MA Mobility offered courses

Basic courses in Psychology
Piskernik Bernhard UE-L25.01477 Advanced statistical methods (SA-2022) 3
Rolli Salathé Cornelia UE-L25.01228 Back to work?! Insights into occupational rehabilitation psychology (SA-2022) 3
Wagner Pascal UE-L25.01480 Psychology of climate change (SA-2022) 3
L25.01480 Psychology of climate change (SA-2022) 0
- UE-L25.01477 Advanced statistical methods (SA-2023) 3
Weitkunat Rolf UE-L25.00405 Epidemiology for Psychologists I: Concepts and Methods (SA-2023) 3
Wilhelm Peter UE-L25.00751 Evaluation of Psychotherapeutic Interventions (SA-2023) 3
Ledermann Katharina UE-L25.00744 Mood and anxiety disorders (SA-2023) 3
Wagner Pascal UE-L25.00752 Psychology of beliefs in conspiracy theories (SA-2023) 3
Weitkunat Rolf UE-L25.00883 Epidemiology for Psychologists II: Current Issues in Research on Mental and Behavioral Disorders (SP-2023) 3
Klumb Petra Liselotte Sauer Jürgen UE-L25.00792 Ergonomics and Occupational Health Psychology (SP-2023) 3
L25.00792 Ergonomics and Occupational Health Psychology (SP-2023) 0
Wilhelm Peter UE-L25.00751 Evaluation of Psychotherapeutic Interventions (SP-2023) 3
Shanti Shanti Das UE-L25.00598 Prevention and health promotion (SP-2023) 3
L25.00598 Prevention and health promotion (SP-2023) 0
Gygax Pascal Mark UE-L25.01670 Advanced research methods (SP-2024) 3
UE-L25.01477 Advanced statistical methods (SP-2024) 3
Weitkunat Rolf UE-L25.00405 Epidemiology for Psychologists I: Concepts and Methods (SP-2024) 3

Clinical Health Psychology
Schmutz Sven UE-L25.00579 Einführung in die Psychopharmakologie für Psycholog:innen (AA2022-23) 3
Uehlinger Claude UE-L25.00747 Les toxicodépendances : diagnostic et intervention (AA2023-24) 3
Mihov Yoan UE-L25.01035 Angststörungen (SA-2022) 3
Cina Annette Kilde Gisela UE-L26.00008 Anhörung des Kindes in familienrechtlichen Verfahren: psychologische und juristische Aspekte (SA-2022) 3
Tiemann Aline Florence UE-L25.00585 Essstörungen und Adipositas (Klassifikation und Behandlung) (SA-2022) 3
Kouri Georgia UE-L25.01032 Family therapy (SA-2022) 3
Munsch Simone UE-L25.00723 Klinische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychologie II (SA-2022) 3
Heim Eva Maria UE-L25.00891 Kulturelle Anpassung von psychologischen Interventionen zur Behandlung psychischer Störungen (SA-2022) 3
Fernández Boente Mónica UE-L25.00677 Méthodes psycho-corporelles et mindfulness: Applications et indications en psychologie clinique et en psychologie de la santé (SA-2022) 3
Rolli Salathe Cornelia UE-L25.01489 My pain is certainly not in my head! Introduction to musculoskeletal pain in adults and children (SA-2022) 3
Meuwly Nathalie UE-L25.00804 Persönlichkeitsstörungen (SA-2022) 3
Gassmann Daniel UE-L25.00910 Prinzipien des gesunden Schlafs (SA-2022) 3
Page Dominique UE-L25.00686 Psychopathologie des troubles liés au stress, des troubles obsessifs - compulsifs et des troubles du sommeil (SA-2022) 3
Holzer Laurent UE-L25.01263 Psychopharmacologie de l enfant et de l adolescent (SA-2022) 3
Chopard Saba UE-L25.00453 Réseau Fribourgeois de Santé Mentale - Forum de présentation avec invité-e-s (SA-2022) 3
Way Prof. Dr. Baldwin M. UE-L25.00813 Social Relationships and Health: Neurochemical Mechanisms (SA-2022) 3
Cina Annette UE-L26.00008 Anhörung des Kindes in familienrechtlichen Verfahren: psychologische und juristische Aspekte (SA-2023) 3
Munsch Simone UE-L25.01036 Ätiologie und Behandlung depressiver Störungen in Abhängigkeit des Lebensalters (SA-2023) 3
- UE-L25.01657 Cognition, well-being, and health in daily life (SA-2023) 3
Rauen Anna Christina UE-L25.00585 Essstörungen und Adipositas (Klassifikation und Behandlung) (SA-2023) 3
Kouri Georgia UE-L25.01032 Family therapy (SA-2023) 3
Spagnuolo Dahlila UE-L25.00677 Méthodes psycho-corporelles et mindfulness: Applications et indications en psychologie clinique et en psychologie de la santé (SA-2023) 3
Chopard Saba UE-L25.00453 Réseau Fribourgeois de Santé Mentale - Forum de présentation avec invité-e-s (SA-2023) 3
Wyssen Andrea UE-L25.00586 Sexualität und Sexuelle Störungen (SA-2023) 3
Rubo Marius UE-L25.01034 Experimente in virtueller Realität (VR) erstellen, erheben und auswerten (SP-2023) 3
Gygax Pascal Mark UE-L25.00693 Health Communication across the Lifespan (SP-2023) 3
Dukes Daniel UE-L25.01589 Interpersonal emotional processes in dyads, families and (other) groups (SP-2023) 3
Munsch Simone UE-L25.00481 Klinische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychologie I (Psychopathologie und Klassifikation) (SP-2023) 3
Ledermann Katharina UE-L25.00757 Mental disorders in the eldery (SP-2023) 3
Cumming Paul UE-L25.01592 Neuropsychopharmacology of mental disorders: molecular imaging research methods findings and methods (SP-2023) 3
Recabarren Romina Evelyn UE-L25.00591 Psychopathologie de l enfant et de l adolescent : Diagnostic, classification et traitement (SP-2023) 3
Page Dominique UE-L25.00612 Psychopathologie des troubles alimentaires, des troubles sexuels et des troubles de la personnalité (SP-2023) 3
Spagnuolo Dahlila UE-L25.00947 Psychopathologie des troubles liés à la schizophrénie (SP-2023) 3
Gothuey Isabelle UE-L25.00705 Psychopharmacologie de l'adulte (SP-2023) 3
Roth Binia Ursula UE-L25.01356 ADHS und externalisierende Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter (SP-2024) 3
Gygax Pascal Mark UE-L25.00693 Health Communication across the Lifespan (SP-2024) 3
Rolli Salathé Cornelia UE-L25.01659 Health-promotion interventions in organizations (SP-2024) 3
Recabarren Romina Evelyn UE-L25.00591 Psychopathologie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent : Diagnostic, classification et traitement (SP-2024) 3
Spagnuolo Dahlila UE-L25.00947 Psychopathologie des troubles liés à la schizophrénie (SP-2024) 3
Tiemann Aline Florence UE-L25.01034 Virtual Reality (VR): Applications in the Clinical Context, Designing Experiments, and Technical Implications (SP-2024) 3

Cognitive Neurosciences
Fahmy Cherine Pascalis Olivier UE-L25.01486 Development, Learning, and Memory: Neuroscience perspectives (SA-2022) 3
Sokhn Nayla UE-L25.00644 Introduction to Matlab I (SA-2022) 3
Macho Siegfried UE-L25.00714 Judgment and Decision Biases I (SA-2022) 3
Macho Siegfried UE-L25.00906 Modern Psychometrics (SA-2022) 3
Cordi Maren UE-L25.01478 Sleep and cognition (CogNeuro) (SA-2022) 3
Sokhn Nayla UE-L25.01483 Statistics with R (Statistics) (SA-2022) 3
- UE-L25.01658 Affective and decision making neuroscience (SA-2023) 3
- UE-L25.01656 Intelligence (SA-2023) 3
Sokhn Nayla UE-L25.00644 Introduction to Matlab I (SA-2023) 3
Macho Siegfried UE-L25.00714 Judgment and Decision Biases I (SA-2023) 3
Macho Siegfried UE-L25.00906 Modern Psychometrics (SA-2023) 3
Pascalis Olivier UE-L25.00545 Research Methods in infants (Méthodes d’investigation dans les premières années de vie) (SA-2023) 3
Sokhn Nayla UE-L25.01483 Statistics with R (Statistics) (SA-2023) 3
Caldara Roberto UE-L25.01655 Visual and social neuroscience (CogNeuro) (SA-2023) 3
Fahmy Cherine Pascalis Olivier UE-L25.01486 Development, Learning, and Memory Neuroscience perspectives (SA-2024) 3
UE-L25.01486 Development, Learning, and Memory: Neuroscience perspectives (SA-2024) 3
Fahmy Cherine / Pascalis Olivier UE-L25.01486 Development, Learning, and Memory: Neuroscience perspectives (SA-2024) 0
Fahim Cherine / Pascalis Olivier L25.01486 Development, Learning, and Memory: Neuroscience perspectives (SA-2024) 0
Fahmy Cherine Pascalis Olivier UE-L25.01486 Development, Learning, and Memory: Neuroscience perspectives (SA-2024) 3
Fahmy Cherine Pascalis Olivier UE-25.01486 Development, Learning, and Memory: Neuroscience perspectives (SA-2024) 3
UE-L25.01478 Sleep and cognition (SA-2024) 3
Cordi Maren UE-L25.01478 Sleep and cognition (SA-2024) 0
Cordi Maren UE-L25.01408 Sleep and cognition (SA-2024) 3
Cordi Maren UE-L25.01478 Sleep and cognition (SA-2024) 3
Cordi Maren UE-L25.01478 Sleep and cognition (SA-2024) 3
Passmann Sven UE-L25.1488 Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) (SA-2024) 3
Rossion Bruno UE-25.01487 What is special about the human brain ? (SA-2024) 3
Kurth Salome Markovic Andjela UE-L25.01597 Brain and behavior: methods for measuring sleep (SP-2023) 3
Jost Lea UE-L25.01598 Bridging neuroscience and clinical neuropsychology (SP-2023) 3
Macho Siegfried UE-L25.00718 Judgment and Decision Biases II (SP-2023) 3
Sokhn Nayla UE-L25.00777 Multilevel Analysis with R (SP-2023) 3
Mihov Yoan UE-L25.01485 Neurochemistry (SP-2023) 3
Diekelmann Susanne UE-L25.00715 Neuroethics (SP-2023) 3
Jost Lea UE-L25.01598 Bridging neuroscience and clinical neuropsychology (SP-2024) 3
Fahim Cherine UE-L25.01661 Clinical neuroscience (SP-2024) 3
UE-L25.00718 Judgment and Decision Biases II (SP-2024) 3
Macho Siegfried UE-L25.00718 Judgment and Decision Biases II (SP-2024) 3
Sokhn Nayla UE-L25.00777 Multilevel Analysis with R (SP-2024) 3
Diekelmann Susanne UE-L25.00715 Neuroethics (SP-2024) 3
Diekelmann Susanne UE-L25.00715 Neuroethics (SP-2024) 3
UE-L25.01485 Neurochemistry (SP-2025) 3
Mihov Yoan UE-L15.01485 Neurochemistry (SP-2025) 0
Mihov Yoan UE-L25.01485 Neurochemistry (SP-2025) 3
Mihov Yoan UE-L25.0185 Neurochemistry (SP-2025) 3
Mihov Yoan UE-L25.01485 Neurochemistry (SP-2025) 3

Developmental and School Psychology
Fitamen Christophe UE-L25.00922 Développement normal et pathologique des fonctions exécutives (SA-2022) 3
Gentaz Edouard UE-L25.00632 Développement psychologique des enfants aveugles (SA-2023) 3
Fitamen Christophe UE-L25.01059 L’adolescence (SA-2023) 3
Urben Sébastien UE-L25.00980 Développement des capacités d’auto-régulation: Une approche clinique et neurocognitive (SP-2023) 3
Fitamen Christophe UE-L25.01262 Développement social et affectif, et ses troubles (SP-2023) 3
Majerus Steve Poncelet Martine UE-L25.01471 Introduction générale dans les aspects neuropsychologiques des troubles neurodéveloppementaux (SP-2023) 3
Abadie Marlène UE-L25.00789 La Mémoire : Théories et Applications (SP-2023) 3
Fitamen Christophe UE-L25.01470 La motivation au cours du développement (SP-2023) 3
Lemaire Patrick UE-L25.00810 Le vieillissement cognitif: Approches stratégiques (SP-2023) 3
Gentaz Edouard UE-L25.00730 Développement psychologique des enfants prématurés (SP-2024) 3
Abadie Marlène UE-L25.00563 Neuropsychologie (SP-2024) 3

Work and Organization Psychology
Rolli Salathe Cornelia UE-L25.01479 Are you safe and secure?!? Introduction to the psychology of errors and work safety (SA-2022) 3
Behrendt Anne Philine UE-L25.01476 Change management in organizations (SA-2022) 3
Jacobshagen Nicola UE-L25.00893 Job Design in der klassischen Arbeitsgestaltung und der Digitalisierung 4.0 (New Work) (SA-2022) 3
Klumb Petra Liselotte UE-L25.00780 The work and family interface (SA-2022) 3
Rolli Salathe Cornelia UE-L25.01232 9to5 makes you happy – work schedules and its consequences (SA-2023) 3
Klumb Petra Liselotte UE-L25.00735 Research methods in Occupational Health Psychology (WorkOrg) (SA-2023) 3
Abessolo Marc UE-L25.01366 Values in Contemporary Careers: From Theory to Practice (SA-2023) 3
Klumb Petra Liselotte UE-L25.00690 Personnel development (SP-2023) 3
Jacobshagen Nicola UE-L25.00845 Teamwork: Applications, Dynamics, and Troubleshooting (SP-2023) 3
- UE-L25.00597 Towards understanding and managing justice in organizations and society: Insights from the management and psychological literature (SP-2023) 3
Jacobshagen Nicola L25..01672 Human Factors (SP-2024) 3
Jacobshagen Nicola UE-L25.01672 Human Factors (SP-2024) 3
Jacobshagen Nicola UE-25.01672 Human Factors (SP-2024) 3
Jacobshagen Nicola UE-L25.01672 Human Factors (SP-2024) 3
Camps Jeroen UE-L25.01660 Negotiation (SP-2024) 3
Klumb Petra Liselotte UE-L25.00865 Personnel Selection (SP-2024) 3