Chair of Strategic Entrepreneurship

The Chair of Strategic Entrepreneurship offers courses in entrepreneurship and management of innovation and conducts research on entrepreneurial identities and their effect on entrepreneurs’ decisions and actions; entrepreneurial ecosystems; new forms of entrepreneurship; and the role of norms in the regulation of innovative communities.

Communication to Bachelor and Master students:


Due to the high volume of request for supervision with the Chair for Bachelor and Master theses, please note that the Chair has the following minimum conditions for acceptance of supervision:


1. Willing and able to finish within 6 months, with a possible extention for an additional 2 months. The final thesis has to be submitted within 6 months, and can only be extended for another 2 months maximum. If you are unable to finish within 6 months, then we highly advise you to seek another supervisor.

2. Comply with the Guidelines for thesis submissions.

3. For those students who want to do a Business Plan as part of their final work, please note that they must have succesfully completed key Bachelor or Master courses in Entrepreneurship to be able to do a business plan as part of their final work. Key classes are Introduction into Entrepreneurship (Bachelor in English), and Entrepreneuriat (Francais - Master).

4. Please note that we can organize meetings about supervising theses via Zoom. Please contact your immediate supervisors to organize such meetings online.


5. For the supervision of Bachelor and Master theses of other Chairs, please consult the following website for additional subject propositions:


A serie of photos taken at the 2018 'Management of Innovation' class in  novembre 2018, during the Design Thinking sessions