University body
University Commissions
As the official representative of the mid-level faculty at the University of Fribourg, representatives of the CSWM also attend all university commissions. This means that the concerns of the scientific employees can be raised and discussed directly at the source and in a large number of areas.
The representatives of the mid-level faculty in the university commissions are directly elected by the committee in accordance with Art. 14 of the CSWM statutes.
The Senate, together with the Rectorate and the Plenary Assembly, is one of the central organs of the university.
It is the highest decision-making body of the university.
The Senate is composed of twelve members, half of whom are selected by the state and half by the university community. The Senate appoints an office to prepare its deliberations.
In addition to strategic, quality-related and financial competences and tasks, it deals with legislative tasks and has electoral competences.
Further information and the minutes of its meetings can be found on the Senate's website.
CSWM is represented with a seat in the Senate and currently also in the Senate Office. If you have any questions, you can contact the senator directly.
Regular meetings with the Rectorate and the State Council
Rectorate meeting
The committee usually meets at least once a semester for a discussion with the university's rectorate.
The topic of the meeting is, on the one hand, the coordination and cooperation between the various actors of the university community. On the other hand, the committee uses the opportunity to raise currently relevant issues and concerns of the members of the mid-level faculty with the rectorate.
Meeting with the State Council
Traditionally, the committee also meets once a year with the government of the Canton of Fribourg, usually with the head of the Directorate for Education, Culture and Sport. They exchange views on medium and long-term aspects of education policy and address topics of current relevance.