CAPES thesis prize and Gutierrez Prize

Leonardo Cavenaghi, who started as a postdoc at our department in March 2021, has received the CAPES thesis prize for best thesis in Probability/Mathematics and Statistics and the Gutierrez Prize for the best pure mathematics thesis defended in Brazil in 2020.

Leonardo has defended his thesis in December of 2020 under the guidance of Prof. Llohann Sperança and Prof. Marcos Alexandrino at the University of São Paulo (USP) - Brazil.

The ceremony for the CAPES thesis prize will take place in Brazil at 09/12/2021 at the Federal Capital with the presence of the large authorities in that country. Apart from some money prize he was awarded with a 1 year postdoc fellowship in any Brazilian institute. (The official announcement is in (Portuguese)

This Gutierrez Prize was conceived in the memory of Prof. Carlos Gutierrez in a partnership between the Mathematical Institute ICMC-USP and the Brazilian Society of Mathematics (SBM). The award ceremony will take place online in  (217) PRÊMIO PROFESSOR CARLOS TEOBALDO GUTIERREZ VIDALON - YouTube   at 27/09/2021 at 19h Switzerland time. The video will be kept online. (The official announcement is in (Portuguese) ICMC anuncia tese de doutorado vencedora do Prêmio Gutierrez 2021 (