
The BIS Platform provides full access to cutting-edge infrastructure and equipement for neurophysiological and behavioral investigations.

  • High-density electroencephalography

    The BIS is equipped with a Biosemi ActiveTwo 64-128 channel system and a sound-attenuating, electrically shielded booth. We are also equiped with a NDI Polaris vicra infra-red camera and sensors for recording the positions of electrode in space. Our system also include a large variety of physiological sensors (plethysmograph, galvanic skin response, EOG, ...)

    Another similar EEG system is available at the Neurology unit at the Hospital of Fribourg for clinical studies.



  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation

    The BIS is equipped with a MagPro X100 transcranial magnetic stimulator from MagVenture, with several types of coils.



  • Transcranial direct current stimulation

    The BIS is equipped with transcranial Direct Current Stimulation device from NeuroCare, with various electrode sizes.

    The plateform is also equipped by an HD-tDCS/HD-tACS equipment from the company Neuroelectrics. The model is a StarStim tCS.

  • Eye tracking

    The BIS is equipped with an Eye tracker RED 500 de SensoMotoric Instruments.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging

    The BIS has access, but is not in charge, of the 3 tesla General Electric SIGNA Premier MRI scanner of the hospital of Fribourg. 

  • Software

    The BIS platform is equiped with several software for stimuli presentation and data acquisition and analyses, including E-prime 3.0 software from Psychology Software Tools (PST) Cartool software from the Functional Brain Mapping Lab, SPM software, etc.