Dairy Struggles: Milk, Microbes and the Politics of Time
Principal Investigator: Matthäus Rest
Participative Security. The impacts of bug bounty on digital vulnerability management at Swiss Post and beyond.
Principal Investigators: David Bozzini and Luca Perrig
Urban Bricolage. Mining, Designing and Constructing with Reused Building Materials
Principal Investigator: Prof. Madlen Kobi
Negotiating citizenship on the margins of the Ukrainian state
Researcher: Dr. Oleksandra Tarkhanova, Postdoctoral fellow, Center for Governance and Culture in Europe, University of St. Gallen
Gender Sensitive Research in Armenia and Switzerland: New Ideas for a Neglected Aspect
Principal Investigator: Dr. Andrea Boscoboinik
Devenir local en zone de montagne : diversification, gentrification, cohabitation. Une comparaison Alpes suisses-Pyrénées espagnoles
Requérante principale : Viviane Cretton
Co-requérante : Andrea Boscoboinik
La délégation de la garde des enfants à des travailleuses domestiques
Direction: Véronique Pache
Rapport final déposé, ouvrage en cours de rédaction. (Recherche financée par le CEDIC, Genève)