FAQ for MA Studies

General informations

Most information you are seeking for can be found in the master’s study plan [FR - DE], on the pages dedicated to the master program and on the present page. Please consult these resources first!



  • How do I select my option?

    The classes you registered in for the first time will set your option (and your specialisation). See the FAQ section “Classes” to know how to register for classes.

  • When can I apply for an option on application?

    You can apply whenever you want but there is only one deadline for each academical year, namely Friday of the first week of the fall semester. It is not possible to start an option on application in the spring semester.

  • How do I apply for an option on application?

    You have to complete the online form and provide the required documents until Friday of the first week of each fall semester. You have to be first admitted to the University of Fribourg (see the FAQ section “Admission”) to apply to such an option. You will receive an answer regarding your admission during the second week of the fall semester.

  • What happened if I am not selected for an option on application?

    You can choose an option without application procedure (i.e., clinical and health psychology, cognitive neuroscience or work and organisational psychology). The classes you registered for will be transferred to the new option as far as possible. You can apply to one of options on application the next academical year.

  • Can I apply for more than one option on application?

    No, you cannot. If you do, only the first application will be considered.

  • Can I change the option?

    You can change the option only once. You have to make an official request to the head of the department explaining the reasons for which you wish to change the option. This request may be refused.

    NB: If you already started an option without application and you are admitted to an option on application, it does not count as a change of option.



Practical experience

ECTS outside Fribourg

Validate ECTS in Fribourg for external students

Prolonged absence

Complementary or prerequisite programme

  • What is a complementary programme?

    You have to validate some classes at the bachelor's level. You can validate them at the same time as classes at the master’s level. The validation of this programme is mandatory to complete the master’s programme and to start the master’s thesis.

  • What is a prerequisite programme?

    You have to validate some classes at the bachelor's level (up to 60 ECTS), usually over an academical year. You have to complete it before starting the master’s programme.

  • What have I to do?

    Around the start of your first semester, you will receive the list of classes you have to validate to complete your complementary programme. On MyUnifr, you will find a third programme with some classes you can take. You have to validate only the list you received. Check the section “Classes” of the FAQ to learn more about the class registration.

  • What happens if I fail this programme?

    A failure to this programme implies the exclusion from the master’s programme.

  • When should I validate my complementary programme?

    You should validate it as soon as possible for two reasons. First, you must have validated it before starting your master’s thesis. Second, a failure to this programme implies a failure to the master’s programme.