International visitPublished on 12.07.2019
Music and Law in Fribourg with the Jerusalem Youth Choir
On July 1st, 2019, the famous Jerusalem Youth Choir spent a day in Fribourg, mixing music and law. It was invited by the then President of the University Senate, Prof. Philippe Savoy, who is henceforth Director of Fribourg Music Conservatory.
The visit was organized by Mrs Fiuna Seylan Ongen, President of “Coexistences”, a Lausanne based NGO created in 2007, active in helping to dialogue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (
In this context, the Choir spent a day mixing choral singing and reflections on peaceful co-existence between people. To enrich these reflections, Dr. Nicolas Schmitt, from the Institute, presented two conferences devoted to the Swiss way of accommodating diversity and to the good and bad examples of managing diversity throughout the little world of current and (perhaps) future federations.
Video (Even during breaks, the youngs never stop dancing and singing).