Department of Chemistry

Top-Level Research & Innovative Education!



Latest publication from the Coskun Group!

Coskun Research Group has recently published a new article in the journal Angewandte Chemie, entitled "Interfacial Stabilization by Prelithiated Trithiocyanuric Acid as an Organic Additive in Sulfide-based…

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Latest publication from the Salentinig Group!

Salentinig Research Group has recently published a new article in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, JCTC, entitled "A Coarse-Grained SPICA Makeover for Solvated and Bare Sodium and Chloride…

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Latest publication from the Kilbinger Group!

Kilbinger Research Group has recently published a new article in the journal Angewandte Chemie, entitled "A Versatile Reversible, Degenerative Chain Transfer Mechanism for the Catalytic Living Ring-Opening…

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Research Focus

Salentinig Research GroupThe Biocolloids Lab aims at understanding some of the fundamental principles in colloid and interface chemistry related to food and antimicrobial systems. They study natural colloidal materials such as milk to get inspired and guided by design strategies that have been optimized by evolution over millions of years. They envision novel multi-functional materials with broad impact in food science and nutrition as well as drug delivery. Their research interests include (directed) self-assembly and disassembly processes for the bottom-up creation of new adaptive, programmable bio-nanointerfaces. Read more

Message from the Department Head Ali Coskun

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