The BIS Platform provides full access to cutting-edge infrastructure and equipement for neurophysiological and behavioral investigations.
High-density electroencephalography
The BIS is equipped with a Biosemi ActiveTwo 64-128 channel system and a sound-attenuating, electrically shielded booth. We are also equiped with a NDI Polaris vicra infra-red camera and sensors for recording the positions of electrode in space. Our system also include a large variety of physiological sensors (plethysmograph, galvanic skin response, EOG, ...)
Another similar EEG system is available at the Neurology unit at the Hospital of Fribourg for clinical studies.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
The BIS is equipped with a MagPro X100 transcranial magnetic stimulator from MagVenture, with several types of coils.
Transcranial direct current stimulation
The BIS is equipped with transcranial Direct Current Stimulation device from NeuroCare, with various electrode sizes.
The plateform is also equipped by an HD-tDCS/HD-tACS equipment from the company Neuroelectrics. The model is a StarStim tCS.
Eye tracking
The BIS is equipped with an Eye tracker RED 500 de SensoMotoric Instruments.
Magnetic resonance imaging
The BIS has access, but is not in charge, of the 3 tesla General Electric SIGNA Premier MRI scanner of the hospital of Fribourg.
The BIS platform is equiped with several software for stimuli presentation and data acquisition and analyses, including E-prime 3.0 software from Psychology Software Tools (PST) Cartool software from the Functional Brain Mapping Lab, SPM software, etc.