
The Berrow Foundation Scholarships

A generous donation by the Marquis de Amodio provides for up to six Scholarships every year. The Scholarships were set up in 1985 to create further links between Switzerland and Great Britain by allowing Swiss students to pursue fully funded graduate studies at the University of Oxford as members of Lincoln College. Each year, up to four Berrow Foundation Scholarships and two Berrow Foundation Lord Florey Scholarships are awarded. 

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The Kronstein Scholarship (Switzerland)

Established for Swiss students, the Kronstein scholarship has been set up in commemoration of Heinrich Kronstein who taught at Georgetown between 1942 and 1967; it is organized as a Swiss foundation and is funded today by alumni who have been granted the scholarship and have attended Georgetown University.

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Secrétariat d’Etat à la formation, à la recherche et à l’innovation (SEFRI)

Depuis plusieurs décennies, les diplômés des hautes écoles suisses ont la possibilité, pendant une période allant d’un à quatre ans, d’évoluer au sein du Collège d’Europe à Bruges (Belgique) ou Natolin (Pologne), ainsi qu’à l’institut universitaire européen de Florence, de développer leur réseau et de débattre de la Suisse et de l’Europe. 

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REWI Fellowship Programm Graz

Die Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Graz vergibt Forschungsstipendien für 2 bis 6 Monate an Doktorand_innen, junge Praktiker_innen und Post-Doc-Forscher_innen. 

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