Prof. Franz Werro
Professor at the Fribourg University Law Faculty and at the Georgetown University Law Center (Washington, D.C.)
Nationality: Switzerland
Course: Contract Law
Professor Dr. Franz Werro shares his life between the Faculté de droit of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and Georgetown Law, in Washington, DC, where he has been a permanent faculty member since 2001. He teaches and researches in different fields of private law, including the law of obligations, European private law and comparative law. He was a visiting professor at the Cornell Law School (Ithaca, NY) and at a number of European Law schools, including the Universita degli Studi di Trieste (Italy), the Scuola Superiore Santa Anna in Pisa (Italy), the University of Pau (France), the University of Bordeaux (France), the International University College of Torino (Italy), the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg (Germany), the Sorbonne in Paris (France), the Tel-Aviv University (Israel) and Hebrew University (Israel).
In addition, Professor Werro acts as a consultant in Swiss and in international commercial disputes. He is on the board of a number of Swiss and European law journals and is involved in different projects of continuing legal education in Switzerland.
He has recently published a number of essays on various topics, including the Swiss law of obligations, the impact of EU law on national private law, as well as articles on comparative and transnational legal studies. He just published the third edition of his casebook on contracts, and he is currently working on the fourth edition of his book on tort law. Between January 2014 and December 2023, Professor Werro served as one of the co-editors-in-Chiefs of the American Journal of Comparative Law.
For the year 2015/2016, Professor Werro was a co-director for Georgetown Law’s Center for Transnational Legal Studies, in London. In January 2020, the Swiss Federal Council appointed Professor Werro as the chair of the board of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law. He is one of the founders of the IBL.