Digital corporate communication and public diplomacy
Diana Ingenhoff, Jérôme Chariatte (2023)
| Book chapter
Digital Corporate Communication & Public Diplomacy: Public Diplomacy of nation-states and connected voices.
Chariatte, J. and Ingenhoff, D., ed. by Luoma-aho, V. and Badham, M. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023), ISBN: 978 1 80220 195 6
| Book chapter
Partial least squares path modeling: Basic concepts, methodological issues, and applications
Ingenhoff, D and Richner, D and Sarstedt, M, ed. by Latan, H and Hair, J. F. and Noonan, R (Springer, Cham / Switzerland, 2023)
| Book chapter
Public Relations von Staaten (Nation Branding) und Public Diplomacy
, in Handbuch der Public Relations
Diana Ingenhoff (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022)
| Book chapter
Ziele und Notwendigkeit von Public Affairs aus Sicht von Unternehmen
, in Handbuch Public Affairs: Politische Kommunikation für Unternehmen und Organisationen
(Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2021)
| Book chapter
Network of cleavages? British paradiplomacy in the (digital) international discourse around Brexit
, in Semantic Network Analysis in Social Sciences
(Routledge, London, 2021), ISBN: 9781003120100
| Book chapter
A Framework of City Diplomacy on Positive Outcomes and Negative Emotional Engagement: How to Enhance the International Role of Cities and City/Mayor Branding on Twitter?
, in City Diplomacy
(Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020)
| Book chapter
Corporate Listening und Issues Management in der Unternehmenskommunikation
, in Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation – Strategie – Management – Wertschöpfung
(Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019)
| Book chapter
Medienorganisationen im Wandel
, in Medien und Meinungsmacht
Puppis, Manuel and Hofstetter, Brigitte and Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Puppis, Manuel and Schenk, M. and Hofstetter, Brigitte (Zürich: vdf, 2017)
| Book chapter
Krisenkommunikation in der öffentlichen Verwaltung
, in Praxishandbuch Public Management
Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Bermann, A. and Giauque, D. and Kettiger, D. and Lienhard, A. and Nagel, E. and Ritz, A. and Steiner, R. (Zürich, Kissing, Paris, Amsterdam, Wien: WEKA, 2016)
| Book chapter
, in Handbuch Online-PR. Strategische Kommunikation im Internet und Social Web. Konstanz
Ingenhoff, Diana and Meys, Britta, ed. by Zerfaß, Ansgar and Pfeil, Thomas (Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2015)
| Book chapter
Forschungsdesiderate zur internationalen Public Relations
, in Internationale PR–Forschung
Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Ingenhoff, Diana (Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013)
| Book chapter
Länderimages und die Rolle der Kultur
, in Internationale PR-Forschung.
Ingenhoff, Diana and Lais, Caroline and Zosso, Julia, ed. by Ingenhoff, Diana (Konstanz: UVK, 2013)
| Book chapter
Der Einfluss von Kultur in der Online-Kommunikation von NGOs: Eine international vergleichende Studie
, in Internationale PR-Forschung
Bähni, A. and Barth, E. and Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Ingenhoff, Diana (Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013)
| Book chapter
Einleitung: Forscher und Lehrer. Motivator. Türöffner. Erste Schritte ins Louistainment
, in Man kann nicht nicht unterhalten. Beiträge zur Unterhaltungspublizistik
Ganz-Blättler, Ursula and Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Ganz-Blättler, Ursula and Ingenhoff, Diana (Berlin et al.: LIT Verlag, 2013)
| Book chapter
, in Handbuch Online–PR. Strategische Kommunikation im Internet und Social Web
Ingenhoff, Diana and Meys, Britta, ed. by Zerfaß, Ansgar and Pleil, T. (Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2012)
| Book chapter
Spezifikation von formativen und reflektiven Konstrukten und Pfadmodellierung mittels Partial Least Squares zur Messung von Reputation
, in Methoden und Forschungslogik der Kommunikationswissenschaft
Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina and Woelke, J. and Maurer, M. and Jandura, O., ed. by Woelke, J and Maurer, M and Jandura, O (Köln: Herbert von Halem, 2010), ISBN: 978-3-938258-58-3
| Book chapter
Integriertes Reputationsmanagementsystem der Telekom Austria
, in Wertschöpfung durch Kommunikation. Kommunikations-Controlling in der Unternehmenspraxis
Ingenhoff, Diana and Bredl, M, ed. by Pfannenberg, J and Zerfaß, Ansgar (Wiesbaden: Frankfurter Allgemeine Verlag, 2010)
| Book chapter
Webplattformen zur Community-Bildung
, in Humane Nutzung der Informationstechnologie
Ingenhoff, Diana and Meier, A, ed. by Heilmann, H. (Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 2010)
| Book chapter
Towards a new typology – classifying crises according to their reputational threat
, in Current trends in international public relations
Thiessen, Ansgar and Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Rogojinaru, Adela and Wostenholme, Sue (Bukarest: Tritonic, 2009)
| Book chapter
Sozial erwünscht oder entscheidungsrelevant: Welche Rolle spielt die Kommunikation von sozialer Verantwortung beim Aktienkauf? Eine Experimentalstudie
, in Die Moral der Unternehmenskommunikation–Lohnt es sich, gut zu sein?
Ingenhoff, Diana and Schwarz, A, ed. by Schmidt, S.J. and Tropp, J. (Köln: Herbert von Halem, 2009)
| Book chapter
Kommunikationsmanagement im Cyberspace: Der Einsatz von Corporate Blogs und Blog-Monitoring in der Unternehmenskommunikation
, in Organisationskommunikation online. Grundlagen, Praxis, Empirie
Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Wehmeier, S. and Thimm, Caja (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008)
| Book chapter
Rollen, Workflows und IT – Wie Bertelsmann und SwissRe Issues Management strukturieren und organisieren
, in Krisenmanagement in der Praxis. Berlin
Röttger, Ulrike and Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Roselieb, F and Dreher, M (Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2008)
| Book chapter
Corporate branding and issues management–integrating two concepts to enhance corporate reputation
, in Kommunikationsmanagement im Wandel: Beiträge aus
Einwiller, Sabine and Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Meckel, M. and Schmid, B. F. (Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2008), ISBN: 978-3-8349-0913-8
| Book chapter
Issues Management. Ein zentrales Verfahren der Unternehmenskommunikation
, in Unternehmenskommunikation
Ingenhoff, Diana and Röttger, Ulrike, ed. by Schmid, B. and Lyczek, B. (Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2006)
| Book chapter
Corporate Issues Management. Chancen entdecken und umsetzen
, in Kommunikationsmanagement. Strategien, Wissen, Lösungen
Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Bentele, Günter Piwinger, Manfred Schönborn, Gregor (Köln: Wolters Kluwer, Loseblattsammlung, 2005)
| Book chapter
Über den Gegenstand gesprächsanalytischer Transkriptionen
, in Botschaften verstehen. Kommunikationstheorie und Zeichenpraxis
Ingenhoff, Diana and Schmitz, H Walter, ed. by Hess-Lüttich, E.W.B and Schmitz, H.W. (Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, 2000)
| Book chapter
Der Kampf ums Rederecht - Formen und Strategien der Gesprächsbeitragskoordination
, in Vom Sprecher zum Hörer. Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Gesprächsanalyse
Ingenhoff, Diana, ed. by Schmitz, H.W. (Münster: Nodus, 1998)
| Book chapter
Potential values of CCO approach (communicative constitution of organizations) in public diplomacy conceptualization
Huang, Z. A. and Dolea, E. A. and Cooren, F. and Ingenhoff, D.,
73th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association ICA:
(5.2023) | Conference
Global Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Diplomacy and Public Diplomacy: Halo Effects on National Image and Reputation
Fitzpatrick, K. R. and Ingenhoff, D and Melissen, J. and Vanc, A. and Wiseman, G. R. and Zaharna, R. S.,
ISA International Studies Association 2023 Annual Convention:
(3.2023) | Conference
The Role of an Artificial Intelligent (AI) Text Agent in Legitimation through Deliberation
Illia, L and Giorgi, N and Ingenhoff, D,
39th EGOS Colloquium 2023, Cagliari:
(2023) | Conference
Reimagining Sustainable Cities: An Analysis of City Branding, Social Media, and Strategic Communication in Uncertain Times
Asdourian, B and Chariatte, J and Ingenhoff, D,
7th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, Helsingborg:
(2023) | Conference
The Spillover Effect: Exploring the Impact of Iconic Brands’ Crises on Country Reputation
Zhao, H and Ingenhoff, D,
ECREA Crisis Comm Conference, Götheborg:
(2023) | Conference
Organizational Communication Perspective of PD: The Value of Communication Constructivism
Cooren, F and Taylor, M and Fitzpatrick, K and Ingenhoff, D and Bencherki, N and Dolea, A and Huang, Z. A.,
ICA PD Pre-Conference in Toronto:
(2023) | Conference
Rethinking the impact of culture on a country’s social image in international communication
Chariatte, J and Ingenhoff D,
European Communication Research Conference ECREA:
(10.2022) | Conference
Crisis Communication During the Pandemic: Monitoring Official Governmental Hashtags to Identify Opposing Attitudes and Misinformation.
Vonlanthen, S. and Ingenhoff, D.,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(9.2022) | Conference
Countering Climate Change Risks Through Digital Diplomacy - Digital Communication Strategies Of City Networks
Chariatte, J and Asdourian, B and Ingenhoff, D.,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(9.2022) | Conference
Digital city diplomacy and international cities networks: collaboration and city branding strategies around climate issues. [Top faculty paper award]
Asdourian, B. and Chariatte, J. and Ingenhoff, D.,
72nd International Communication Association ICA:
(5.2022) | Conference
Monitoring and visualizing governmental hashtags during the pandemic: opposing attitudes and misinformation within #CoronaInfoCH.
Vonlanthen, S. and Ingenhoff, D.,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(4.2022) | Conference
Medienqualität im Wandel: Berichterstattungsqualität und Qualitätswahrnehmung in der Schweiz
Bachmann, Philipp and Eisenegger, Mark and Ingenhoff, Diana and Vogler, D.,
DACH 21: #Communication#(R)evolution Changing Communication in a Digital Society. Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK, SGKM, ÖGK):
(2021) | Conference
Public Diplomacy during and after COVID
Dolea, Alina and Sevin, Efe and Ingenhoff, Diana and Kaneva, N.,
A joint ICA PD – ISA-ICOMM Roundtable. 71st International Communication Association ICA:
(2021) | Conference
Network Analysis of Text Applications in Communication Research
Segev, Elad and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Panel at DACH 21: #Communication#(R)evolution Changing Communication in a Digital Society. Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK, SGKM, ÖGK):
(2021) | Conference
International Public Relations and Organizational Legitimacy: The Role of Relationships with the Local Government
Marschlich, Sarah and Ingenhoff, Diana,
DACH 21: #Communication#(R)evolution Changing Communication in a Digital Society. Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK, SGKM, ÖGK):
(2021) | Conference
The 'Normative Turn': How Ethical Global Issues Change Our Evaluation of Country Images
Chariatte, Jérôme and Ingenhoff, Diana,
DACH 21: #Communication#(R)evolution Changing Communication in a Digital Society. Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK, SGKM, ÖGK):
(2021) | Conference
Capturing the Imagined Reality: Studying Country Images through the Case of Korea
Sevin, Efe and Ayhan, Kadir and Ingenhoff, Diana,
International Studies Association ISA 2021 Annual Convention:
(2021) | Conference
Multiple Identities and Scholarship in a Global IR: One Profession Many Voices
Sevin, Efe and Dolea, Alina (Chair) and Ingenhoff, Diana and Ayhan, Kadir and Luoma-aho, V. and Kaneva, N. and Hayden, C. and Cevic, S.B. and Aguirre, D. and Pike, S. (Discussants),
International Studies Association Annual Convention:
(2020) | Conference
Corporate Diplomacy and Media: How Local News Contribute to Organizational Legitimacy in the Host Country
Marschlich, Sarah and Ingenhoff, Diana,
103rd Annual Congress of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC):
(2020) | Conference
Analyzing Country Images through Network Formation: Case of South Korea
Sevin, Efe and Ingenhoff, Diana and Ayhan, Kadir,
International Studies Association Annual Convention:
(2020) | Conference
Public Diplomacy in the Age of Influencers: Social Networks in the Case of South Korea
Sevin, Efe and Ingenhoff, Diana and Ayhan, Kadir,
National Communication Association NCA 106th Annual Convention:
(2020) | Conference
Stakeholder Engagement in a Multi-Cultural Context: The Contribution of (personal) Relationship Cultivation to Social Capital
Marschlich, Sarah and Ingenhoff, Diana,
70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2020) | Conference
The Functional Image of Social Media and its Impact on Brand Communication
Albisser, M. and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association:
(2019) | Conference
Negative Engagement & City Diplomacy. Panel Crossing the Boundaries into the Dark Side: Negative Engagement in Online Communication from Societies to Individuals
Asdourian, Bruno and Ingenhoff, Diana,
69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2019) | Conference
Tweeting #Country: A Comparative Analysis of Country Images as a New Instrument for Developing International Communication Strategy
Chariatte, Jérôme and Segev, Elad and Ingenhoff, Diana,
IAMCR International Association for Media and Communication Research, International Communication:
(2019) | Conference
Key Influencers in Public Diplomacy: A Country-based Social Network Analysis
Calamai, Giada and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2019) | Conference
Key Influencers in Public Diplomacy: A Country-based Social Network Analysis
Ingenhoff, Diana and Calamai, Giada and Sevin, Efe,
69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2019) | Conference
The Strive for Legitimacy? Corporate Diplomacy Practices of European Multinational Enterprises in the United Arab Emirates
Marschlich, Sarah and Ingenhoff, Diana,
102nd Annual Congress of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC):
(2019) | Conference
Spillover-Effekte bei Landesimages: Wie europäische Spitzenpolitiker die Images ihrer Länder beeinflussen.
Ingenhoff, Diana and Oppermann, N.,
26. Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Public Relations und Organisationskommunikation:
(2019) | Conference
Understanding the Impact of Motivations and Antecedents on Consumer Engagement with Brand Pages on Facebook
Ingenhoff, Diana and Cuoco, E.,
69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2019) | Conference
CSR and Corporate Diplomacy: How Multinational Corporations Engage in Societal Issues in the UAE
Marschlich, Sarah and Ingenhoff, Diana,
5th International CSR Communication Conference:
(2019) | Conference
Solving the Public Diplomacy puzzle – A Multimethod-Design Study on what Constitutes a Country Image
Ingenhoff, Diana and Chariatte, Jérôme,
69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2019) | Conference
The Multiple Facets of the Country Image – An Integrated Public Diplomacy Evaluation Approach
Ingenhoff, Diana and Chariatte, Jérôme,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2019) | Conference
Corporate Diplomacy 2.0: Stakeholder Engagement in Digital Times
Marschlich, Sarah and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2019) | Conference
News Media Quality in Times of Digital Structural Changes and Service Public Crisis in Switzerland: Who Wins the Challenge? Comparing Content Analyses and Survey Studies from 2015 to 2018
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana and Eisenegger, Mark,
7th European Communication Research Conference ECREA:
(2018) | Conference
Analyzing the Polyphony of Voices: Value Drivers of Country Image in Western European and BRICS Countries
Ingenhoff, Diana and Richner, Dominique,
68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2018) | Conference
Corporate Diplomacy and its Effects on Corporate Legitimacy
Marschlich, Sarah and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2018) | Conference
Reviewing the State of Art in Public Diplomacy. Panel with Nicholas Cull (Annenberg School, University of Southern California), Rhonda Zaharna (American University), Eytan Gilboa (Bar Ilan University), James Pamment (Lund University).
Ingenhoff, Diana,
68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2018) | Conference
New Insights for Public Diplomacy: The Country and its Objectives Mirrored between Attitudes and Information Searches in a Cross–National Comparison
Ingenhoff, Diana and Segev, Elad and Chariatte, Jérôme,
68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2018) | Conference
Using Brand Pages: Why and How Multinational Stakeholders Engage with Corporations on Facebook
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2018) | Conference
Messungen von Medienqualität
Bachmann, Philipp and Eisenegger, Mark and Hauser, L. and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2017) | Conference
A Multi–Method Analysis of News Media Quality: Comparing Scholars’ Assessments with Citizens’ Perceptions
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana and Eisenegger, Mark and Hauser, L.,
IAMCR International Association for Media and Communication Research, Mediated Communication Public Opinion and Society Section:
(2017) | Conference
Public Diplomacy in New and Old European Democracies: How Institutional Understanding Shapes Practices
Dolea, Alina and Ingenhoff, Diana,
ISA’s 58th International Studies Association Annual Convention:
(2017) | Conference
Clashing Conventions: Exploring Human Resource Management in the Cleavage Between Local Orders and Global Standards
Buhmann, Alexander and Lepori, Benedetto and INgenhoff, Diana,
CHER Consortium of Higher Education Researchers Conference:
(2017) | Conference
A Validated 5–Dimensional Country Image Measurement Scale for Public Diplomacy: Analyzing Value Drivers and Effects of Country Images on Stakeholders’ Behavior in Seventeen Countries
Ingenhoff, Diana,
IAMCR International Association for Media and Communication Research, International Communication Section:
(2017) | Conference
“We need engineers instead of journalists”. How Swiss Legacy Media Adapt to Change and what this Means for the Future of Journalism
Puppis, Manuel and Hofstetter, Brigitte and Ingenhoff, Diana,
2017 Joint Workshop of ECREA’s “Communication Law and Policy” and “Media Industries and Cultural Production” Sections: The Future of Media Content: Interventions and Industries in the Internet Era:
(2017) | Conference
A Systematization of Corporate Diplomacy and Political CSR: Similarities, Differences and Theoretical Implications
Ingenhoff, Diana and Marschlich, Sarah,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2017) | Conference
Organisatorische Bewältigung von Medienwandel: Ökonomische und journalistische Innovationen bei Schweizer Medienunternehmen
Puppis, Manuel and Hofstetter, Brigitte and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2017) | Conference
Storytelling as an Engagement Strategy: Key Influencers in Online Educational and Cultural Exchange Communities
Lee, Kyung Sun and Ingenhoff, Diana,
CPD (Center on Public Diplomacy) Oxford Doctoral Conference on Digital and Public Diplomacy:
(2017) | Conference
Wie Medienunternehmen den Strukturwandel bewältigen: Folgen der Medienkrise für das schweizerische Mediensystem
Hofstetter, Brigitte and Puppis, Manuel and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Workshop «Die Rolle von Akteuren in der Gestaltung und dem Wandel von Medienstrukturen» of the Netzwerk Medienstrukturen:
(2017) | Conference
Overcoming the Measurement Challenge: Nation Branding Messages on Social Media
Sevin, Efe and Ingenhoff, Diana,
67th ICA Annual Conference:
(2017) | Conference
Intersections: Political Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Advocacy and Corporate Diplomacy
Ingenhoff, Diana,
Barcelona International Critical PR Conference #7:
(2017) | Conference
Communities on Social Networking Sites: Testing a Socio–Cognitive Model for Brand Page Usage
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2017) | Conference
Herausforderungen und Grenzen von Influencer–Kommunikation
Ingenhoff, Diana and Tovirac, A.,
DGPuK–Fachgruppentagung PR/Organisationskommunikation:
(2017) | Conference
A Multi–Cultural Measurement Instrument for Public Diplomacy: Analyzing Value Drivers and Effects of Country Images on Stakeholders’ Behavior in Three Countries
Ingenhoff, Diana and White, Candace and Buhmann, Alexander and Zhang, Tianduo and Kiousis, Spiro,
ICA Public Diplomacy Interest Group’s post–conference titled “Bridging practice and disciplinary perspectives on the formation and effects of country image, reputation, brand, and identity”, 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2017) | Conference
Von Puristen, Generalisten und Dialektikern – die Media Responsibility und Corporate Social Responsibility–Selbstverständnisse von Schweizer Medienunternehmen
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2016) | Conference
A Part of Europe or Apart from Europe? Die Reputation der Schweiz im Spiegel britischer und deutscher Leitmedien im Zeitraum 1992–2014
Bornhauser, K. and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2016) | Conference
A Century of Promoting Switzerland Abroad: From Classical Approaches of the 1880s to the Digital Approaches of the 2000s
Dolea, Alina and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2016) | Conference
Advancing the Concept of Country Promotion in the Context of Migration: Linking Country Images, National Identity and Critical Discourse Analysis
Dolea, Alina and Ingenhoff, Diana and Beciu, C.,
6th European Communication Research Conference ECREA:
(2016) | Conference
Clashing Conventions? Exploring Human Resource Management in the Cleavage Between Academic Field Traditions and New Institutional Rules. Quantitative and Qualitative Insights from the Field of Communication and Media Studies in Switzerland
Buhmann, Alexander and Lepori, Benedetto and Ingenhoff, Diana,
International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI):
(2016) | Conference
Media Discourses on Swiss Country Image and Identity: The Case of "Stop Mass Immigration Initiative"
Dolea, Alina and Ingenhoff, Diana and Beju, Anabella,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2016) | Conference
Measuring News Media Quality and Credibility from the Audience’s Perspective
Ingenhoff, Diana and Bachmann, Philipp,
Preconference for ICA’s 2016 Annual Conference “Media Performance, & Democracy: Defining and Measuring the Quality of News”:
(2016) | Conference
International Communication Management 2.0: Exploring Stakeholder Incentives to Corporate Facebook Page Use
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2016) | Conference
Charisma or Competence? Spillover–Effects of Political Leader's Image on their Home Country's Image
Ingenhoff, Diana and Klein, Susanne,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2016) | Conference
The Role of Global Public Relations and CSR in Public Diplomacy
Fitzpatrick, K. and White, Candace and Ingenhoff, Diana and Wang, J. and Vanc, A.,
57th ISA International Studies Association Annual Convention:
(2016) | Conference
Swiss Public Diplomacy as Enactment of “The Will of the People”: Legitimizing the Passing of the “Stop Mass Immigration” Initiative in February 2014
Ingenhoff, Diana,
66th ICA Annual Conference:
(2016) | Conference
Community Management on Social Networking Sites: Why and How Stakeholders use Corporate Facebook Pages
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
49th Annual HICSS Hawai'i international conference on system sciences:
(2016) | Conference
Developing a Scale to Measure Country Image
Ingenhoff, Diana and White, Candace and Buhmann, Alexander and Zhang, Tianduo and Kiousis, Spiro,
19th annual International Public Relations Research Conference:
(2016) | Conference
From Social Responsibility to Social Advocacy: An Analysis of the Effects of Issue Advocacy in Corporate and Non–Profit CSR Messaging
Werder, K. and Ingenhoff, Diana and Bachmann, Philipp,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2016) | Conference
Exploring Reputational Spillover Effects: How Corporate Crises Affect their Home Country's Reputation
Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander and White, Candace and Zhang, Tianduo and Kiousis, Spiro,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2016) | Conference
International Social Media Public Relations: Examining Determinants of Corporate Facebook Usage
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
6th European Communication Research Conference ECREA:
(2016) | Conference
Country of Origin Reversed: Spillover Effects of Corporate Crises on Home Country's Image
Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander and Zhang, Tianduo and White, Candace and Kiousis, Spiro,
6th European Communication Research Conference ECREA:
(2016) | Conference
Public Diplomacy: Entstehung und Geschichte der Nationen–PR der Schweiz
Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander,
DGPuK–Fachgruppentagung PR/Organisationskommunikation:
(2016) | Conference
The impact of the Political Leader’s Image on their Home Country’s Image
Klein, Susanne and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2016) | Conference
CSR and Issue Advocacy: How Issue Topic Influences Credibility and Legitimacy
6th European Communication Research Conference ECREA:
(2016) | Conference
Comparing Strands of Research in Media and Communication Studies: An Empirical Analysis of the Cognitive and Material Territory in Switzerland
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana and Lepori, Benedetto,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2015) | Conference
The Advantages Outweigh the Disadvantages: Corporate Legitimacy through CSR Communication
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
3rd CSRCOM 2015:
(2015) | Conference
CSR in the Raw Material Sector: Legitimacy through CSR Disclosures?
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2015) | Conference
Media Companies’ Legitimacy: Revealing the Unimportance of CSR Communication and the Importance of Corporate Credibility
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
18th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC):
(2015) | Conference
Understanding “Reputational Fallout”: How Corporate Crises Influence the Perception of a Corporation’s Home Country
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2015) | Conference
Grasping the Variability of the “Real Organization”: Towards a Framework for Analyzing Strategic Communication in Light of Highly Variable Organizational Contexts
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference Conference:
(2015) | Conference
Die Konstruiertheit von Organisationen im Kommunikationsmanagement: Vorschlag eines „Entity–Agent Framework"
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of the DGPuK Division PR and Organizational Communication:
(2015) | Conference
The Dynamics of University Institutes as a Multi–Level Process. Credibility Cycles and Resource Dependencies
Lepori, Benedetto and Wise, Michael and Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander,
20th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI):
(2015) | Conference
Why Relationship Management Matters: Impact of OPR and Crisis Response Strategies on Perceived Crisis Responsibility
Ingenhoff, Diana and White, Candace and Klein, Susanne,
International PR Conference Barcelona PR Meeting #5:
(2015) | Conference
Linking Social Networking Sites to Public Relations: Why and How Stakeholders Interact with Corporate Facebook Pages
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2015) | Conference
Image Transfer Effects of Corporate Crisis on their Home Country Image. The Role of Constructed Entitativity
Ingenhoff, Diana and Buhmann, Alexander,
18th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC):
(2015) | Conference
Corporate Legitimacy through CSR–Disclosure: How Much is Too Much? How Little is Too Little?
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
8th World PR Forum (WPRS):
(2014) | Conference
Interpreting Media Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsibility through Giddens' Structuration and Late Modernity Theory
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of SACM (Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research):
(2014) | Conference
Imagining Switzerland. Applying the 4D–Model in a Comparative Analysis of the Swiss Country Image and Identity
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana,
64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2014) | Conference
Applying Variance–Based Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Causal Effects between Target Constructs in Public Relations
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2014) | Conference
Dimensions of Diversity: Analyzing Research Patterns in Media and Communication Science by Combining Cognitive and Material Dimensions
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana and Lepori, Benedetto,
64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2014) | Conference
Understanding Why and How Politicians Use Social Networking Sites for PR: An Exploratory Study
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2014) | Conference
A Universal Practice for Diverse Cultures? An International Comparative Study on Exploring the Links between Corporate Communications and Perceptions of the Organizational Environment
Hoffmann, Jochen and Ingenhoff, Diana and Röttger, Ulrike,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2014) | Conference
Why do Politicians use Social Networking Sites? The Combination of Uses–And–Gratifications and Social Cognitive Theory to Study Media Behavior
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Communication Researchand Education Association (ECREA) Conference:
(2014) | Conference
Corporate Social Responsibility and Media Social Responsibility: An Innovative Classification of Corporate Responsibility
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2013) | Conference
The Responsibility Communication of Media Corporations
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Second International CSR Communication Conference:
(2013) | Conference
Public Relations im Social Web: Rezipientenerwartungen an das Kommunikationsmanagement auf Web 2.0–Anwendungen
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der DGPUK–Fachgruppe PR, & Organisationskommunikation:
(2013) | Conference
The Global Economic and Financial Crisis and the Constitution and Effects of Nation Images: The Case of China and the USA
Buhmann, Alexander and Ingenhoff, Diana,
International Association for Media and Communication Research [IAMCR]:
(2013) | Conference
Public Relations in Social Media: Changing the Perspective towards Stakeholder Needs
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2013) | Conference
Social Web PR: Stakeholder Expectations in Times of Crises
Ruehl, Christopher and Ingenhoff, Diana,
International Association for Media and Communication Research [IAMCR]:
(2013) | Conference
International Comparative PR and Communication Management Research. The Advancement of the State of the Art
Ingenhoff, Diana and Ruehl, Christopher,
19th BledCom International Public Relations Research Symposium:
(2012) | Conference
Strategic Communication of 'Disembedded Responsibilities': A New Role for Multinational Corporations?
Bachmann, Philipp and Ingenhoff, Diana,
4th European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Annual Conference:
(2012) | Conference
Pathways to the Future: Learning from Research into National and Transnational Dimensions of the Contemporary Profession
Gregory, Anne and Toledano, M. and McKie, David and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2012) | Conference
CSR Communication: Reciprocal Influences between International Business and Politics
Ingenhoff, Diana and Bachmann, Philipp,
Barcelona Meeting #2: International Conference on Social Experiences:
(2012) | Conference
Organizational Communication of Contingency PR Management’s Challenge to Legitimize Decisions in Different Media Environments
Ingenhoff, Diana and Ruehl, Christopher,
Barcelona Meeting #2: International Conference on Social Experiences:
(2012) | Conference
Framing Water Scarcity in Different Language Regions. An Analysis of Swiss Newspapers
Ingenhoff, Diana and Suter, C. and Buhmann, Alexander,
4th European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Annual Conference:
(2012) | Conference
On CSR Expectations and Ententions: The Attitude–Behaviour Gap
Ingenhoff, Diana,
1st International CSR Communication Conference:
(2011) | Conference
Linking Micro– and Macro–Level: the Attitude–Behavior Gap in Responsibility Communication
Ingenhoff, Diana,
61th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2011) | Conference
Culture and Internal Communication in Switzerland
Ingenhoff, Diana,
18th BledCom International Public Relations Research Symposium:
(2011) | Conference
What Determines Laboratory Activity Profiles? Resource Acquisition and Production Complementarities in Swiss Communication Sciences
Lepori, Benedetto and Ingenhoff, Diana and Probst, Carole and Bähni, A.,
STI Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Conference:
(2011) | Conference
Internetbasierte CSR–Kommunikation
Kölling, A Martina and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations– und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM):
(2010) | Conference
Maintaining Reputation in Times of Crisis: A Time Series Analysis
Ingenhoff, Diana,
60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2010) | Conference
Organisational Legitimation in a Crisis. The Impact of Organizational Crisis Communication on a Multilevel Constitution of Trustworthiness and Reputation
Thiessen, Ansgar and Ingenhoff, Diana,
26th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference:
(2010) | Conference
Die Wirkung strategischer, integrativer und situativer Krisenkommunikation auf die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Organisationen – Konsequenzen der Modellvariablen für die aktuelle Wirtschaftskrise
Thiessen, Ansgar and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations– und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM):
(2010) | Conference
The Impact of Crisis Communication Strategies on a Functional, Social and Emotional Perception of Organizations
Thiessen, Ansgar and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2010) | Conference
Profiles and Beyond: Measuring Research Output in Communication Sciences
Probst, Carole and Lepori, Benedetto and Ingenhoff, Diana,
3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference on STI Indicators for Policymaking and Strategic Decisions:
(2010) | Conference
Veränderte Rahmenbedingungen für die Krisenkommunikation – Potenziale strategischer, integrativer und situativer Krisenkommunikation für die Konstitution organisationaler Reputation
Thiessen, Ansgar and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik– und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK):
(2010) | Conference
Wahrheit, Wahrhaftigkeit, Authentizität und Inszenierung: Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Untersuchung zur Glaubwürdigkeit von PR
Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der DGPUK–Fachgruppe PR, Organisationskommunikation:
(2009) | Conference
Reputation Management in the Media Society. Safeguarding Reputation during Crisis Situations through Crisis Communication Management
Thiessen, Ansgar and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2009) | Conference
Wirtschaftsberichterstattung in den Schweizer TV– und Radio–Nachrichten – Eine vergleichende Analyse
Einwiller, Sabine and Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina and Wiegand, G.,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationsforschung (DGPuK):
(2008) | Conference
Business News Coverage in Switzerland – Comparing the News Programs in Public and Private TV and Radio
Einwiller, Sabine and Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina and Wiegand, G.,
2nd European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA):
(2008) | Conference
Using the Potential of Online–Communication for Fundraising Activities of Charitable NPOs: A Comparative Study in Switzerland, Germany and France
Ingenhoff, Diana and Kölling, A Martina,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2008) | Conference
The Interrelationship between Uncertainties and Decision Making in Complex Environments. A System Theory Approach
Ingenhoff, Diana and Modena, I.,
Annual Conference of the International Sociological Association (ISA):
(2008) | Conference
The Interrelationships between Corporate Reputation, Trust and Behavioral Intentions: A Multi–Stakeholder Approach
Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina,
58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2008) | Conference
Does Stakeholder Pressure Matter in Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Outcome?
Ingenhoff, Diana and Helmig, Bernd,
Academy of Management Annual Conference:
(2008) | Conference
Die Wirksamkeit von PR–Informationen über unternehmerische Verantwortung. Eine Kombination von Experiment und Befragung
Ingenhoff, Diana and Schwarz, A.,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationsforschung (DGPuK):
(2008) | Conference
Does Ethical Behaviour Matter? How Corporate Social Responsibility Contributes to Organizational Trustworthiness
Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina,
57th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2007) | Conference
Relevance and Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities: New European Findings Drawn from Media Coverage and Stakeholder Expectations
Ingenhoff, Diana and Röttger, Ulrike,
57th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2007) | Conference
On the Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility for Fundraising Activities of Nonprofit Organizations
Helmig, Bernd and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 36th Annual Conference:
(2007) | Conference
Corporate Social Responsibility: Ethische Organisationskommunikation zwischen Stakeholdererwartungen und Medienpräsenz
Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina,
Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations– und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM):
(2007) | Conference
Spezifikation von formativen und reflektiven Konstrukten und Pfadmodellierung mittels Partial Least Squares zur Messung von Reputation
Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina,
9. Tagung der Fachgruppe Methoden der Publizistik– und Kommunikationswissenschaft der DGPuK:
(2007) | Conference
Das Geschäft mit der Eitelkeit: Personalisierung durch Organisationskommunikation
Huck-Sandhu, Simone and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der DGPUK–Fachgruppe PR/Organisationskommunikation:
(2007) | Conference
Alles anders – nichts neu? Rezipientenkonzepte von Organisationskommunikation in Zeiten eines Medien– und Öffentlichkeitswandels
Ingenhoff, Diana and Röttger, Ulrike,
Jahrestagung der DGPUK–Fachgruppe PR, Organisationskommunikation:
(2007) | Conference
Ethische Organisationskommunikation und das Management von Reputation in der Wissensgesellschaft: Ein integrierter Ansatz zur Evaluation der organisationalen Gesamtreputation
Ingenhoff, Diana and Sommer, Katharina,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationsforschung (DGPuK):
(2007) | Conference
Unternehmenskommunikation und Online–Aktivismus im Cyberspace
Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der DGPUK–Fachgruppe PR/Organisationskommunikation:
(2006) | Conference
Improving the Map for Corporate Citizenship and Issues Management: Public Sphere Theory to the Rescue
Ingenhoff, Diana and Ihlen, O.,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2006) | Conference
Ethical PR – A Factor for Success or Risk?
Eisenegger, Mark and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2006) | Conference
Assessing Corporate Citizenship Communication among 30 German Stock Index Companies
Ingenhoff, Diana and Schmidig, M.,
56th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2006) | Conference
Gaining Trust and Reputation through Corporate Social Responsibility? Empirical Findings on Communicating CSR Activities
Ingenhoff, Diana and Arvidsson, E.,
56th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2006) | Conference
Organisationskommunikation – Perspektiven für eine Verankerung und theoretische Verortung in der Kommunikations– und Medienwissenschaft
Ingenhoff, Diana,
Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations– und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM):
(2005) | Conference
Developing a Corporate Citizenship Index: Comparisons between Germany, Singapore, and Spain
Ingenhoff, Diana and Krishnamurthy, S. and Capriotti, P.,
55nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2005) | Conference
Applying Issues Management to Enhance Corporate Reputation
Ingenhoff, Diana,
54nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2004) | Conference
Der Wirkungszusammenhang zwischen Unternehmenswerten und Erfolg
Einwiller, Sabine and Rossberg, N. and Ingenhoff, Diana and Prykop, C.,
44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPS):
(2004) | Conference
Corporate Issues Management as a Method of Enhancing Trust and Reputation in the Public Sphere
Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Conference:
(2004) | Conference
Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Messung von Unternehmenswerten
Rossberg, N. and Einwiller, Sabine and Ingenhoff, Diana and Prykop, C.,
44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPS):
(2004) | Conference
Issues Management and Corporate Branding: Combining two Concepts to Enhance Corporate Reputation
Einwiller, Sabine and Prykop, C. and Ingenhoff, Diana,
8th International Conference on Marketing and Corporate Communications:
(2003) | Conference
A Model of Trust and Reputation in Electronic Commerce
Einwiller, Sabine and Ingenhoff, Diana and Schmid, B.,
32nd European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC):
(2003) | Conference
Issues Manager – Ein Neues Berufsbild? Eine empirische Untersuchung zu einem neu entstehenden Berufsfeld und Implikationen für die Aus– und Weiterbildung
Ingenhoff, Diana and Prykop, C.,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationsforschung (DGPuK):
(2003) | Conference
Applying Issues Management to Meet the Challenges of Corporate Brand Management – An Empirical Investigation in Europe
Prykop, C. and Einwiller, Sabine and Ingenhoff, Diana,
Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS):
(2003) | Conference
Towards a Comprehensive View of Communication and Knowledge Management. A Semiotic Approach
Ingenhoff, Diana,
52nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA):
(2002) | Conference
The Role of Knowledge Management for Intergrated Corporate Communications
Ingenhoff, Diana and Einwiller, Sabine,
7th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications:
(2002) | Conference
Meeting the Challenges of Integrated Corporate Communications. The Role of Internal Knowledge
Ingenhoff, Diana and Einwiller, Sabine,
6th International Conference on Corporate Reputation:
(2002) | Conference
ComTrans. A Multimedia Tool for Scientific Transcription and Analysis of Communication
Ingenhoff, Diana and Schmitz, H Walter,
1st International Conference of Gesture Studies:
(2000) | Conference
On the Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility for Fundraising Activities of Nonprofit Organizations
Helmig, Bernd and Ingenhoff, Diana,
European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC):
| Conference