

New goals in the treatment of traumatic compression fractures: the revolutionary Fribourg concept

Ouvert au grand public Conférence

Conférence donnée dans le cadre de la procédure de titularisation clinique du PD Dr méd. Gianluca Maestretti, Médecin-chef en orthopédie à l'HFR.

Abstract: 90% of all traumatic spinal fractures occur in the thoracolumbar region, 66% of them are type A compression fractures. Although, these fractures are very common, there is no consensus for a standard treatment.
Various opinions are expressed on the best appropriate treatment for fractures without neurological deficit, which remains a subject of controversy. The internal fixation remains the golden standard treatment for more unstable fractures type A3 and A4 and the conservative treatment for the less unstable fractures type A1 and A2.
Since 2001, in Fribourg, we started a clinical research to establish a new mini-invasive concept for the treatment of traumatic fractures type A3 and A4.
This presentation shows the history of the Fribourg clinical research treatment development for these fractures.

Cette conférence se tiendra en présentiel. Un maximum de 50 personnes pourront assister et une liste de présence sera tenue.

Quand? 25.05.2021 15:15 - 16:00
Où? PER 10 Grand auditoire (0.014)
Chemin du Musée 9
1700 Fribourg
Intervenants PD Dr méd. Gianluca Maestretti, Médecin-chef en orthopédie - HFR
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