Doctorate in Physics

The Department of Physics offers PhD studies consisting of a personal research project to be completed within 3-4 years. In addition to this research project Doctoral students will attend seminars and colloquia to broaden their knowledge. The research activity in the Department of Physics is both experimental and theoretical in character and focuses on the areas listed below.

Experimental Physics

Magnetism & Superconductivity

Soft Matter & Photonics

Ultrafast Spectroscopy

X-Ray Spectroscopy

Photonic Nanosystems

Theoretical Physics

Computational Physics

Soft Matter Theory

Theoretical Interdisciplinary Physics

Light-matter interaction

Degree conferred
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (PhD)
Scientiarum doctor in physica

Programme Start
An application for admission may be submitted at any time.

Regulations & AdmissionResearch GroupsOpen positions

PhD students will learn how to conduct a research project in an independent manner. They will also learn how to interpret scientific data and to present them. Furthermore, students are expected to think independently about their research topic and work as a team member in a research group. PhD students participate at national and international scientific meetings in order to further their knowledge and to establish a scientific network.

PhD students in the Department of Physics are payed according to standards of the Faculty of Science. To register to the doctoral programme, candidates should identify a group in which they would like to carry out their PhD (see the Department's website), read some of the relevant publications and then contact the group leader to inquire about a possible opening.