Repair & Development Section

Contact: Olivier Graber

The Department of Chemistry Science has a long-established Electronics Workshop that provides a service to assist the development, maintenance and safety of its research and teaching facilities.


We deal with a diverse range of equipment and facilities relevant to contemporary chemistry science. It is located, with essential resources immediately on hand, within the department's main buildings.


The development of repair work may be based in the workshop itself or may, as necessary, be undertaken by the workshop where the items are sited.


  • Electronics Workshop Services

    The Electronics Workshop provides the following services:

    • Consultancy & Advice – on a range of electronic issues, including design, interfacing, sourcing & implementation of systems for use in Teaching & Research
    • Design & Construction of Laboratory Equipment
    • Equipment Maintenance – in-house
    • Equipment Repaire
    • Stock of Electronic Components & Consumables – in-house source of batteries, bulbs, cables, connectors etc.
    • Machine Shop Facilities
  • Electronic Development

    The skills in electronic development are:

    •  Development and production of electronic card (PCB)
    •  Electronic board assembly
    •  Development and design of analog and digital electronics
    •  Programming of microcontrollers (C language and assembler)
    •  Tests and measurements
  • Mechanical Development

    The skills in mechanical development are:

    • Turning part
    • Milling of part
    • Drilling, tapping
    • In collaboration with the physics workshop, CNC machining
  • Experiences

    List of experiences accumulated over the years in the repair and maintenance of the devices:

    • Magnetic stirrer (Heidolph)
    • Evaporator (Buchi, Heidolph, KNF)
    • Spectrometer of mass (Bruker)