UNIFR Open Access Week 2020

Monday 16 November - Friday 20 November, online

The Open Access Week 2020 of the University of Fribourg is dedicated to the practical aspects of Open Access. In five different workshops, participants will have the opportunity to deal with diverse aspects: OA in law, publication process, publishers' agreements, OA journal publishing, and ORCID.

All workshops will take place online 12:15 to 14:00 (maximum).


  • Monday 16 November - Open Access in the field of Law

    Open Access in the Field of Law

    While free access to scientific publications has long been standard practice in many disciplines, Open Access is still in its early stages in law. Many lawyers are positive about the idea, but do not know how it can be implemented in practice. This workshop will first give a brief overview of the various forms of Open Access before focusing on the concrete possibilities of Open Access publishing in the field of law. Afterwards, the speaker hopes for a lively discussion.


    • Daniel Hürlimann (Universities of St. Gallen and Fribourg)


    Daniel Hürlimann: Open Access in der Rechtswissenschaft


  • Tuesday 17 November - Smart Publishing: tips to master the publication process

    Smart Publishing: tips to master the publication process

    Do you want to understand how publishing works and know some tips that will help at the submission stage? In this workshop, we will address the publication process in the current context:

    • Become familiar with the context of scholarly communication and its latest developments
    • Understand the important steps leading to publication, including peer-review
    • Ensure your compliance towards UNIFR and funders Open Access policy


    • Mathilde Panes (EPFL Library)
    • Thomas Henkel (Cantonal and University Library)


    Mathilde Panes/Thomas Henkel: Smart Publishing


  • Wednesday 18 November - Publishers' agreements: welcome to hell!

    Publishers' agreements: welcome to hell!

    Signing an agreement with a publisher is supposed to be a rewarding step: your work is getting published! However, the understanding of a contract is less enjoyable, between very specialized terms and ambiguous sentences.

    At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

    • identify the key elements of a contract
    • understand the rights you keep and the ones you waive when you sign a contract
    • communicate with a publisher if you are willing to negotiate


    • Mathilde Panes (EPFL Library)
    • Angélique Boschung (Cantonal and University Library)


    Mathilde Panes/Angélique Boschung: Publisher's Agreements

  • Thursday 19 November - How to publish an Open Access journal

    How to publish an Open Access journal

    The workshop discusses the advantages and challenges to publish a scholar-led Open Access journals. Two editors of Open Access journals give insight in their work and talk about their experience. The workshop will also give an overview of important points to consider when editing an Open Access journal and will present the possibilities available to future editors at the University of Fribourg.


    • Thomas Henkel (Université de Fribourg)
    • Paolo Borsa (Université de Fribourg)
    • Sebastian Schief (Universit de Fribourg)


    Sebastian Schief: sozialpolitik.chPaolo Borsa: Interaces: A Journal of Medieval European LiteraturesThomas Henkel: How to Publish an Open Acces Journa


  • Friday 20 November - Make your publications visible with ORCID

    Make your publications visible with ORCID

    The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) identifies researchers clearly on the internet. ORCID is a central access point to the publications and institutional information of a researcher. It simplifies communication with funders (e.g. SNSF) and allows to import your bibliography on your personal website. During the workshop participants will create their own ORCID, import their publications, and connect their ORCID to their personal website.


    • Eliane Abou Mansour (Université of Fribourg)


    Eliane Abou Mansour: Make your publications visible with ORCID

    Introduction - Why create an ORCID identifier

    Create and define the setting of your account

    Add your Biography

    Add your works in ORCID

    Link your ORCID identifier to MyUnifr