Your donation

We work without a stable budget, but with a treasure of enthusiasm.
Your donation supports the following tasks: help for the Children's Cancer Hospital in Kiev; scholarships for students from the Eastern Churches; updating and printing the list of all Orthodox bishops ORTHODOXIA; translations and publications for a better knowledge of the Eastern Churches; conferences and meetings for promoting mutual understanding and friendship; spiritual assistance for Orthodox students at the University of Fribourg etc. You are welcome to tell us how your donation should be used.
University of Fribourg, Administration, 1700 Fribourg
for: TE-200 300 83 (Study Centre for Eastern Churches)
Banque Cantonale, 1700 Fribourg, SWITZERLAND
Account: 01.10.040176-00
IBAN: CH56 0076 8011 0040 1760 0 * SWIFT: BEFRCH22
Thank you very much! God bless!