Mission and actions 

The Rectorate and we are aware of the transversal and leading role of the Office for Gender Equality, hence we are responsible for the implementation of equality measures.

From our specific expertise, we:

  • Share and spread our knowledge, experience and methods
  • Advise, guide and support university’s members
  • Critically observe and intervene if needed.

The University of Fribourg executes equality measures as part of its 2017-20 Action plan (in French).

Faculties are committed in equality by implementing equality projects:

Call for equality projects 2019-20


Equality projects 2017-18

Gender Equality Commission 

The Gender Equality Commission depends on the Senate. The Commission’s role is to support the Office in its mission of achieving equality within the University. The Gender Equality Commission can make proposals to the Rectorate and the faculties.

Gender Equality Commission