Our guest researchersPublished on 24.04.2024
Presentation of the guest researchers of the IFF: Abdullah Al Noman
What is your research about?
The general objective of my research is to find out the problem of governance in Bangladesh and why political decentralization is essential in developing countries for the protection and promotion of democracy and human rights. The specific objectives are to review the existing form of government of Bangladesh; to inquire into the administrative adequacy of the unitary government in the context of development; to state practices of a development planning process under political decentralization or federal form of government; and to examine the scope of good governance in the political decentralization process. My research will include the views of policymakers, politicians, the media, and the general public's interest in political decentralization in Bangladesh. It will explain why the decentralized government system is essential for ensuring good governance, democracy, and human rights in Bangladesh. This study attempts to find out the problems and recommend measures regarding the existing government systems of Bangladesh. However, this study has limitations also. It will cover only some areas regarding the situation of the existing government systems of Bangladesh.
What is your background?
I am a lawyer at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, a human rights defender, and a legal academic. I am also an Alumni of the Summer University on Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Resolution in 2013, which the Institute of Federalism organized, as well as of the IAF Visiting Program on Freedom of Expression, organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) in Germany. I did a Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Bachelor of Laws LL.B with (Honors) from the School of Law, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh. I am a member of the Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association, Dhaka Bar Association and Asian Society of International Law, Bangladesh section. I am also an Associate of the Leading Law firm in Bangladesh, A F Hassan Ariff & Associates. Before joining the Bar, I worked as a Lecturer at the School of Law, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the Faculty of Law, ASA University Bangladesh.