Laura Géraldine Illia Manzan


Organizational legitimacy, Stigma, Reputation, Identity, Social responsibility, Social impact, Stakeholder management, Issues and Crisis management, Social media, Text-mining, Time Series, Thematic analysis, Artifical intelligence (AI) text agents  & Business Ethics.


Laura Illia obtained her PhD in Communication at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (CH). She was then a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge and at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she also lectured from 2006-08. From 2008 to 2019 Laura Illia has been a professor at IE University  (IE HST and IE Business School) in Madrid where she directed the Master’s program in Corporate and Marketing Communication.

In her research, Prof. Illia focuses on how discourses and narratives contribute to our understanding of business. Specifically, she looks into questions of legitimacy, reputation and corporate social responsibility. By applying new digital methods such as machine learning to big dataset she analyzes the legitimation of organizations on social media and the use of new media by companies in the dialogue with their stakeholders. Her works are published in journals like MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, British Journal of Management, Journal of Management Inquiry, Business and Society, Journal of Business Research and others. In her academic career she has won numerous grants such as the post-doc fellowship from Swiss National Science Foundation (CH), research grant from IABC (US), regional grant from JCYL (ES), private grant from UniCredit and Universities Foundation (IT), individual grant from BBVA Foundation (ES).

Research and publications

  • Conference Presentations (peer reviewed)


    • Illia, L. , Glozer , S (2023).  "Combatting Hate Speech in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Paper presented st IABS conference , Bath, UK, 8-11 Junr 2023
    • Tizini, K., Illia,L. and Zyglidopolous, S.  (2023) "On Machine and Human Ethics: How Similar are Machine Ethics to Human Ethics?"Paper presented st IABS conference , Bath, UK, 8-11 June 2023
    • Illia,L., Giorgi, N., and Ingenhoff D., (2023) "The Role of an Artificial Intelligent (AI) Text Agent in Legitimation through Deliberation". Paper Presented at EGOS conference 2023, Cagliari, Italy, 4-8 July,
    • Castello, I., Illia.,L., Zamparini, A., Giorgi, N. (2023) "Organizational Stigma formation: rhetorical and emotional mechanisms. Paper Presented at EGOS conference 2023, Cagliari,  Italy, 4-8 July
    • Tzini,K., Illia, L., Zyglidopoloous, S. (2023) "Sustainable HRM Challenges and Possible Solutions: Use of Technology to Promote Ethical Decision-making. Paper Presented at EURAM conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 2023
    • Illia, L., (2023) Invited panelist at wokrshop on "Artificial Intelligence and Ethics" (AI & ETHICS), Paat EANN/AIAI 2023 Conference, Leon, Spain, 14-16 June.
    • Tzini K., Illia.L (2023) "How to query an AI text agent and obtain ethical responses? An experimental approach. Paper Presented at CRR conference , Cambridge,  UK 7-8 September 2023.


    • Illia, L. (2022).  "Investigating the role AI text agents in multi-stakeholder deliberation processes: Reflections from two empirical studies". Invited panel:  AI-generated disinformation & the implications for Corporate Social Responsibility Communication. Hosted by Dennis Shoenenborn , CSR communication conference 2022, Leuphana University, Germany
    • Illia, L., (2022) Can GPT-3 Mimic Conversational Style and Silence Human Voice? Study presented in the panel by Illia,L., Colleoni, E.,  Zyglidopolous,  S., Bachmann,  P., Romenti, S., Bucher. E., Fieseler, C., Buhmann, A., Castello,  PDW on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Text Agents:  Spring of Hope or Winter of despair for Business & Society?Academy of Management (AOM) conference, August 2022 , Washington, USA
    • Van Hove, F., Illia, L., (2022) The Impact of AI in Journalism.An Ethical Approach on the Role of Automated Text Generation in Journalism. ICA 2022 Preconference  program“Understanding the Dynamics of (Ir)Responsible AI in Journalism and Algorithmically Shaped News Flows”. International Communication Association Conference  (ICA) 2022, Paris. France.
    • Illia,L.,  Caserta, M., Ludovico, N. (2022) #Boycotts as temporary storms or enduring shocks fororganizations? An exploration of slacktivism vs activismin Twitter. Corporate Social Responsibility Communication. CSR communication conference 2022, Leuphana University, Germany
    •  Helms W., Illia, L., Etter, M., Caserta, M., Ludovico, N. (2022) Exerting online pressure on organizations: A socialcontrol theory of sanctioning crowd emergence.CSR communication conference 2022, Leuphana University, Germany
    • Zyglidopoulos, S., Colleoni, E., Illia, L. (2022). Unity within diversity: The refracted convergence of heterogenous stakeholders in social media.European Group for Organizational Studies, 38th EGOS Colloquium, 6-9 July, Vienna, Austria.
    • Colleoni, E., Haack, P., Illia, L., (2022) Agreeing while disagreeing: Forms of consensus and the emergence of a new status quo during institutional change European Group for Organizational Studies, 38th EGOS Colloquium, 6-9 July, Vienna



    • Illia, L, "Frames, Fake news and Artificial Intelligent (AI) agents", study presented in the panel by Galdberg. N, Barnett, M, Zyglidololous S., lllia, L.,Colleoni, E., Bantimaroudis, P.  PDW on Fake news: implications for management, organization and society, Academy of Management (AOM) conference, August 2021 (virtual conference due to Covid-19 Situation)
    • Zyglidopoulos, S., Gardberg, N., Illia, L.,Colleoni, E. and Romenti, S. (2021). How to mitigate the impact of fake news on corporate reputation. European Group for Organizational Studies, 37th EGOS Colloquium, 8-10 July, Amsterdam, NE. (virtual conference due to Covid-19 Situation)
    • Eisenegger M., Etter, M., Winkler, P., Illia, L., "The formation of Digital Reputation: cultural, Media-Related and Methodological Challenges". Panel at EUPRERA conference 2021, Spain (virtual conference due to Covid-19 Situation)


    • Galdberg. N, Zyglidololous S., Fotaki, M., Illia, L.  Offsetting stigma through corporate social performance and emotions. , Academy of Management (AOM) conference, Vancouver, August 2020 (virtual conference due to Covid-19 Situation)
    • Illia, L., Etter, M,  Colleoni, E., Meggiorin, K., &., From micro-level to macro-level legitimacy EGOS conference 2020, Hamburg, 2-4 july , 7-11 August(virtual conference due to Covid-19 Situation)


    • Colleoni, E., Illia, L., Zyglidopolous, S. Beyond differences: The Use of Empty Signifiers as an Organizing Device with Fragmented Stakeholders. IABS Conference. San Diego, 21-23 March.


    • Illia, L., Etter, M., Colleoni, E., Ludovico, N. The Formation of lasting Stigma in the fleeting Context of Twitter. Academiy of Management Big data conference, University of Surrey.
    •  Illia, L., Etter, M., Colleoni, E., Meggiorin, K. S. EGOS, “ Exploring the upward Legitimacy Loop by analysing Transfer of Salience with Big Data, and New Digital Methods”. Tallin,
    •  Illia, L., Etter, M, Meggiorin K., Stigmatization Across Stakeholder Groups.  The Role of Emotions for the Diffusion Of Discrediting Labels. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.  
    • Etter M., Illia , L. Organizational Legitimacy and social media. Oxford Centre for Corporate Reputation Research, Conference August, Oxford.


    • Illia, L., Ravindran, K., & Ludovico, N. Sharing Economy boycott! Exploring the economic, social and technological ideologies behind the #deleteUber call to action, EGOS, Copenhagen.
    • Illia,L. Etter, M., Colleoni, E., & Meggiorin, K. Moral reasoning and cross-media salience: How anti-business claims become visible outside the digital sphere. International MOC-TIM Academy of Management Conference, ETH Zurich, Zurich.
    • Meggiorin, K., & Illia, L. The deliberation of corporate social issues in the digital era, 3rd Corporate Social Responsibility and Communication Conference, Vienna.



    • Illia, L. Colleoni, E., & Meggiorin, K. Salience of corporate social issues in the digital era: Exploring the infomediary process in Twitter, CSR 7th Conference on sustainability and Responsibility, Berlin.
    • Illia, L., Colleoni, E., Meggiorin, K., & Rozza, A., Exploring the infomediary process in the digital era, Academy of Management Conference, MOC Division, Anaheim.


    • Illia, L., Colleoni, E., Meggiorin, K., & Rozza, A.  Reputation in the digital era, World Public Relations Conference. Madrid.
    • L. Illia, Colleoni, E., & Rozza, A. Reputation in social media: A semantic network analysis of hashtags, European Conference on Social Networks, Barcelona.


    • Illia, L. Romenti,S., Rodriguez-Canovas. B., & Murtarelli, G.  Exploring a communicative constituted dialogue in corporate social responsibility, EGOS, Montreal.         
    • Illia, L., & Zamparini, A. Legitimate distinctiveness, collective identity and the fortune of the commons, Academy of Management, OMT Division, Orlando.          
    • Illia, L. Stakeholder engagement, CSR and dialogue: An exploration of the top 100 companies, International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness, Barcelona.           
    • Illia, L. Romenti,S., Rodriguez-Canovas. B., & Murtarelli, G., Exploring the practices of dialogue management within the CSR field, International Communication Association (ICA), London.       


    • Illia, l., & Zamparini, A. Building a corporate image through identity stories: An empirical investigation, International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness, Milan.         
    • Illia, L., & Zamparini, A. Exploring the nested chain of meanings between collective and individual corporate identity stories, Academy of Management, MOC Division, Boston.  
    • Illia, L., Romenti, S., & Del Valle Gonzalez Brena, A. How European managers feel about CSR communication risks and opportunities, CSR Communication Conference organized by ASCOR, Amsterdam.  


    • lllia, L., van Rekom, J., & Bonaiuto, & Worry M. Pride or pragmatism: How do members feel about an organizational identity?, ICIG, Segovia.
    • Illia, L., & Foreman, P. An exploration of the consistency and continuity of organizational identity, Academy of Management, MOC Division, San Antonio.            
    • Illia, L., & Sonpar, K. Preempting attacks on legitimacy: A study of the biometrics industry (1997–2006), EGOS, Goteborg. 


    • Illia, L., & Romenti, S. CSR communication in Europe: Exploring differences and tendencies, XXXIII Convegno AIDEA, Milan.
    • Illia, L., Romenti, S., & Zyglidopoulos, S. CSR communication in Europe, ICIG Symposium, St Gallen.
    • Illia, L. Impression management, framing, and priming: Exploring how organizations interface with media, Academy of Management, MOC Division, Montreal.         
    • Illia, L. What consumers care about when a brand repositioning looms ahead, The Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Lugano.            
    • Illia.L., Developing a literature review with the help of ALCESTE—Workshop on methodology: ALCESTE 4.9, Organized by London School of Economics and Political Science, London.   


    • Illia, L. Rodriguez-Canovas, B., & Del Valle Gonzalez Brena, A. CSR communication in Europe: Exploring differences and similarities, International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness, Amsterdam.
    • Illia, L. Internal communication during times of change, CSR09, Bucharest.           
    • Illia, L. Exploring how organizational identity is affected by the arrival of new members, ICIG Conference 2009, Ljubljana. 


    • Illia, L. Media monitoring workshop organized by London School of Economics and Political Science, London.        
    • Illia, L., & van Rekom, J. Identity threats in organization as a practical concern, Academy of Management, MOC Division, Anaheim, CA.       
    • Zamparini, A., Lurati, F., & Illia, L. Auditing regional wine brands: The Merlot Ticino case, The Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Birmingham.      


    • Illia, L. Aesthetics of the concept of monster for hybrid organizational identities, EGOS, Munich.
    • Illia, L. Multiple identities: Organizational, institutional, ecological, and communication perspectives, EURAM, Paris.          
    • Illia, L. When members have multiple beliefs about an organization, do they construe one unique organization?, Academy of Management, MOC Division, Philadelphia.   
    • Illia, L., & Zyglidopoulos, S. Does it pay more to be good and bad? IABS, Florence.


    • Illia, L. Perceived threats in changing the traits of organizational identity, Academy of Management, MOC Division, Atlanta.
    • Illia, L., La Rocca, A., & Lurati, F. Communication flow, channels, content and climate in downsizing, EURAM, Oslo.
    • Illia, L. Perceived threat in suppressing or substituting traits of organizational identity, EGOS, Bergen.       
    • Illia, L., & Lurati, F. What creates continuity costs when changing features of organizational identity?, EURAM, Oslo, Norway.       


    • Illia, L., & Lurati, F. What makes up and how to measure organizational identity enduringness, International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness, Madrid.


    • Illia, L., & Lurati, F. Stakeholder perspectives on organizational identity: Searching for a relationship approach, International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image, Identity, and Competitiveness, Fort Lauderdale.


  • Prizes, Awards And Distinctions

    2022: Nomination for Best Paepr 2022 at CSR communication Conference2022

    2019: Nomination for Best paper 2018 at Business and Society      

    2012: Best Conference Paper Award, Reputation Institute Conference       

    2012: Best Reviewer Award (2010), Emerald Literati Network          

    2011: Nomination for Best Paper, European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS)

    2010: Nomination for Best Paper (2008), Emerald Literati Network

    2007: Best Thesis, European PR Education and Research Association (EUPRERA)

    2002: Best Thesis, Swiss Italian Chapter of the Swiss PR Society (SPRG)

  • Publications (academic journals and books)
    Loading Orcid 0000-0003-4908-165X
  • Research Projects as Principal Investigator


    • 2016 –18 : The infomediary process in the digital era. BBVA Research Foundation Individual Grants (ES), € 40,000 , 18 months
    • 2013 –15 : From corporations to hashtags. UniCredit & Universities Research Foundation & GSSI department, UniCredit (IT), € 76,000, 36 months
    • 2012 –13 : Building sustainable futures. IABC Research Foundation Research Grant (USA), USD 30,000, 12 months


    • 2011 –12 : One out of many Financed by the Regional General Direction of Research and Universities (ES), € 15,000, 12 months (Ministerio public de Educacion Española).
    • 2008 –19 :Cultural and industry differences in communicating CSR. IE Seed funds (ES), € 8,000 (Ministerio public de Educacion Española).


    • 2006 –08: How organizations acquire normative or utilitarian identities: searching for a relationship approach. Research developed at the University of Cambridge and London School of Economics, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (CH), € 74,051, 24 months.

Public commitments and mandates

  • Commissions of Trust and Outreach activities

    2023 - present: Editorial Board Member, Journal of Business Research (section on CSR/ethics)

    2021 - present : Member of the  Postdoc.Mobility (PM) Evaluation Commission (EvCo) for the domain of social science, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 

    2020 - present:  Member of the Jury for designation of Best  PhD dissertation at Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM)

    2019 –present: Editorial Board Member, Journal of Management Studies

    2018 –present : Editorial Board Member, Journal of Business Ethics

    2017 : Conference committee member and organizer of 3rd Frontiers conference in MOC-TIM, regional conference of AOM, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

    2016–present : Reviewer for Academic Positions for various international Universities

    2015 :Conference Committee member and conference organizer of  2nd Frontiers conference in MOC, regional conference of  AOM, University of Roskilde, Denmark

    2014 –17 :Elected International Representative at large, Academy of Management, MOC

    2012 – present : Editorial Board Member, Business & Society

    2011 :Conference organizer 14th ICIG Symposium, IE University, Spain

    2010 –present :Editorial Board Member, Corporate Communication: An International Journal

    2009 –present :Editorial Board Member, Corporate Reputation Review

    2013:Committee Member Best Paper Award, MOC division, AOM Conference

    2009: 5 years of outstanding reviewer service, Academy of Management, MOC Division

    2008–present :  Reviewer service for various ISI-Ranked Journals such as Journal of Business Ethics; Organization Science; British Journal of Management; Business & Society; Journal of Economics, Business and Management; Public Understanding of Science;

    2010–present: Panel Discussant at numerous international conferences such as AOM or EGOS

Teaching and courses

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