Campaigns: United against sexual harassment
The University has zero tolerance for any form of abuse on the personality and dignity of others.
The University guarantees a respectful study and work environment for each and everyone.
It has been running a campaign against sexual harassment and sexism. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness about the problems of harassment and the possibilities for witnesses and targets to take action against it.
23 March marks the National Day against Sexual Harassment and Sexism in Higher Education; this date was marked this year with a round table.
But the mobilization against harassment does not stop on a single date.
In short, the 2020-2021 campaign focuses on:
- three posters,
- one event
- and a message: zero tolerance for harassment.
Harassment is a consequence of sexism. Through three posters, we would like to catch your attention.
The roundtable What can be done to ensure a harassment-free university? took place in French on 23rd March and was open to the entire university community, i.e. students, academic, administrative and technical staff. This event aimed to provide a space for exchange in order to identify the forms that sexism and sexual harassment can take. In addition, it was discussed how to create an environment that is free of it and how to become an ally to those who are victims of it.
In 2021, two events were organized. On 23rd November 2021, the Forum Theatre took place in French and German for academic, administrative and technical staff in order to offer them tools and advice on how to react to a situation of sexism or sexual harassment, both as a person confronted and as a witness. On 23rd March, the Living Library took place virtually and the speakers came to share a story with the public, that of their experience with sexism and sexual harassment.
To discover on the same subject in Alma & Georges: Sexisme: savoir écouter, pouvoir en parler
Message: zero tolerance for harassment
Each faculty has its own specificities. Since autumn 2020 semester, the Institute of Medicine is also launching a campaign aimed at medical students facing sexual harassment in their internship.
More information: Campaign of the Institute of Medicine