Joanna Hoszowska
Senior Researcher
PER 08 - 1.72B
+41 26 300 9210
The potential of atomic inner-shell processes as a probe of atomic structure and dynamics, as well as in applied research is well established. Photon-atom and charged particle-atom interactions continue to play an essential role in the field of modern atomic physics. High-resolution x-ray spectroscopy permits to explore the many aspects of atomic excitation and decay channels. It represents a powerful and sometimes unique experimental technique. The development of x-ray synchrotron radiation (SR) and x-ray free elctron laser (XFEL) facilities, heavy-ion storage rings and numerous x-ray based applications has given a boost to the domain.
The research interest of the AXP group is focused on the photon and charged particle interactions with the inner-shells of atoms. The experimental technique consists to measure by means of high-resolution crystal spectroscopy the fluorescence x-rays from the irradiated solid, powdered, liquid and gaseous samples. Fundamental aspects of atomic excitation and decay processes resulting from collisions with photons, electrons, light charged particles and heavy ions as well as the dynamics of the investigated processes are of interest.
A further part of our activities is devoted to the metrology of x-ray transitions. In this case, the energies and natural widths of atomic core levels as well as the energies, linewidths and relative intensities of forbidden or exotic radiative transitions are investigated. The experimental methods and techniques developed within our fundamental research projects are also employed for various applications in materials sciences. The novel high-resolution grazing emission x-ray fluorescence (GEXRF) technique is a typical example of such spin-off results of our fundamental research.
Senior Researcher
PER 08 - 1.72B
+41 26 300 9210