Parisod group publications
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Full publication list in pdf format
Representative publications
Grünig, Fischer & Parisod, 2021, Hybrid origin of the narrow endemic Pulmonaria helvetica. Annals of Botany 127: 21-31.
Nowak, Birkeland, Mandáková, Choudhury, Guo, Gustafsson, Gizaw, Schrøder-Nielsen, Fracassetti, Brysting, Rieseberg, Slotte, Parisod, Lysak & Brochmann, 2021, The genome of Draba nivalis shows signatures of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses of the Arctic. Molecular Ecology Resources 21: 661–676.
Badaeva & Parisod, 2020, Chromosomal evolution among hybridizing wild wheats. New Phytologist 226: 1263-1273.
Huynh, Broennimann, Guisan, Felber & Parisod, 2020, Eco-genetic additivity of diploids in allopolyploid wild wheats. Ecology Letters 23: 663–673.
Choudhury, Rovigue, Gugerli & Parisod, 2019, Impact of polymorphic transposable elements on linkage disequilibrium along chromosomes. Molecular Ecology 28: 1550-1562.
Zhang, Doan, Marques Arce, Hu, Grünig, Parisod, Hibbard, Hervé, Robert, Machado & Erb, 2019, Plant defense resistance in natural enemies of a specialist insect herbivore. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 116: 23174-23181.
Choudhury, Neuhaus & Parisod, 2017, Resolving fine-grained dynamics of retrotransposons: comparative analysis of inferential methods and genomic resources. Plant Journal 90: 979–993.
Geiser, Mandakova, Arrigo, Lysak & Parisod, 2016, Repeated whole-genome duplication, karyotype reshuffling and biased retention of stress-responding genes in Buckler Mustards. Plant Cell 28: 17-27.
Bardil, Tayalé & Parisod, 2015, Evolutionary dynamics of retrotransposons following autopolyploidy in the Buckler Mustard species complex. Plant Journal 82: 621–631.
Senerchia, Felber & Parisod, 2015, Genome reorganization in F1 hybrids uncovers the role of retrotransposons in reproductive isolation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 282: 20142874.
A full list of publications with PDFs is available here.