Katja Doose



Katja Doose is an environmental historian and a historian of science for Russia and the Soviet Union. Since she finished her PhD at the University of Tübingen in 2018, that explored the 1988 Armenian earthquake and its socio-political implications, she has researched and taught at the University of Birmingham, the Advanced School of Social Sciences in Paris (EHESS) and the Centre for International Environmental Studies of the Graduate Institute (IHEID) in Geneva. Her research focuses on the history of Russian and Soviet climate science and the experiences of human-nature interactions from the late 19th to the 20th century. Since March 2021 she is a post-doctoral researcher in the SNF funded project "The History of Soviet glaciology in Central Asia" headed by Christine Bichsel.

Research and publications

  • Publications

    Peer-reviewed Articles


    • Doose, K. 2021. “A global Problem in a Divided World – Climate Change Research during the late Cold War, 1972-1991”. Cold War History


    • Doose, K. 2019. “Green Nationalism? The ecological transition of Soviet Armenia, 1969-1991‘, Ab imperio


    • Doose, K. 2018. “The Armenian Earthquake of 1988: A perfect stage for the Karabakh conflict’, Europe Asia Studies


    Books and Book chapters





    • Doose, K. 2017. Spitak – the last petrified Soviet utopia. In Yerevan. An Architecture guide, edited by T. Harutunyan, DOM Publishing house, Berlin, pp. 268-289.


    Book Reviews



    • Doose, K. 2020. “Arktischer Heizraum. Das Energiesystem Kola zwischen regionaler Autarkie und gesamtstaatlicher Verflechtung 1928-1974”. In Schweizer Zeitschrift für Geschichte 70




    • Doose, K. 2015. “Contemporary environmental history of the Soviet Union and the successor states, 1970-2000. Ecological globalization and regional dynamics“, 18.03.2015, Paris, Conference Report.  In: H-Soz-u-Kult


    • Doose, K. 2013. “Catastrophes in Eastern Europe from the 18th Century until today“, 10.04.2013, Tübingen, conference report. In: H-Soz-u-Kult


    Blogs and Commentaries



    • Doose, K. 2020. Umweltpolitik Russlands. 2020.09.01. dekoder
    • Doose, K. 2020. Le scepticisme de la Russie vis-à-vis du changement climatique expliqué par son histoire scientifique. 2020.08.18. The Conversation
    • Doose, K. 2020. Krieg im Kaukasus. Der Konflikt um Nagorno-Karabakh und seine Hintergründe. 2020.11.06. Zeitgeschichte Online
    • Doose, K. 2020. Umweltpolitik in Russland – Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. 2020.10.16. Länder Analysen Russland

Teaching and courses

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