Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can't find an answer to your question on this page? Please contact us.

  • I am looking for a particular journal article
    1. Find out the title of the journal in which the article can be found, as well as the year of publication, the volume and the issue number.
    2. To do so, look up the title of the article in a relevant bibliographical database (e.g., in the field of linguistics, MLA International Bibliography).
    3. Look up the title of the journal in Swisscovery or in Swissbib.
    4. If you found the article in question in another library, please check first if it may not also be found in Discovery Fribourg. If not, click on command, log into your account and fill in the form to effect an inter-library loan.
    5. If you cannot find the article in question in a SLSP library, go to Discovery Fribourg and fill in the inter-library loan form.
    6. If SLSP's  ILL service cannot help you with your article, ask BLE staff, or try using subito.
    7. Please be aware that any inter-library loan will cost you some money in fees.
  • I am looking for a particular book
    1. Look up the book’s title in Discovery Fribourg.
    2. If you found the book in question at the Central Library (BCU), you can order it online (using your library card number and password) via Discovery Fribourg. You may then check it out at the Central Library.
    3. If the book in question has been borrowed by another patron, or is still being processed, you can place a reservation. Once the book becomes available, you may check it out at the Central Library.
    4. If the book is available at the BLE, you can find it on the assigned shelf (check the book’s shelf mark and our library plan).
    5. If you cannot find the book in Discovery Fribourg, please do a search in all Swisscovery. Once you have found the book, click on command, log into your account (using your library card number and password) and effect an inter-library loan. Once the book becomes available, you will receive an e-mail and may then check it out at the Central Library.
    6. Use Swissbib if you cannot find the book in question in Swisscovery. Then go to Discovery Fribourg and fill in the inter-library loan form using the data from Swissbib.
    7. If you cannot find the book in Swissbib: suggest a new acquisition, or ask BLE staff.
    8. Please be aware that any inter-library loan will cost you some money in fees.
  • I am looking for references or literature on a particular topic
    1. Think of some search terms that might be used to describe your research topic.
    2. Translate these terms into German or French, since keywords in Swisscovery are usually in these languages.
    3. Use these terms to do a « simple search » in Discovery Fribourg.
    4. If you get too many results, use the filtering options in the bar on the left side of the screen to narrow down your search: filter your results by document type, language, author, keywords, etc.
    5. If you do not get sufficient results, do a search in all Swisscovery (you may also use German keywords in Swissovery) or in
    6. Hint: check out our subject guides for more information on doing searches in your area of study.