
The Cell Analytics Facility provides comprehensive theoretical teaching, hands-on training, troubleshooting, support and instrument access for all flow cytometry domain (pannel design, experimental design, instrument use, data analysis,...).

The facility provide a cell sorting service upon request. Please note that, because of its complexity and sensitivity, our cell sorter can only be booked and operated by our staff.

Our facility also provide access to instruments for the preparation and QC of libraries and mRNA for NGS. 


  • Instrument access

    New users

    To start the registration process for new users of flow cytometer (analysers), please download the registration form and the policies, fill it out and send it to us, signed, by email. If you don't know the instrument to use, we will redirect you after discussion on the best instrument for your project needs.

    We will contact you to fix a date for the theoretical (1h15) and practical training (1h) on the instrument of interest. 

    Once the training is completed and the facility policy is read and signed, the following user rights willl be granted:

    • Access to the booking system for a given instrument
    • Access to the premises of the instrument (campus card update)
    • The right to autonomously use the instruments

    Facility users

    If you need access to another instrument (flow cytometer analyser), please email your request to us. We will contact you to fix a date for practical training (1h) on the instrument of interest. After completion of the training, you will be granted access to the booking system of the requested instrument.

  • Cell Sorting


    To use our cell sorting service for the first time, please download the request form and email the filled out form to us. We will contact you to fix a meeting to discuss your project and your need for the instrument. 

    To book the cell sorter for on going project, please check the instrument availability on the booking system before sending us an appointment request accordingly. Please book the instrument 1 week in advance!

    If you are not a member of the University of Fribourg, please contact our staff first.


    The operator will process your samples on the instrument. You are required to stay until the right parameters are set for the sorting of your cells, and to come to pick your cells after sorting for further processing.

    Please read carefully the notes for cell sorting to avoid common mistakes!

  • NGS sample preparation

    10x Genomics Chromium Controller

    This instrument allow the preparation of single-cell mRNA libraries for NGS. If you plan to use our chromium controller, please contacte us via email. We can discuss your need and how to process. 

    We have several level of usage: done for you by our operators, done on our instrument by technician from other NGS facilities, or you can be trained and use it in a semi-autonomeous way. 


    To access our QSep100 Capillary Electrophoresis system, please contact us via mail. 

    We will discuss your project details to determine if you need to be trained and access the instrument in a autonomous way, or if we process your samples for you. 


  • Data Analysis

    At UNIFR, the software used for flow cytometry manual analysis is FlowJo. 

    If you are a member of the Faculty of Science and Medicine, you can apply for a FlowJO license (limited number, shared licenses). If you are interested, please send us an email. We will come back to you with information on how to get and use the license. 

    Upon request the facility provide also a beginner (1h) or advanced training (1h30) on FlowJo software. 


    Regarding unsupervised analysis of your data, the UNIFR is now working with Cytolution from Cytolytics. For unifr users, you can find the link for the direct registration to get an account, as well as the direct link for the application. 

    For other questions regarding data analysis, please contact directly Sarah Cattin. 



Here are the actuall general pricing for the different flow cytometer instruments of the Cell Analytics Facility at UNIFR. Usage fees for external users are available for each instrument upon request, as well as quote for special usages. 

Flow Cytometry Price for UNIFR members (CHF/h)
BC Cytoflex S 20 CHF
BD LSRFortessa 20 CHF


Concerning the NGS preparation devices, the reagents to perform the experiment are not included in the price and have to be furnished by the user. All information will be provided during the primary discussion with the users.

As an indication, a kit for 4 sample cost 6'500 CHF. 

NGS preparation Price for UNIFR members
10x Chromium controller (UNIBE usage) 100 CHF per usage
10x Chromium controller (full library preparation + QC, no reagent included) 250 CHF (+ chip price)
10x Chromium controller training 300 CHF
mRNA or DNA quality analysis (using Qsep100 and Qubit) 10 CHF per sample (1 CHF if Qubit only)