How to contact us? 

 Phone +41 (0)26 300 7047

  • Morning 8.30am – 11.30am: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Afternoon 1.30pm – 4.30pm: Tuesday, Thursday



Reception by appointment

 For general questions and concerns about mobility: Monday to Friday (except: Tuesday morning)

 For specific questions about Europe, SEMP or internships: Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday and Friday

 For specific questions about ISEP, Péé or conventions outside Europe: Monday, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday and Thursday

 For strictly academic questions about mobility (Learning Agreement, recognition of courses, best time for mobility, etc.) please contact your academic advisors.


  1. Send an email to or 
  2. Please name your field of study and specify the topic you would like to ask about (e.g. SEMP-Europe, ISEP, Péé, convention outside Europe or general questions about mobility) 
  3. Please specify when you can come by (day and date)
  4. You will receive an appointment from the IRO
Summer Holidays

The International Relations Office will be closed from 29 July to 16 August 2024. We wish you happy holidays!


University of Fribourg
International Relations Office
Miséricorde 04, room 4059
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg, Switzerland