
  • In April 2024, Dr. Finn de Thomas Wagner successfully defended his doctoral thesis on “Strategic Development of Retail Firms” with which he contributes substantially to our knowledge in the field of retail internationalization and in retail innovation.

    The team of the chair warmly congratulates for this great achievement. In three essays, Finn has analyzed the strategic development of retail companies in several studies. In a first study, in the area of internationalization, he analyzed why retail companies withdraw from certain foreign markets. In a configurational study, he analyzed the combination of factors (e.g., in the host market, in the strategy, in the subsidiary itself) that jointly lead to withdrawal. Several different patterns were identified. Then, in two further, case study-based papers, he investigated innovation management of retail companies. First, he investigated which innovation management techniques retail companies use for which innovation dimension, demonstrating that different methods are applied for different fields of innovation. In Finn’s final study, he took an in-depth look into collaboration issues in the innovation process, i.e., how headquarters of retail companies and stores, collaborate. Here, he developed a typology of factors that foster or impede collaboration for innovation in retail. In total, he wrote very nice papers that bring valuable insights for retail practitioners and researchers alike.

  • "Fast Fashion" - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Dirk Morschett in den Freiburger NachrichtenZum Herunterladen klicken Sie bitte hier.
  • Im Januar 2024 hat der Lehrstuhl das Whitepaper "Omnichannel und ein Dutzend weiterer Begriffe - Der gleiche Wein in verschiedenen Schläuchen?" (André Olivia; Morschett, Dirk) veröffentlicht. In dem Whitepaper werden die zahlreichen Begriffe und Konzepte, die für die Verknüpfung mehrerer Vertriebskanäle verwendet werden, auf ihre Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten analysiert. Das Whitepaper kann hier runtergeladen werden.
  • In December 2023, our PhD student Juan Wu successfully defended her doctoral thesis on "Cross-Border Strategic Asset Acquisition by Chinese Multinational Enterprices" with which she contributes to our knowledge in this field by providing new and valuable insights for research and practice. The chair gives its warmest congratulations for this impressive success. Based on 14 cases of Chinese acquisitions of firms in Switzerland, Germany, USA and Scandinavia, which Juan has accompanied over almost one decade to observe their development and interview them at different points over time, she investigated important aspects such as their asset seeking and asset bundling behaviour and the post-acquisition integration behaviour. The unique longitudinal data that she has gathered allow her to investigate many aspects of this phenomenon much deeper than previous studies. Two of her studies have already been published in the Journal of International Management and European Journal of International Management (EJIM) and she continues to investigate the processes of Chinese CBMA in her ongoing research.
  • In summer 2023, Guillaume Haas successfully completed his master thesis "Personalisation in Retail Marketing – Effects and Examples”. This very good and interesting master thesis looks at a topical issue and provides a detailed analysis (including examples and an extended bibliography). The theses should be of interests for academics and practitioners.
  • Please click here to see the full manuscript.
  • On February 1, 2023, our PhD student Ngoc Bich Lê successfully defended her doctoral thesis with the title "Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Attractiveness – Three Essays on its Role in International Recruitment for Multinational Enterprises". Congratulations, Bee! During her PhD studies, Dr. Lê has carried out several studies on the link between CSR and employer attractiveness, considering differences between emerging markets and industrialized countries and considering differences between Emerging Market Multinationals and MNEs from developed countries. She has already successfully published one of her papers in in MIR – Management International Review and another paper got the final acceptance shortly after her successful defence and is published in the International Journal of HRM. This is a great achievement. A third paper is still in the pipeline; Bee continues her research on this topic.
  • The Chair for International Management offers a course "Asian Management – Study Trip to Bankok" in the Spring Semester 2023. More information can be found here.
  • In August 2022, Simone Ramseier – during her study abroad in Hangzhou in China - successfully completed her master thesis "Sharing Mobility Economy in China: A Business Model Analysis with a Focus on the Market Leader DiDi Chuxing". Didi Chuxing is the Chinese pendant to Uber and it dominates the Chinese ride-hailing market. The analysis is an valuable reading for anybody who is interested in the industry and in the Chinese platform market.Please click here to see the full manuscript.
  • In April 2022, Tim Reif successfully completed his master thesis
    "Quick Commerce – An Analysis of Super-fast grocery delivery services in Europe".
    This interesting master thesis looks at the theoretical foundations of quick commerce and then proceeds with a detailed analysis of key quick commerce players like Getir, Gorillas and Stash. A financial analysis shows the difficulty of creating profitable business models in this segment.Please click here to see the full manuscript.
  • On September 9th, 2021, our PhD student David Schmid successfully defended his doctoral thesis “Foreign Divestment by Multinational Corporations - Three Essays on its Drivers”. During his PhD studies, Dr. David Schmid has published scientific articles in leading academic journals in the field (MIR – Management International Review & IBR – International Business Review) and has also won several best paper awards (Commended Paper Award 2020 and Best Paper Award 2021 at the CERR - Colloquium on European Research in Retailing) at international conferences. Congratulations, David!
  • On August 2nd, 2021, our PhD student Bich Ngoc Le received two best paper awards of the International Management Division in the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CEIBS Best Paper and GWU-CIBER Best Paper on Emerging Markets) for the paper "EMNEs as Potential Employers in Developed Countries - The Role of CSR." Congratulations, Bee!
  • Bern droht grosses Ladensterben hier geht's zum Artikel
  • Was war, bleibt oder kommt - Artikel über Trends im Retail von Prof. Dr. Dirk Morschett im "Handel heute"Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
  • Verbundgruppen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung - Artikel von Prof. Dr. Dirk Morschett in der Zeitschrift "Profibörse"Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. 
  • Neue Dynamik im Payment - Artikel von Prof. Dr. Dirk Morschett in der Zeitschrift "Der Handel"Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
  • Beitrag von Prof. Morschett in der LebensmittelZeitung zu neuen Technologien im stationären Handel

    In der LebensmittelZeitung vom 15. Februar 2019 erläuterte Prof. Dirk Morschett Zukunftstechnologien am Point-of-Sale.

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
  • Café scientifique – Das Shopping-Center bei mir zu Besuch - von Amazon zu Zalando - 7. Februar 2019, 18 Uhr, in Düdingen
    Das Aufkommen des Online-Shoppings hat den Detailhandel schon dramatisch verändert und ein Ende ist nicht absehbar. Sind Diskussionen zu Ladenöffnungszeiten bald überflüssig? Und wann kommen Lieferroboter, selbstfahrende Autos und das E-Voting? Die einzelnen Puzzleteile der neuen Technologien setzen sich allmählich zusammen zur intelligenten Stadt der Zukunft: Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich für mich?
    Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
  • Welcome to Bich LE as new assistant of the chair
    On January 28, 2019, Ngoc Bich LE has started her position as research and teaching assistant of the chair. Ms. LE is originally from Vietnam and has completed her Master in International and European Business at our university with great success. Her research will be in the field of Management in Emerging Markets.
  • Zu den Veränderungen im Grosshandel, insbesondere der Spezialisierung, wurde Prof. Morschett vom deutschen PVH-Magazin befragt.
    „Lieber führend in einigen wenigen Bereichen als mittelmäßig in allem“
  • PhD thesis of Dr. Schu gets very positive review in the Journal of Global Information Technology Management
    Please click here for more information.
  • Interview mit Prof. Morschett zur Entwicklung des Lebensmittel-Online-Handels
    Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.