Masterseminar Modul B: International Crisis Communication in Theory and Practice

  • Unterricht


    Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
    Bereich Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung
    Code UE-EKM.00934
    Sprachen Englisch
    Art der Unterrichtseinheit Seminar
    Kursus Master
    Semester SP-2019

    Zeitplan und Räume

    Vorlesungszeiten Dienstag 10:15 - 12:00, Wöchentlich (Frühlingssemester)
    Stunden pro Woche 2


    • Ingenhoff Diana
    • Ingenhoff Diana
    • Calamai Giada Kajal

    In times of globalization, organizations expand their activities from their home country to many other host countries, i.e. they act internationally. As a consequence, public relations (PR) activities need to be aligned internationally and be adapted to a variety of language and cultural areas. Questions about the strategic organization of PR in the multinational are at the heart of international PR research. Similarly, global form-giving processes in communication management have implications for crisis PR. Next to fast, precise and event-specific communication in crisis situations, organizations need to account for different societal and cultural regions in their communication strategy. In our seminar, we address the question of how the two research fields of international PR and crisis PR can be linked by organizational theory. In addition, we fructify the implications of our theoretic discussion for the practice of communication management by integrating case studies.


    You will gain substantial knowledge about (crisis) PR in the multinational context and will be able to link and discuss theoretical and empirical research findings from both fields using the broader context of organizational theory.

    Moreover, you will get insights into the basic elements and terms of the interrelated concepts on issues and crisis management as part of a corporate communication strategy (identity, image, reputation, issues, crisis, issues management, crisis management, stakeholder theory, public sphere) and learn about crisis communication theories, reputation and issues management, the role of activists, internet contagion theory, stakeholder theory, business ethics and CSR, and the role of culture.

    You will develop the ability to think critically, assess and analyze empirical studies on crisis communication, and develop ideas for your own potential research design.

    You will learn to work in teams and solve crisis communication case studies.

    Verfügbarkeit 20
    Soft Skills Nein
    ausserhalb des Bereichs Nein
    BeNeFri Ja
    Mobilität Ja
    UniPop Nein
  • Einzeltermine und Räume
    Datum Zeit Art der Unterrichtseinheit Ort
    19.02.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    26.02.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    05.03.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    12.03.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    19.03.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    26.03.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    02.04.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    09.04.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    16.04.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    30.04.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    07.05.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    14.05.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    21.05.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
    28.05.2019 10:15 - 12:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum D130
  • Leistungskontrolle

    Fortlaufende Evaluation - SP-2019, Sommersession 2019

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note
  • Zuordnung
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