Jasmine Lovey

Master of Arts / History UNIFR



- History of the Swiss nineteenth century

- History of Health and Childhood

- History of single mothers


After a Bachelor's and Master's degree in History and Latin Language at the University of Fribourg, Jasmine Lovey is a PhD student in medical Humanities. Her work focuses on the history of medical practices on children during the nineteenth century in french-speaking Switzerland. Her PhD thesis is part of the SNSF project of Dr. Dr. Felix Rietmann: Raising a Well-Grown Child: Media and Material Cultures of Child Health in the Early Nineteenth Century.

Provisional title of the dissertation : Prévenir et soigner. Entre promotions et résistances aux soins médicaux des enfants au XIXe siècle en Suisse romande

Research and publications

  • Publications
    5 publications

    LOVEY Jasmine, Figures de la mère célibataire en Valais (1929-1970) : entre assistance publique, perceptions sociales et enjeux économiques , in Thierry Delessert, Chiara Boraschi, Nelly Valsangiacomo (dir.), Pauvres, immorales et contraintes. Les adversités des mères célibataires en Suisse, Genève/Zurich : Seismo, collection Question de genre (en cours d’évaluation peer-review)
    Jasmine Lovey (2024) | Book chapter

    Feitknecht Regula, Lovey Jasmine, Vocational Training and Education in the Library and Information Professions in Switzerland: An Overview and Some Reflections , in Innovative Instruments for Community Development in Communication and Education
    Jasmine Lovey (2021) | Book chapter

  • Research projects

Teaching and courses

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