2018, Chamonix, France, 380-381. (pdf)
Delaloye, R., Barboux, C., Bodin, X., Brenning, A., Hartl, L., Hu, Y., Ikeda, A., Kaufmann, V., Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Lambiel, C., Liu, L., Marcer, M., Rick, B., Scotti, R., Takadema, H., Trombotto Liaudat, D., Vivero, S., Winterberger, M. (2018). Rock glacier inventories and kinematics: a new IPA Action Group. Deline P., Bodin X. and Ravanel L. (Eds.) (2018): 5th European Conference On Permafrost – Book of Abstracts, 23 June - 1 July 2018, Chamonix, France, 391-392. (pdf)
Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C., Gärtner-Roer, I., Kaufmann, V., Scapozza, C., Krainer, K., Staub, B., Thibert, E., Bodin, X., Fischer, A., Hartl, L., Morra di Cella, U., Mair, V., Marcer, M., Schoeneich, P. (2018). Interannual variability of rock glacier flow velocities in the European Alps. Deline P., Bodin X. and Ravanel L. (Eds.) (2018): 5th European Conference On Permafrost – Book of Abstracts, 23 June - 1 July 2018, Chamonix, France, 397-398. (pdf)


Delaloye, R. & Staub., B. (2016). Seasonal variations of rock glacier creep: time series observations from the Western Swiss Alps. In: Günther, F. and Morgenstern, A. (Eds.) (2016): XI. International Conference On Permafrost – Book of Abstracts, 20 – 24 June 2016, Potsdam, Germany. Bibliothek Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein. 22-23. (pdf)

Ghirlanda, A., Braillard, L., Delaloye, R., Kummert, M. and Staub, B. (2016) The complex pluri-decennial and multiphasic destabilization of the Jegi rock glacier (western Swiss Alps): historical development and ongoing crisis. In: Günther, F. and Morgenstern, A. (Eds.) (2016): XI. International Conference On Permafrost – Book of Abstracts, 20 – 24 June 2016, Potsdam, Germany. Bibliothek Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein. 36-38. (pdf)

Staub, B., Lambiel, C. and Delaloye, R. (2016). Rock glacier creep as a thermally-driven phenomenon: A decade of inter-annual observations from the Swiss Alps. In: Günther, F. and Morgenstern, A. (Eds.) (2016): XI. International Conference On Permafrost – Book of Abstracts, 20 – 24 June 2016, Potsdam, Germany. Bibliothek Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein. 96-97.  (pdf)


Dall’Asta, E., Delaloye, R., Diotri, F., Forlani, G., Fornari, M., Morra di Cella, U., Pogliotti, P., Roncella, R., and Santise, M. (2015). Use of UAs in a high mountain landscape: the case of Gran Sommetta rock glacier (AO), Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-3/W3, 391-397. DOI: 10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-3-W3-391-2015

Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2015). Quantifying sediment transfer between the front of an active alpine rock glacier and a torrential gully. In: Geomorphometry for Geosciences (2015), Jasiewicz J., Zwolinski Zb., Mitasova H., Hengl T. (eds)Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan - Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, International Society for Geomorphometry, Poznan, 193 - 196. Pdf

Rick, B., Delaloye, R., Barboux, C. and Strozzi, T. (2015). Detection and inventorying of slope movements in the Brooks Range, Alaska using DInSAR: a test study. GeoQuébec 2015, 8 p. (unpublished(pdf)


Barboux, C., Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C., Strozzi, T., Collet, C. and Raetzo, H. (2013). Surveying the activity of permafrost landforms in the Valais Alps with InSAR. In: Graf, C. (ed.) Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Publikation zur Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft 29. Juni – 1. Juli 2011, St. Niklaus. Birmensdorf, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 7–19. (pdf)

Barboux C., Delaloye R., Lambiel, C., Strozzi, T., Raezzo, H. and Collet C. (2013). Semi-automated detection of terrain activity in the Swiss Alpine periglacial environment from DInSAR scenes. Living Planet Symposium. Edinburgh (Scotland).

Barboux C., Delaloye R., Strozzi T., Lambiel C. and Collet C. (2013). TSX DInSAR data for detecting and monitoring slope motion phenomena in an Alpine periglacial environment at different resolution scales (Western Swiss Alps, Switzerland). TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 10 - 12 June 2013, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen.

Delaloye, R., Morard, S., Barboux, C.,  Abbet, D.,  Gruber, V., Riedo, M. and Gachet, S. (2013). Rapidly moving rock glaciers in Mattertal. In: Graf, C. (ed.) Mattertal – ein Tal in Bewegung. Publikation zur Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft 29. Juni – 1. Juli 2011, St. Niklaus. Birmensdorf, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 21-30. (pdf)


Barboux C., Delaloye R., Strozzi T., Lambiel C., Collet C. and Raetzo H. (2012). Monitoring active rock glaciers in the Western Swiss Alps: Challenges of Differential SAR Interferometry and solution to estimate annual and seasonal displacement rates. Proceeding of IGARSS 2012, 22 - 27 July 2012.

Morard, S., Bochud M. and Delaloye R. (2012). Evolution de la masse de glace et formation de poches d’eau dans la glacière dynamique des Diablotins (Préalpes fribourgeoises).  Actes du 13e Congrès national de Spéléologie - 2012, Société Suisse de Spéléologie, 149-154. (pdf)

Wegmüller U., Strozzi T., Delaloye R. and Raetzo H. (2012). Landslide mapping in Switzerland with ENVISAT ASAR. Conference: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6351155


Barboux C., Delaloye R., Strozzi T., Collet C. and Raetzo H. (2011). TSX InSAR assessment for slope instabilities monitoring in alpine periglacial environment (Western Swiss Alps, Switzerland). Proceedings of the FRINGE 2011 workshop, 19-23 September (ESA SP-697, January 2012).

Delaloye R. & Morard S. (2011). Le glacier rocheux déstabilisé du Petit-Vélan (Val d'Entremont, Valais): morphologie de surface, vitesses de déplacement et structure interne. La géomorphologie alpine: entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone (Géovisions n° 36). Lausanne: Université, Institut de Géographie. (pdf)

Mari, S., Delaloye, R., Scapozza, C. and Strozzi, T. (2011). Inventario dei movimenti di terreno per analisi dei segnali InSAR nelle Alpi meridionali svizzere (periodo 1994-2007). In Lambiel C., Reynard E. & Scapozza C. (eds.). La géomorphologie alpine: entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone. Lausanne: Université, Institut de géographie, Géovisions 36: 145-159. (pdf)

Morard S. (2011). Evaluation du paysage géomorphologique par la méthode OFEV dans le cadre du projet de Parc Naturel Régional (PNR) Pfyn-Finges (Valais, Suisse). La géomorphologie alpine: entre patrimoine et contrainte. Actes du colloque de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, 3-5 septembre 2009, Olivone (Géovisions n° 36). Lausanne: Université, Institut de Géographie.

Strozzi T., Wegmüller U., Delaloye R., kos A., Hansmann J. and Löw S. (2011). Satellite SAR interferometry for the measurement of surface subsidence above deep tunnels in metamorphic basement rocks of the Alps. ESA Fringe Workshop 2011, At Frascati (Rome), Italy


Delaloye, R., Strozzi, T., Lambiel, C., Barboux, C., Mari, S., Stocker, A., Techel, F. and Raetzo, H. (2010). The contribution of InSAR data to the early detection of potentially hazardous active rock glaciers in mountain areas. Proceedings ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, Norway (ESA SP-686). (pdf)


Strozzi, T., Delaloye, R., Raetzo, H., Wegmüller, U. (2009). Radar interferometric observations of destabilized rockglaciers, Proceedings of the FRINGE 2009 Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 30 November - 4 December 2009.

Strozzi, T., Wegmüller, U., Werner, C., Wiesmann, A., Santoro, M., Delaloye, R., Raetzo, H., Ambrosi, C. (2009). Survey of landslide activity in the Swiss Alps with ALOS PALSAR, Proceedings of the 2008 Joint PI Symposium of the ALOS Data Nodes, Rhodes, Greece, 3-7 November 2008 (ESA SP-664).


Blant, M., Constandache, M., Bochud, M. & Braillard, L. (2008). Premiers résultats des fouilles 2003-2006 au Bärenloch (Préalpes fribourgeoises). Actes du 14ème colloque international sur l'ours des cavernes, Stalactite 58/2, 15-20. (pdf)

Delaloye, R. (2008). Parois glaciaires… parois rocheuses : l'évolution séculaire des grandes faces alpines, Klimaveränderungen auf der Spur. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Geomorphologischen Gesellschaft SGmG der scnat, Samedan, 2007, 93-104.

Delaloye, R., Perruchoud, E., Avian, M., Kaufmann, V., Bodin, X., Hausmann, H., Ikeda, A., Kääb, A., Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Krainer, K., Lambiel, C., Mihajlovic, D., Staub, B., Roer, I. & Thibert, E. (2008). Recent interannual variations of rockglaciers creep in the European Alps, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, July 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1, 343-348. (pdf)

Delaloye, R., Strozzi, T., Lambiel, C., Perruchoud, E., Raetzo, H. (2008). Landslide-like development of rockglaciers detected with ERS-1/2 SAR interferometry. Proceedings of the FRINGE 2007 Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 26-30 November 2007 (ESA SP-649, February 2008) (pdf)

Lambiel, C., Delaloye, R., Strozzi, T., Lugon & R., Raetzo, H. (2008). ERS InSAR for detecting the rock glacier activity. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, July 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1, 1019-1024. (pdf)

Morard S., Delaloye R., Dorthe, J. (2008). Seasonal thermal regime of a mid-latitude ventilated debris accumulation.Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, July 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1233-1238. (pdf)

Morard S., Delaloye R., Dorthe J. (2008). Indices de fonctionnement de la ventilation des éboulis froids. Proceedings, Swiss Geomorphological Society (SSGm), Annual Meeting 2007, Samedan, Switzerland, 44-56. (pdf)

Roer, I., Haeberli, W., Avian, M., Kaufmann, V., Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C. & Kääb A. (2008). Observations and considerations on collapsing active rockglaciers in the Alps, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, July 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2, 1505-1510. (pdf)

Strozzi, T., Wegmüller, U., Perruchoud, E., Delaloye, R., Kääb, A., Ambrosi, C. (2008). Evolution of a deep-seated rock mass movement observed with satellite SAR interferometry. Proceedings of the FRINGE 2007 Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 26-30 November 2007. (ESA SP-649, February 2008) (pdf)


Bochud, M., Blant, M., Braillard, L., Magnin, B. & Jutzet, J.-M. (2007). Les ours des cavernes et la faune du Pléistocène supérieur de la grotte du Bärenloch (Charmey, FR). Actes du 12e Congrès suisse de Spéléologie, 148-154. (pdf)

Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C., Lugon, R., Raetzo, H., Strozzi, T. (2007). ERS InSAR for detecting slope movement in a periglacial mountain environment (western Valais Alps, Switzerland). Proceedings HMRSC-IX, Graz, 14-15 Sept. 2006, Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung 43, 113-120. (pdf)

Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C., Lugon, R., Raetzo, H., Strozzi, T. (2007). Typical ERS InSAR signature of slope movements in a periglacial mountain environment (Swiss Alps). Proc. ‘Envisat Symposium 2007’, Montreux, Switzerland 23–27 April 2007 (ESA SP-636, July 2007), 3P7. (pdf)

Perruchoud, E., Delaloye, R. (2007). Short-term changes in surface velocities on the Becs-de-Bosson rock glacier (western Swiss Alps). Proceedings HMRSC-IX, Graz, 14-15 Sept. 2006, Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung 43, 131-136. (pdf)


Delaloye, R., Reynard, E., Lambiel, C., Marescot, L. & Monnet, R. (2003). Thermal anomaly in a cold scree slope, Creux du Van, Switzerland. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, Zurich 2003, Vol. 1, 175-180. (pdf)

Reynard, E., Delaloye, R., Baron, L., Chapellier, D., Devaud, G., Lambiel, C., Marescot, L. & Monnet, R. (2003). Glacier/permafrost relationships in recently deglaciated forefields of small alpine glaciers, Penninic Alps, Valais, Western Switzerland. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, Zurich 2003, Vol. 1, 947-952. (pdf)


Books and Chapters in Books


PERMOS (2019). Permafrost in Switzerland 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. Noetzli, J., Pellet, C., and Staub, B. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 16-19 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 104 pp, DOI:10.13093/permos-rep-2019-16-19.  


Delaloye, R. et Lambiel, C. (2017). Suivis par GPS et webcam de glaciers rocheux à mouvement rapide. In : Malet, E. et Astrade, L. (eds), Monitoring en milieux naturels - Retours d’expériences en terrains difficiles. Collection EDYTEM 19, 37-46. (pdf)


PERMOS (2016). Permafrost in Switzerland 2010/2011 to 2013/2014. Noetzli, J., Luethi, R., and Staub, B. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 12-15 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 85 pp. DOI: 10.13093/permos-rep-2016-12-15.  (pdf)  


Deline P., Gruber S., Delaloye R., Fischer L., Geertsema M., Giardino M., Hasler A., Kirkbride M., Krautblatter M., Magnin F., McColl S., Ravanel L. and Schoeneich P. (2015). Chapter 15 - Ice loss and slope stability in high-mountain regions. In book: Snow and ice-related hazards, risks, and disasters, Publisher: Academic Press, Editors: J. Shroder; W. Haeberli; C. Whiteman, pp.521-561. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394849-6.00015-9


Pümpin C., Braillard, L. & Rentzel, P. (2014): La micromorphologie des remplissages de cabanes en fosse. In : Deslex, C. & al. : Courtedoux - Creugenat, un hameau du Haut Moyen Age en Ajoie. Cahiers d'archéologie jurassienne 33, 339-363. Office du patrimoine historique et Société jurassienne d’Emulation, Porrentruy. ISSN 1422-5190, ISBN 978-2-88436-036-4. (pdf)


PERMOS (2013). Permafrost in Switzerland 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. Noetzli, J. (ed.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 10/11 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 80 pp. (pdf)


Braillard, L. (2011): Contexte géologique et environnement sédimentaire. In: Wey, O.: Occupations protohistoriques au Sud de Delémont : de l’âge du Bronze final au Second âge du Fer. Cahiers d'archéologie jurassienne 31, 13-27. Office du patrimoine historique et Société jurassienne d’Emulation, Porrentruy. (pdf)


Braillard, L. (2010): Cadre géologique et stratigraphie. In: DESLEX-SHEIKH, C., EVEQUOZ, E., BÉLET-GONDAT, C. & SALTEL, S.: Occupations protohistoriques à Chevenez: de l'âge du Bronze a la fin de l'âge du Fer. Cahiers d'archéologie jurassienne 26, 15-31. Office du patrimoine historique et Société jurassienne d’Emulation, Porrentruy. (pdf)

Morard, S., (2010). Extrazonal Permafrost in a Low Elevation Talus Slope (Dreveneuse d’en Bas, Swiss Prealps). In Noetzli, J., Naegeli, B., and Vonder Muehll, D. 2010 (eds.). Permafrost in Switzerland 2006/2007 and 2007/2008.Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 8/9 of the Cryospheric Commission (CC) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), p.35-41. (pdf)

PERMOS (2010). Permafrost in Switzerland 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. Noetzli, J. and Vonder Muehll, D. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 8/9 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 68 pp. (pdf)


Braillard, L. (2009): La séquence palustre de Delémont, La Communance. In: GUÉLAT, M., BROMBACHER, C., OLIVE, C. & WICK, L.: Develier-Courtételle, un habitat rural mérovingien. Environnement et exploitation du terroir. Cahiers d'archéologie jurassienne 16, 73-84. Office du patrimoine historique et Société jurassienne d’Emulation, Porrentruy. (pdf)

PERMOS (2009). Permafrost in Switzerland 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. Noetzli, J., Naegeli, B., and Vonder Muehll, D. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 6/7 of the Cryospheric Commission (CC) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 100 pp. (pdf)


Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C. (2008). Typology of vertical electrical soundings for permafrost/ground ice investigation in the forefields of small alpine glaciers. In : Hauck, C., Kneisel, C. (eds), Applied Geophysics in Periglacial Environments, Cambridge University Press, 101-108. (pdf)


PhD Thesis


Kummert, M. (2018). Sediment transfer and connectivity at the front of active rock glaciers. PhD thesis, Fac. Sciences and Med., Univ. Fribourg, 2077. (pdf)


Pellet, C. (2017) Assessing the spatial and temporal evolution of soil moisture in mountainous terrains: a combined monitoring and modelling approach. PhD thesis, Fac. Sciences and Med., Univ. Fribourg, 2006. (pdf)


Staub, B. (2015). The evolution of mountain permafrost in the context of climate change: towards a comprehensive analysis of permafrost monitoring data from the Swiss Alps. PhD thesis, Fac. Sciences, Univ. Fribourg, 1979. (pdf) 

Mari, S. (2015). Studio e insegnamento dei movimenti di versante in ambiente periglaciale in Ticino e nella Regione Gottardo. PhD thesis, Fac. Sciences, Univ. Fribourg. 


Barboux, C., (2014). Detection, mapping and monitoring of slope movements in the Alpine environment using DInSAR. PhD thesis, Fac. Sciences, Univ. Fribourg(pdf)


Morard, S., (2011). Effets de la circulation d'air par effet de cheminée dans l'évolution du régime thermique des éboulis froids de basse et moyenne altitude. PhD thesis, Fac. Sciences, Univ. Fribourg, GeoFocus 29(pdf)


Braillard, L. (2006): Morphogenèse des vallées sèches du Jura tabulaire d'Ajoie (Suisse): rôle de la fracturation et étude des remplissages quaternaires. GeoFocus 14, Université de Fribourg, Suisse (224 pp.). (pdf)


Delaloye, R. (2004). Contribution à l’étude du pergélisol de montagne en zone marginale. PhD thesis, Fac. Sciences, Univ. Fribourg, GeoFocus 10 (pdf)


Tenthorey (1993). Paysage géomorphologique du Haut-Val de Réchy (Valais, Suisse) et hydrologie liée aux glaciers rocheux. Thèse de doctorat, Institut de Géographie, Université de Fribourg (CH), non publié, 291 p. (pdf)



Selected Bachelor and Master Thesis


Ghirlanda, A. (2016) Travail de bachelor, Département de Géosciences, Géographie, Université de Fribourg (CH), non publié. (pdf)


Perruchoud, E. (2007). Suivi par GPS des déformations de glaciers rocheux et moraines de poussée dans les Alpes valaisannes. Travail de diplôme, Institut de Géographie, Université de Fribourg (CH), non publié, in french, 113 p. (pdf)

Dorthe, J. & Morard, S. 2007. Ventilation des éboulis froids et des glaciers rocheux fossiles des Préalpes suisses romandes. Travail de diplôme, Institut de Géographie, Université de Fribourg (CH), non publié, in french, 166 p. (pdf)


Devaud (1999). Etude de la distribution du pergélisol dans les marges proglaciaires. L’exemple des marges proglaciaires des Glaciers d’Aget et du Sanetschhorn (VS). Travail de diplôme, Institut de Géographie, Université de Fribourg (CH), non publié, 101 p. (pdf)