Activities of the Clinical Competence Centre

Clinical Skills Programme

The Bachelor of Medicine clinical skills programme of 12 ECTS credits aims to prepare students for their clinical and community placements by building on tangible successes in clinical interactions. The competencies addressed relate to the following areas: Doctor-patient relationship, history taking, semiology and physical examination, technical gestures of care and emergencies. Learning usually takes the form of two-hour workshops, in groups of six students with a teacher/tutor.


The assessment of the clinical skills acquired by the students during the Bachelor of Medicine is carried out according to the OSCE method (objective structured clinical examination).

An OSCE examination consists of a sequence of clinical situations presented in different 'stations', each lasting a few minutes, forming a 'circuit' through which candidates rotate. Candidates interact with a simulated and standardised patient or mannequins and must perform a series of pre-set tasks. Their performance is assessed by two observer-examiners using an observation grid that corresponds to the content of the situation and the tasks required.

The duration of the examination is two hours per student. Each student goes through eight clinical skills stations corresponding to the selected clinical skills. Both teachers and students benefit from a training seminar on the OSCE exam.