
Missonnier Pascal

  • Book Chapiter
    • Villa, AEP, Missonnier P., Lintas A. (2012) Neuroheuristics of Decision Making: From Neuronal Activity to EEG. (Guy, T. V., Karny, M., Wolpert, D. H., eds), Decision Making with Imperfect Decision Makers, Whistler, BC, Canada, December 11, 2010. Berlin: Springer. Intelligent Systems Reference Library 28, 159-194.
  • Refereed Abstract and Unrefereed Publication
    • Missonnier P.,P, Shaposhnyk V, Lintas A, Villa AE (2011). Responder's specific ERP cognitive component in the ultimatum game. Frontiers Neurosci. Conference Abstract: XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI).
    • Debatisse, D., Missonnier P.,Pralong, E., Duff, J.M. (2008) Intra operative monitoring (IOM) and Cervico-cranial junction: a must in neurosurgical approach? Annual meeting of Congress of Neurological surgeons, Orlando, Florida, USA.
    • Deiber, M.-P., Missonnier, P., Gold, G., Costa-Fazio, L., Ibanez, V., Giannokopoulos, P. Oscillatory brain dynamics differentiate perceptual and attentional processes during working memory (2006). 32th Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, Florida, USA.
    • Missonnier, P., Leonards, U., Gold, G., Ibanez, V., Giannokopoulos P. (2002) A neurophysiological component of verbal working memory: Evidence from electrophysiological study. 36th Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    • Missonnier, P., Leonards, U., Palix, J., Ibanez, V. (2002) A neurophysiological correlate for working memory. Annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland.


  • Publication
    • Favre, G., P. Banta Lavenex, Lavenex, P. (2012). "Developmental regulation of expression of schizophrenia susceptibility genes in the primate hippocampal formation." Transl Psychiatry 2 : e173.
    • Favre, G., P. Banta Lavenex, Lavenex, P. (2012). "miRNA regulation of gene expression: a predictive bioinformatics analysis in the postnatally developing monkey hippocampus." PLoS One 7 (8): e43435.$
    • Lavenex, P., P. Banta Lavenex P., Favre , G. (2014). "What animals can teach clinicians about the hippocampus” Front Neurol Neurosci. 34 : 36-50.
      Favre, G., Lavenex, P. (2015) . “miRNA cooperativity and primate-specific regulation of expression of schizophrenia susceptibility genes” Computation (submitted)
    • Missonnier, P., Horat, S., Herrmann F.R., Favre, G., Terzis, J., Debatisse, D., Merlo, M. (2015). Assessment of mental workload: A new adapted method based on intra-block averaging of ERP amplitudes ” Biological Psychology (submitted)

