High Performance Cluster
Core facility staff and users have privileged access to two High Performance Clusters at the University of Fribourg and the University of Bern.
Scientific IT at Unifr
The Scientific IT, a subunit of the central IT services of the University operates a high performance computing cluster.Read more
The IBU/BEFRI cluster at UniBe
A joint infrastructure (the IBU/BEFRI cluster) dedicated to Bioinformatics located at UniBe.
The IBU cluster the main computer of cluster of the Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit at the University of Bern. This documentation is largely based on the documentation of the Ubelix cluster, and documentation of the CÉCI cluster
Working on the IBU cluster & new users
We assume all users have a good knowledge of UNIX command line, basic knowledge on HPC computing and job submission using SLURM. If you are doubting whether you possess the right skills follow the UNIX e-learning module at SIB, and one of our courses on HPC computing.
System infrastructure
The system consists in total of 1888 cores spread over 34 compute nodes. These nodes are divided into three different partitions.
pall | 30 |
pshort | 2 |
phighmem | 1 |
Please contact us to obtain access.