Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses in Management

You can find specific suggestions for Bachelor and Master theses, based on various thematic topics, on the websites of the different chairs.
Please note that some chairs currently have waiting lists and therefore a proposal may not be accepted immediately. Those who wish to start their thesis without being placed on a waiting list may consult the list of general topics in the list below. Please contact the professors, or their assistants, directly by e-mail for further information.


Prof. Dr. Paul Dembinski (Master theses in English or French)

Here 3 propositions:

  • Sustainable finance and risk
  • An ethical approach of the discount rate
  • Global value chains as a channel of social inclusion: case study in agriculture and propositions 

Contact : Prof. Dembinski 

Sujets pour des travaux de Master 

Topics for Master Theses 

Prof. Dr. Olivier Furrer (theses in English or French)

Here 3 propositions:

  • What is the role of influencers (social networks) in value co-creation?
  • How are customers affected by the incivility of other people such as employees or other customers?
  • What are the challenges related to the management of service interactions with customers from different cultures?

Contact : Prof. Furrer 

Further topics for Bachelor and Master theses at the Chair of Marketing 

Prof. Dr. Markus Gmür (theses in English, French or German)

Here 2 propositions:

  • Social Entrepreneurship in selected sectors and/or countries
  • The impact of digitalization of the nonprofit sector

The aim of the list here is to provide some ideas for current research topics at the VMI. It is based on requirements for master students. It is also possible to submit your own suggestions for topics related to NPO management (please also see the guidelines for writing papers and theses). Those interested are initially requested to
contact Prof. Markus Gmür 

Prof. Dr. Martin Wallmeier (theses in English or German)

Here 2 propositions:

  • Are capital protection products fairly priced?

  • Detecting earnings management – A critical analysis of the Jones model

Further information can be found on:

Other, own subjects are possible. 

Requirements: sucessful attendance of a BA course (Bachelor theses) or MA course (Master theses) in the domain of Finance.

Please contact for preliminary discussion: Prof. Wallmeier