Published on 13.06.2022
DCM Researchers Awarded at the ICA Annual Conference
At the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Paris from 26 to 30 May 2022, several DCM researchers have received awards for outstanding achievements.
Bruno Asdourian, Jérôme Chariatte and Diana Ingenhoff received the Top Faculty Paper Award from the Public Diplomacy Interest Group for their paper on "Digital city diplomacy and international cities networks: collaboration and city branding strategies around climate issues". The study suggests that Twitter content reflects the strategic choice from cities' networks to either primarily serve a collaborative diplomacy of governance or to be more motivated by self-interests with city branding related content and networking activities.
Tobias Rohrbach, PhD student at Philomen Schönhagen's chair, received the Journalism Division's Top Student Paper Award for the paper "'I Can't Just Pull a Woman Out of a Hat': A Mixed-Methods Study on Journalistic Drivers of Women's Representation in Political News" (together with Andreas Riedl and Christina Krakovsky of the Austrian Academy of Sciences). The paper has since been published by Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (doi: 10.1177/10776990211073454).
Dominique Wirz, Michelle Möri and Andreas Fahr received a Top Paper Award from the Mass Communication Division for the paper "The more you watch, the more you get? Effects of binge-watching on entertainment experiences" (together with Alexander Ort, University of Lucerne; José Cordeiro, University of Lisbon; & Deborah Castro, University of Groningen and Erasmus University Rotterdam). The paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Media Psychology.