Open Positions

Visit regularly this page to check out our open positions.
If there is no open position available in the group you would like to work in, do not hesitate to send unsolicited application directly to the group leader. 

Research groups


  • Jazwinska Lab: PhD and Postdoc positions in Regenerative Biology in Zebrafish

    The zebrafish research group of Prof. Anna Jazwinska at the Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland is looking for a motivated PhD student and a Postdoc with an interest in Regenerative Biology in Zebrafish.

    The positions are available on the projects:  “Heart and muscle regeneration in zebrafish”

    The zebrafish provides a unique vertebrate model system for regeneration studies due to its genetic amenability and simple maintenance. We do not understand why the regeneration response varies among adult vertebrates. Our goal is to uncover how the adult zebrafish and other fish species can naturally recreate a near-perfect replica of the lost complex tissue.

    Our specific aim is to identify the intrinsic genetic programs and external signals that support the regenerative plasticity of the regeneration-competent cells. This undertaking will demand the generation of transgenic fish lines, CRISPR/Cas9 system technology, pharmacological approaches, transcriptome analysis, and imaging techniques. A conceptual and molecular understanding of natural regeneration in lower vertebrates will help to build a foundation for regenerative medicine.

    We offer an exciting working environment where quality, professionalism and human contacts are paramount. The candidate will have the opportunity to be part of a dynamic team and provide a meaningful contribution to the identification of biological mechanisms underlying organ regeneration in teleost fish.

    We are seeking highly motivated candidates, preferentially with experience with animal model organisms. Candidates must have good knowledge of the English language, and either French or German communication skills.

    Starting date by arrangement. Salary according to institutional guidelines. Please send a CV, a brief description of previous research experience and the names of three references.

    Prof. Anna Jazwinska


  • Schneiter Lab: Postdoctoral Position in Biochemistry and Plant Biology

    Postdoctoral Position in Biochemistry and Plant Biology available to study the function and interaction of Pathogenesis-Related proteins from plants and pathogens. The position is founded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and is available immediately. For literature on the topic please see: and

    For further information and submission of applications please contact the group leader at

  • Vanni Lab: PhD and Postdoctoral Opportunities in Computational Biophysics and Biochemistry of Membranes

    Several PhD and one postdoc positions are available in our newly-established Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry.

    Your mission

    Our group develops and applies computer simulations to investigate how the molecular properties of proteins, lipids and membranes modulate cellular processes. We combine these in silico investigations with biochemical and biophysical approaches to understand key biological mechanisms with atomistic molecular resolution. Please check our group webpage for more information.

    Currently, we have openings in the following research areas:

    • Intracellular lipid and fat accumulation
    • Protein-membrane interactions
    • Force field development
    • Nanoparticles-membrane interactions

    Your profile

    We are looking for highly motivated, team-oriented independent thinkers. For the postdoc position, the applicant should have a PhD in physics, chemistry, physical chemistry, biophysics, engineering or a related subject. The applicant should have a background in molecular dynamics simulations or computational chemistry. Previous experience in combining simulations with NMR experiments OR in simulations of materials/nanoparticles are a plus. For the PhD positions, the applicant should have a Master Degree in physics, chemistry, biology, bioinformatics, computer science, engineering or a related subject. Computer literacy and previous experience with molecular simulations, as well as good communication skills and proficiency in English are a plus. In general, any previous specific knowledge is less important than strong motivation, enthusiasm for scientific research, problem-solving skills, and possibly a track-record of individual and team accomplishments.

    We offer

    The positions are funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and by the NCCR in Bio-Inspired Materials . We offer a stimulating, friendly and interdisciplinary work environment, with excellent working conditions (salary, resources, …) and frontier research projects. The Department of Biology of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) gathers very dynamic researchers with a strong commitment toward innovation and excellence in science. It offers a stimulating and supportive environment, with an open-minded atmosphere ideal to foster synergies.

    The selected candidates will also have the opportunity to interact extensively with members of the Department of Chemistry and of the Adolphe Merkle Institute in Fribourg, with whom collaborations are ongoing. In addition, they will also benefit from strong international collaborations with outstanding experimental labs in the fields of membrane biology, soft matter and nanomaterials. The successful PhD candidates will enrol in the Fribourg Graduate School of Life Sciences (FGLS) providing high-quality education opportunities to complement the laboratory training. It will also benefit from the close proximity to the CECAM headquarters in Lausanne, where multiple workshops and schools in computational science are held every year ( ). PhD positions are fully funded for 3 years, with a possible 1-year extension. In addition, PhD students will have the possibility to apply to generous international postdoctoral fellowship from the SNF after completion of their PhD. Initial gross annual salary for PhD students will be 47,040 CHF (~ 47,000 $). The postdoc position is fully funded for 2 years, with a possible 2-years extension. In addition, the postdoc will have the possibility to apply to prestigious and generous fellowships from the SNF to start an independent career after completion of their postdoctoral fellowship. Initial gross annual salary for Postdocs will be 65,000 CHF (~ 65,000 $).


    Please send your application, including short cover letter (explaining background and motivation) and a complete CV via e-mail to Stefano Vanni


  • Kozlowski Lab: Collaborateur-trice scientifique à 40% (Département de Biologie et Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Fribourg)

    Contexte et mission

    Cette offre s’inscrit au sein du projet SUNLOOP (Spontaneous Urban Nature and LOcal nO net land take Policies). Il a été sélectionné dans le cadre de l’appel européen Biodiversa+ et est financé par le Fonds National Suisse (FNS). Ce projet s’appuie sur un large consortium de partenaires en Suisse, Belgique et France, dans différents contextes locaux (Fribourg, Charleroi et Ris-Orangis).

    Le projet SUNLOOP aborde les défis posés par la perte de biodiversité et le changement climatique dans les environnements urbains, en se concentrant sur les espaces de nature spontanée en milieu urbain, en tant qu’espaces fournissant de multiples services écosystémiques dans le contexte des politiques de Zéro Artificialisation Nette. Ces politiques visent à limiter l’artificialisation des sols, rendant les friches, les espaces abandonnés et tout espace végétalisé non planifié précieux pour le développement urbain. Malgré leurs potentiels bénéfices sociaux et écologiques, ces espaces sont souvent peu pris en compte dans cette perspective. Le projet vise à améliorer la compréhension et la sensibilisation concernant les espaces de nature spontanée en milieu urbain.

    Ce poste est plus spécifiquement lié à l'un des volets du projet : Qualifier et comprendre les espaces de nature spontanée en milieu urbain, coordonné par des scientifiques de différentes disciplines (pédologie, entomologie, botanique). La personne embauchée développera et coordonnera différents aspects liés à la botanique.

    Il s’agira notamment d’approfondir, de synthétiser et de vulgariser des connaissances sur les friches urbaines, de développer des outils à l’intention de non-scientifiques (urbanistes, architectes, etc.), pour évaluer la qualité écologique, identifier d’éventuels besoins de gestion, et enfin montrer l’importance des espaces végétalisés non planifiés.


    Début, durée et lieu de travail

    Date de début : avril-mai 2025

    Date de fin : décembre 2025 (avec une prolongation possible jusqu'à fin 2027)

    Taux d’occupation : 40%

    Localisation : Département de Biologie et Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse)


    Votre profil

    Profil : biologiste/spécialiste dans l’environnement/géographe ou formation équivalente (Bachelor/Master)

    Intérêt marqué pour la botanique et l’écologie urbaine (éventuellement des notions en entomologie et/ou en pédologie)

    Intérêt et envie de s’engager pour la conservation de la biodiversité en milieu urbain

    Personne autonome, capable de prendre en main un projet

    A l’aise avec les recherches dans la littérature scientifique

    Capacité de s’intégrer dans un projet avec de nombreux acteurs, avec une bonne aisance en communication

    Bonnes compétences de synthèse et de vulgarisation (développement d’un outil pour des non-biologistes)

    Francophone ou très à l’aise en français (langue principale, autres partenaires francophones), à l’aise en anglais (littérature scientifique, rédactions d’articles)

    A l’aise avec les outils informatique usuels, éventuellement aussi en SIG, et logiciels de design/mise en page


    Intéressé-e ?

    Les candidatures doivent contenir un curriculum vitae et une lettre de motivation. Le dossier de candidature doit être envoyé à jusqu'à fin février 2025.


    Adresse de contact :

    Prof. Gregor Kozlowski, Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 10, 1700 Fribourg, tél. 026 300 88 42, 079 305 44 53.

  • Reinhardt Lab: PhD position in Plant Biology

    Functional analysis of leghemoglobins in nitrogen-fixing nodule symbiosis

    Your Position: A PhD position is available in the group of Didier Reinhardt at the Department of Biology (University of Fribourg, Switzerland). We are looking for a motivated researcher with a keen interest in symbiotic plant-microbe interactions, and with a strong background in molecular biology. The successful candidate will explore the role of leghemoglobin (Lb) phosphorylation in nodule symbiosis of legumes. Lb are legume proteins that function analogous to human hemoglobin: They bind oxygen, thereby controlling oxygen concentration and supply to symbiotic bacteria (rhizobia). Lb can be phosphorylated during symbiosis at conserved serine residues (see scheme below), however, the significance of Lb phosphorylation is unknown.
    The successful candidate will complement plants that lack Lb (ko mutants) with various forms of Lb that are phosphorylation-negative, or that mimic constitutive phosphorylation. He/she will then assess symbiotic traits in plants (employing various microscropic and proteomic techniques), and biochemical functionality (oxygen binding kinetics etc.) of the Lb versions expressed in bacteria.

    Your profile: We are looking for a motivated and talented candidate with a MSc degree and with a solid background in molecular and cellular biology. Knowledge in tissue culture and plant transformation, and a basic understanding of plant biochemistry would be  welcome. You are a collaborative and organized person with good communication skills and with a desire to collaborate in an international setting with European partners. Fluency in spoken and written English is a prerequisite.

    Application: The position starts from March 1, 2025 or upon agreement. Applications, including CV, a brief statement of research experience and interests as well as contact information of two referees, should be submitted to Didier Reinhardt (


  • Dengjel & De Virgilio Labs: PhD Student Positions - multidisciplinary studies on mTOR signaling

    The MENTOR Doctoral program is an EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA DN) to foster and train Doctoral Candidates (DC) on the metabolic control of cell growth by mTOR in pathophysiology ( Highly motivated and exceptional candidates will join a distinguished team of researchers engaged in cutting-edge projects across various disciplines from metabolism, cell growth, pathophysiology, drug design, biological chemistry, preclinical models, and personalized medicine. The selected candidates will have the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment, receive comprehensive training, and benefit from mentorship provided by leading experts in their respective fields.

    The program offers the unique opportunity to develop both specialized and transferable skills, preparing researchers for diverse career paths within and beyond academia. The PhD salaries are at the highest international range and an additional budget is provided for travel to participate in international Schools and collaborations. 

    The MSCA MENTOR Doctoral Network will train 18 PhD researchers across a consortium of prestigious institutions. The Doctoral Candidates should have the equivalent of a Master's diploma in biology, pharmacy, chemistry, or medicine, as indicated by each hosting laboratory. The positions will be hosted at the following Institutions :

    Université Paris Cité (France), Fondazione Telethon (Italy), University of Fribourg (Switzerland), University of Essen (Germany), FORTH (Greece), Brain Institute (France), CNIO (Spain), IMOL PAS (Poland), Mimetas (the Netherlands), University of Tübingen (Germany), University of Basel (Switzerland), PD-value (the Netherlands), University Medical Center Utrecht (the Netherlands), KU Leuven (Belgium)


    DC2 project
    TitleNon-canonical Rag GTPase-TORC1 signalling in yeast
    Host Institution University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
    Main Supervisors: Claudio de Virigilio (
    Secondments: Fondazione Telethon (Italy); BioSolveIT (Germany)

    DC4 project
    TitleNew approaches to screen for novel direct mTORC1 targets
    Host Institution: University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
    Main Supervisors: Jörn Dengjel (
    Secondments: University Clinic of Essen (Germany), Topadur (Switzerland)


    Candidates can apply until March 28, 2025