Prof. Erdem Ercüment
Senior Partner at the Erdem & Erdem Law Firm, Istanbul
Nationality: Turkey
Course: Incoterms
Prof. Ercüment Erdem Founder and Senior partner of Erdem & Erdem Law Office. He specializes in arbitration, international commercial law, competition and antitrust law, mergers and acquisitions, privatizations and corporate finance. He is involved in many cross-border project concerning project finance, privatizations or mergers and acquisitions. He is a commercial law professor lectured in leading universities such as Galatasaray University Law School (Istanbul, Turkey) and Fribourg University in Switzerland. He teaches corporate law, competition law, international commercial law and law of negotiable instruments. He has over 35 years’ experience as a scholar and his research contains arbitration, international commercial law, competition and antitrust, M&A, corporate law etc.
He has been a long-time active member of the CLP Commission, participating in many working groups over the years before taking on the role of Vice Chair in 2010, the Co-Chair in 2016 and Chair in 2019. He was leading the Working Group that prepared the first ICC model contract for services, The ICC Model Contract on International Consulting Services, published in 2017 and The ICC Model Contracts for Start-ups published in 2021. In addition, he was also member of the Drafting Group revising the Incoterms 2000, 2010 and 2020 rules. He regularly gives trainings and publishes articles and chapter of books on Incoterms. He translated Incoterms 2000, Incoterms 2010 and Incoterms 2020 into Turkish.
Prof. Erdem is a member of International Bar Association, Istanbul Bar Association, Chair of ICC CLP Commission and member of ICC Arbitration Commission, ICC Institute Counsel, ICC Turkish National Committee Arbitration, Istanbul Arbitration Centre (ISTAC) and Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage (ASA).