International Contracts & Arbitration

  • Enseignement


    Faculté Faculté de droit
    Domaine Droit
    Code UE-DDR.00465
    Langues Anglais
    Type d'enseignement Séminaire
    Cursus Master
    Semestre(s) SP-2021

    Horaires et salles

    Horaire résumé Vendredi , Cours bloc (Semestre de printemps)


    • Probst Thomas
    • Probst Thomas

    This Seminar on International Contracts & Arbitration deals with typical issues that arise in connection with international contracts and with their resolution by arbitral proceedings. The first part of the seminar comprises four lecture-type sessions (March 2021) during which the fundamentals of international contracts and arbitration will be discussed (including external experts). The second part consists of a moot court arbitration on a case related to an international contract (April/May 2019).

    Objectifs de formation

    This Seminar aims at providing students with specific knowledge and know-how as to international contracts and related dispute resolution by arbitration.

    Description des examens

    There is no specific exam. The assessment will be based on

    a) active participation during lectures: 1/3;

    b) quality of written briefs / arbitral award: 1/3;

    c) oral pleadings and deliberation: 1/3.

    Places disponibles 20



    More specific information as well as all relevant documents are/will be made available on Professor Probst's homepage.

  • Dates et salles
    Date Heure Type d'enseignement Lieu
    19.03.2021 09:15 - 17:00 Cours BQC 13, salle 3.805
    26.03.2021 15:15 - 18:00 Cours BQC 13, salle 3.805
    31.03.2021 09:15 - 14:00 Cours BQC 13, salle 3.805
    04.06.2021 13:15 - 16:00 Cours BQC 13, salle 3.805
  • Modalités d'évaluation


    Mode d'évaluation Par note

    There is no specific exam. The assessment will be based on

    a) active participation during lectures: 1/3;

    b) quality of written briefs / arbitral award: 1/3;

    c) oral pleadings and deliberation: 1/3.

  • Affiliation
    Valable pour les plans d'études suivants:
    Comparative Law 90 [MA]
    Version: 20221107
    Crédits spéciaux
    Cours semestriels / Cours bloc
    Prestations supplémentaires

    Droit 90 [MA]
    Version: 20221107
    Prestations supplémentaires
    Crédits spéciaux
    Cours semestriels / Cours bloc > Cours à choix

    Etudes juridiques 90 [MA]
    Version: 20160122
    Prestations supplémentaires
    Branches à option