Queer Studies Week
13-17 May 2024 is the Queer Studies Week!
13-17 May 2024 is the Queer Studies Week at the Department of Social Sciences
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The presentation at the Unit of Social Anthropology will be held by Dr. Oksana Ovsiiuk and Dr. Olena Sobolieva on 16 May, 1:15-3:00pm, in room D230 (PER 21).
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Venia Legendi
Venia Legendi in Social and Cultural Anthropology for Prof. Dr. Till Mostowlansky
We are very happy to announce that our guest lecturer Prof. Till Mostowlansky was awarded a venia legendi in Social and Cultural Anthropology by the Faculty of Philosophy.
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Infrastructures as Power in the Internet Governance Ecosystem
Wir freuen uns sehr, Dr. Francesca Musiani begrüßen zu dürfen, die einen Vortrag über die Governance des Internets und die Art und Weise, wie seine Infrastrukturen als Ansammlungen von Macht und Kontrolle…
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Call for papers
Sustainability of Development Assistance: Problems, Prospects, and Perspectives
On 14-15 September 2023, the Unit of Social Anthropology is going to host the workshop "Sustainability of Development Assistance: Problems, Prospects, and Perspectives". The call for paper is open until…
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Mountains on the move: imaginaries, practices and lives
International conference organised by the HETS, HES-SO Valais, in collaboration with the Social Anthropology Unit of the University of Fribourg and the CREPA, Regional Centre for Alpine Population Studies.
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Wie nachhaltig ist Alpenstrom?
Eine Tagung des Urner Instituts «Kulturen der Alpen» und der Stiftung AlpEnForCe. 06.-07. September 2021, in Göschenen.
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Cycle de conférences
Anthropologie de la peur
Dans le cadre du Séminaire MA sur l’anthropologie de la peur, un cycle de six conférences est organisé.
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Probevorträgen am 6. und 9 Dezember
Die Einheit Sozialanthropologie lädt 6 Kandidat*innen zu Probevorträgen am 6. und 9 Dezember ein.
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