Andrea Judith Boscoboinik Bourquard

Dr. in Sozialanthopologie

 +41 26 300 7845

Mobilität, Imaginäres, Ruraler Raum, Berge, Urbanisierung

Lehr-und Forschungsrät_in
Departement für Sozialwissenschaften

PER 21 bu. G333
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
PER 21, G333

Departement für Geowissenschaften

PER 21 bu. G333
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
PER 21, G333


Andrea Boscoboinik was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She began her studies in Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires, which she later completed at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. She did her licence work in 1995 on social transformations in Bulgaria, during the so-called "transition" towards a post-socialist society. She began her PhD in Honduras on the discourses and social consequences following a disaster situation. 
Since 2009, Andrea has been working on the transformations of rural space, especially for tourist reasons. All these processes of landscape transformation have led her to do research on mobilities and the new mobile populations living in mountain regions, particularly in the Swiss Alps. Her latest project, financed by the Swiss National Research Fund 2017 - 2021, is entitled: "Devenir local en zone de montagne : diversification, gentrification, cohabitation. Une comparaison Alpes suisses-Pyrénées espagnoles", together with Prof. Dr. Viviane Cretton (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), Dr. Andrea Friedli (Uni FR), Prof. Montserrat Soronellas (URV) and Dr. Maria Offenhenden (URV).
Andrea has presented the results of her research at several EASA, SIEF, IUAES congresses, in different universities, and has several publications on the different topics she has worked on.

Forschung und Publikationen

  • Letzte Publikationen

    Boscoboinik Andrea, Cretton Viviane, & Offenhenden Maria, 2023, Presentación Número monográfico: Vivir en la montaña. Imaginarios, in/movilidades y sentido de pertenencia, Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 151-164.

    Boscoboinik Andrea, Cretton Viviane, & Offenhenden Maria, 2023, Presentation Special Issue: Living in the Mountains. Reframing Imaginaries, Im/mobilities and Sense of Belonging. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 165-177.

    Friedli Andrea, Boscoboinik Andrea, 2023, Mobilities in the Swiss Alps: Circulation and Rootedness, Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 249-263.

    Cretton Viviane, Boscoboinik Andrea, Friedli Andrea, 2021. La montagne entre terrain de jeu et punition. Dans Le Musée de Bagnes (ed), Label Montagnard, Infolio Editions, pp. 44-49.

    Sibylle Lustenberger, Siran Hovhannisyan, Andrea Boscoboinik, Gohar Shahnazaryan (Eds.), 2021, Gender in Research and Politics. Developments, Intersections and Perspectives. Zürich: LIT Verlag.

    Cretton Viviane, Boscoboinik Andrea, Friedli Andrea 2020. A l'aise, ici et ailleurs. Mobilités multirésidentielles en zone de montagne: le cas de Verbier en Suisse, Anthropologie et sociétés, vol. 44, numéro 2, Modes de vie mobile, sous la direction de C. Forget et N. Salazar, 107 - 126.

    Horáková Hana, Boscoboinik Andrea, Smith Robin (eds.) 2018. Utopia and Neoliberalism. Ethnographies of Rural Spaces. Münster: Lit Verlag.

    Boscoboinik Andrea 2018. Becoming Cities, Losing Paradise? Gentrification in the Swiss Alps. In: Italo Pardo and Giuliana Prato (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Ethnography, Palgrave MacMillan, 519-536.

    Giordano Christian, Boscoboinik Andrea 2017. Society: A Key Concept in Anthropology. In: Paolo Barbaro (eds), Ethnology, Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, []

    Boscoboinik Andrea, Cretton Viviane 2017. “Find Your Nature” in the Swiss Alps. In Search of a Better Life in the Mountains, Český lid 104, 199–212. doi:

    Boscoboinik Andrea 2017. Anthropologie et peurs: la dimension sociale des émotions / Антропология и страх: социалното измерение на емоциите. In: Magdalena Elchinova, Vassil Garnizov (eds.), Anthropology East of Eden / Антропология на изток от рая. Sofia: NBU, 241-258 (in Bulgarian).

    Boscoboinik Andrea 2016 ¿Por qué estudiar los miedos desde la antropología?, Arxiu d’Etnografia de Catalunya, nº 16, 119–136 | DOI: 10.17345/aec2016119-136 119,

  • Publications


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